Sunday 4 December 2011

Anjem Choudary's Brother Arrested: UPDATED

Remember that unpatriotic bunch of Islamic-extremist fuckpigs, "Muslims Against Crusades", banned by Theresa May at midnight on Remembrance Day to stop them from turning up and making a mockery of the ceremonies by heckling and burning poppies like they did last year?

Well it didn't take that cunt, Choudary, long to regroup and relaunch this load of screaming fuckwits under another name - "United Ummah"!

Today these twats have been outside the American Embassy in London in order, they say, to "expose the murder of Muslims by drones". 

There was a heavy police presence outside the embassy and the EDL were also there, however, at long last, instead of the police beating the shit out of the EDL and arresting them as they have always done previously, this time they've arrested all the Muslims - including Choudary's brother, Yazdani - oh, my aching sides!


"Andy" Choudary is having a good old bleat about it all on Twitter.......

I'll keep you posted as the situation develops - hopefully they'll throw the book at him and he won't merely get the usual slap on the wrist and told he's a very naughty boy.

In the meantime.......





New post from the EDL.......

On Friday at the US Embassy the MET police arrested all 35 of the new group "United Ummah" which, (surprise surprise), included most of the members of Muslims Against Crusades (MAC). Bet that was a shock for them.
The Commander on the day told our lads who had turned out to counter that anyone they don't know will be released later with no charges but anyone who was previously a member of MAC will be reported for prosecution for breaching the ban. (Anthony Smalls, the fat poppy burner, Choudarys brother and the ginger convert were all there as well as all the usual suspects)

As long as the commies of the CPS do their job properly unhindered by political correctness then this is a massive result which will show these rodents that simply changing their names will not get them round the ban for the fourth time.