Tuesday 25 May 2010


Russian scientist to alarmists: 'Sun heats Earth!'

CHICAGO A new "Little Ice Age" could begin in just four years, predicted Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia.

Abdussamatov was speaking yesterday at the Heartland Institute's Fourth International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago, which began Sunday and ends today.

The Little Ice Age, which occurred after an era known in scientific circles as the Medieval Warm Period, is typically defined as a period of about 200 years, beginning around 1650 and extending through 1850.

In the first of a two-part video WND recorded at the conference, Abdussamatov explained that average annual sun activity has experienced an accelerated decrease since the 1990s. In 2005-2008, he said, the earth reached the maximum of the recent observed global-warming trend.

In Part 2 of the video, Abdussamatov further explained that through 2014 the earth will go through a series of unstable variations in which global temperature will oscillate around the maximum reached in the years 1998-2005.

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Sheriff said...

Just wait till Katla the Icelandic twin of Eyælfückingkillyoüåll kicks in, we might just be missing a few summers then, never mind having harsher winters

Sheriff said...

<span><span><span>A new "Little Ice Age" could begin in just four years</span></span></span>

Oh great, I'd love that.

Sheriff said...

Me too, James, they would all be running round like headless chickens! :-D

Sheriff said...

When the whole global warming scam has finally gone completely tits-up for them, QM, I have a nasty feeling that they will start hitting us with the necessity for the "protection of species" ploy - i.e. Agenda 21! >:o

Sheriff said...

Oh not again, I grew up in the shadow of a "New Ice Age" which was fucking scary since where I lived was the valley of a U-shaped glacial morain (which is the pile of rubble and debris left by a glacier as it melts). That gave me plenty of time to ponder the ebbing and flowing of ice over the eons and why I knew that manmade global warming was all bollox.

btw, caught a discussion on Radio 4 this afternoon, chatting about  Arctic Puffins; some zoological data pointed to a decline in numbers in the 19th century. Bloke one said "as the result of climate change". Bloke two, clearly embarrassed, "Yes, but natural climate change" before bloke one quickly changed the subject.

Bunch of censorus cunts.

Sheriff said...

imagine the gas bills :O

Sheriff said...

And the Elites just spent billions on an underground refuge; where they will all cling together for dear life, as we all burn up-up topside, from the scorched earth from the sun solor flare activity in 2012, leaves them a less populated wonderful world. This just burst their bubble- ha ha ha.
Unless the predictions are correct. Scorched earth-a sudden cooling off and then a drop in temperature.
Oh-no Mr. Bill.

Sheriff said...

All that every household would need, MM, is their very own politician - just think - a never-ending supply of gas and hot air - problem solved! :-D

Sheriff said...

Ha!.... I remember Mr Bill from when I used to live over there, TS/WS - Saturday Night Live - e.g., "I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not!" :-D

Sheriff said...

What an f'ing scam.

Sheriff said...

PS..... Al Franken wasn't funny then, either! :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

It's dead but they won't let it lie down, Nickie. ;)