Sunday 2 May 2010


A screech of brakes, a loud crash, a sign from above, perhaps, that they are all doomed..... this picture says it all.....

Which one is Judas? 

And it just keeps getting better...... the Lib Dumb "surge" now appears to have all the characteristics of a dead cat bounce.
(And those Labour women all look like a sackful of doorknobs!) 

First, an ICM poll for the Telegraph 

And even better, a ComRes poll for the  
Independent and the Mirror


Barking Spider said...

Superb BS.  Something I've just noticed - how badly the women are dressed.  I could dress better than any of them on half their salary!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Widders. :)

Barking Spider said...

Harperon looks like a trades unionist docker, only not quite as pretty.

Barking Spider said...

May God Himself help my British kinfolk to rid themselves of Labour. In the spirit of a Reagan and Thatcher Conservative I wish you the very best and a huge win (well at least control over Parliment) to help kick-off the re-setting of the Western Civilization.

Gods Speed to ya'!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks for that, Christopher, I suppose it's a bit like kids waiting for Christmas at the minute..... the last few days are the worst. :-P

Barking Spider said...

This is a great pic, Spidey.  They are a train / car wreck.
It's the same out here, all the commie women are uglier than a sack of horse shit.
Being mean and stupid and bitter does that to them!

PS:  I second Christopher's wishes!   O:-)

Barking Spider said...

Phukk me with a steam shovel Spidey. I almost brought up my breakfast. This has to be the ugliest line up of perps ever. The Usual Suspects? Naah just  The Usual Fuckwitz. SR is spot on about the charity clothes shop look. Dirty Dozen? Ocean Eleven? Magnificent Seven? Nope I'll take my lead from Bunni on this one. The Colostomy Calamity.

Barking Spider said...

I'm sure a steam shovel would hurt almost as much as whatever these cunts have been using for the last thirteen years, mate, but it couldn't possibly be as painful! >:o I know what you mean about the breakfast, too...... I've seen better-dressed scarecrows! ;)