Thursday 13 May 2010


I can not believe that the BBC had the audacity to have this militant little fuckwit on Question Time tonight. Now that Labour is finally out of power, I would imagine that all we have to look forward to, as far as this biased programme is concerned, is a lot more of the same.





Sheriff said...

He is a little twat - but look on the bright side, his side are no longer in government, he's reduced to what he always should have been - a tiny little gnat shouting from the sidelines

Labour, as long as they are represented by his type, are dead - did you notice how many times he got clapped?

Frankly I think the Beeb can bring him back every week, he's taking them back to the 80s

Sheriff said...

Absolutely, Tarquin, the BBC have very quickly reverted to Tory Government mode, but even moreso after thirteen years of their beloved Labour masters letting them have it all their own way! :)

Sheriff said...

Who wants to hear this terrorist blab on.  The BBC is worst than the MSM out here, even
giving this jerk a voice!  >:o

I'm glad you had a fun day, Spidey  ;)

Sheriff said...

Probably, TA, but I'm not sure exactly which one of the bastards he hangs out with - as far as I'm concerned, they are all as bad as each other and they are all as thick as thieves. >:o

Sheriff said...

Actually in the second vid I think he has a bit of a point, many in the west do indeed "live like animals, bending every rule to fulfill every desire" and great fun it is too!
 Anyway, if he wants nuclear bombs to be be regarded as unislamic then good for him, tell it to Iran.

Smugly pleased not to have a telly so don't have to watch the BBCs commie crap, they don't seem to be so bad on the radio though eating salt is getting a bit of a bashing on "Steve Wright In The Afternooooon" these days.

Sheriff said...

And as I've said before, I don't do my own religion so why would I bother do hate theirs? Islamophobia no, Mehdi Hasanphobia, quite likely.

Sheriff said...

Dumblebore was even worse than usual tonight, mate, he allowed this little cuntwaft to spout his militant Lefty drivel completely uninterrupted, allowed him to constantly interrupt Michael Hesseltine, Melanie Phillips and Simon Hughes and, as if that wasn't already bad enough, Dumblebore, himself, constantly interrupted them, barely allowing any of them to finish a sentence, never mind answer a question! Charlie fucking Falconer, the fat toad, also got his usual free ride!! >:o

I didn't bother joining the chat at B-BBC tonight because I would only have been ranting and I might even have broken the television by throwing my laptop through the screen! :-P

Sheriff said...

He'll be on the first boatload back.

Sheriff said...

Travelling "cattle class", I hope, James, or maybe we could put him in with the pigs...... but we'll have to keep him away from the goats! ;)

Sheriff said...

It's something religions say, I've had a Jahovahs witness say similar to me, that without gods guidance we are like animals etc etc blah blah blah.

But it depends to what context you take it to. Like those Muslims who take the koran wrong and think it's up to them to kill everyone who is an "infidel" in the name of islam. Unfortunately there are many out there.

Sheriff said...

Rarely watch tv at all anymore (sometimes the 'news', I fid far more 'truth' on here, we need to know whats going on in the 'real' world. Interesting vids BS keep up the good work mate!

Sheriff said...

I couldn't believe the applause he got from the audience either, Spidey, but I thought Heseltine did well to put him in his place.  We can expect to see lots more of Hassan on our screens as one of the voices against the coalition.  After all, you know the BBC, they're impartial and must have balance!

Anonymous said...

QT was outrageous, last night, Fausty. Dimbleby did a poor job, as usual, in giving the Cons equal air time. He allowed that fuckwit to interrupt all the time, and Dimbleby barely allowed ConLib to speak, on very important issues.

I'm looking for Radio 4's Any Questions tonight. Will it be any better?

Anonymous said...

Why am I calling you Fausty, Spidey?!

Sheriff said...

Get lost troll

Sheriff said...

Hi, Fausty,

I think I just found what's been happening to your comments - you've been clicking on comments before JS-Kit has kicked in, so your comments have been going to Blogger instead - I just found these on there...


<span>Fausty</span> said...
QT was outrageous, last night, Fausty. Dimbleby did a poor job, as usual, in giving the Cons equal air time. He allowed that fuckwit to interrupt all the time, and Dimbleby barely allowed ConLib to speak, on very important issues.

I'm looking for Radio 4's Any Questions tonight. Will it be any better?
May 14, 2010 12:46 PM
<span><img></img></span> <span><img></img></span> <span>Fausty</span> said...

Why am I calling you Fausty, Spidey?!
May 14, 2010 12:47 PM

Sheriff said...

<span>Hi, Fausty,  
I think I just found what's been happening to your comments - you've been clicking on comments before JS-Kit has kicked in, so your comments have been going to Blogger instead - I just found these on there...  
<span>Fausty</span> said...  
QT was outrageous, last night, Fausty. Dimbleby did a poor job, as usual, in giving the Cons equal air time. He allowed that fuckwit to interrupt all the time, and Dimbleby barely allowed ConLib to speak, on very important issues.  
I'm looking for Radio 4's Any Questions tonight. Will it be any better?  
May 14, 2010 12:46 PM  

<span> <span>Fausty</span> said...  
Why am I calling you Fausty, Spidey?!  
May 14, 2010 12:47 PM 

Sheriff said...

I doubt it will be much better than QT, Fausty, the BBC have gone into panic/commie revolution mode now that the Dear Leader is history - I think we should let them carry on just as they are doing - it can only help to hasten their breakup and demise if they continue to treat the Lib Dems as badly as they have always treated the Tories. ;)

Sheriff said...

You and me both, Guest, why the fuck is he here except to cause trouble - he should go where he'll be appreciated and visit a tribe of cannibals or something equally useful. :-P

Sheriff said...

Dumblebore needs a damned good slap, GV, and that audience was completely and disgracefully stacked with Lefty plants - like I said to Fausty, let them carry on - they will only get a damned good gelding all the sooner. :-P

Communism at work is not a pretty sight - BBC Pravda is at its worst ever and Labour's bunch of rent-a-twat idiots are already out on the streets shouting down everyone - a bit rich considering that's something Labour stopped the rest of us from doing anywhere near Westminster. >:o

Sheriff said...

Cheers, Indy, you're not missing a lot on television, mate - the news is a joke and Question Time has become a militant Lefty platform for agitators to shout the odds and stir up trouble, aided and abetted by that bastard, Dumblebore. ;)

I think Marcellus is onto something with the idea of an independent news network to cover stories accurately and impartially which would really help to neuter the Lefty MSM. :-P

Sheriff said...

Those are the ones I have no time for, MM, if we went to any of their Countries, we would have to abide by their rules and we would expect to do so to the letter - nothing less would be tolerated - I wonder when our government is going to grow some balls and stop bending over backwards to appease these cunts. >:o

Sheriff said...

<span>You and me both, Guest, why the fuck is he here except to cause trouble - he should go where he'll be appreciated and visit a tribe of cannibals, (yum, yum), or something entertaining like being shot out of a cannon . :-P </span>