Saturday 10 July 2010


Raoul Moat has died from a single gun shot wound after arriving in hospital shortly before 3am this morning, police sources suggest.  

He was being treated for a gunshot wound after a six-hour stand-off with police. Shortly after 1am, after several hours of negotiations with police, there were reports of gunfire. (The fucker told his best friend he had no ammunition left - no, I didn't believe him either!)  

Police said the suspect had suffered a gunshot wound and was being treated. No officers were injured. Susan Ballantyne, whose house overlooks the scene, said police had crowded around Moat and jumped on him. An ambulance believed to be carrying Moat left the scene and is believed to have taken him to Newcastle General Hospital.(Where the cunt died!)  

That's the way to do it - nice and cheap - one bullet/cartridge as opposed to over £40,000 every fucking year to keep the twat in prison - another thing for sure...... the cunt won't ever fucking do it again!

This is the thick, chav, piece of shit who posted the Facebook page......


Says it all, doesn't it?!!! 




Sheriff said...

Very interesting that "the police say" he was threatening people and "the police say" he shot himself and "the police say" every single thing in this media fuelled story.  Also interesting that it took so long to find him.  Anyone around him could have turned him in at any time.

Something stinks in this whole saga.

Sheriff said...


Sheriff said...

So ... its finally over .,.,

Late last night ex-footballer & piss artist extraordinaire, Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne turned up at the scene where Police were in an armed standoff with crazed gunman Raoul Moat .. he said "He said he won't shoot me, I'm his mate" .. "C'mon "Moaty" man, its me, "Gazza" ...

Having had time to inwardly digest this unnerving revelation, Moat apparently then blew his own head off, rather than have to listen to the useless, pathetic, publicity-seeking wanker Gascoigne ...

Can't say I blame him, as it happens ...   ;)

Sheriff said...

I'm surprised you didn't rush up there and get a quote from the innocent victim of police brutatlity.

Sheriff said...

Sheriff said...

You can bet your shotgun cert. that Moat is the key to more Government interference in the pitiful remnants of our lawful right to bear arms. As for a stink, it's funny how these nutters always shoot themselves, it's like it's scripted. Over 1000 deaths in police custody or at the hands of the police since NuLab came to power, and no constable or officer has ever been sacked, never mind brought to trial? Hmm. An escaped chimpanzee, ten times stronger than a human, can be caught alive with a tranquilliser dart from a rifle. James, it does stink. There's less trouble taken by the State over a human being (what happened to a fair trial and punishment?) than a Vet. takes over an escaped ape.  Result? Yes, but a poor one.    

Sheriff said...

If you're alleging that police shot Moat, then I suggest that you go to a police station or a solicitor and make those allegations properly.

As to 1000 deaths in police custody etc. let's have some evidence with citations.

Sheriff said...

Cato: I don't think the police shot Moat. But any cunt would rather be in prison than dead, given the unforgiveably soft regime. It's just strange that all these lone nuts kill themselves or die, as do scientists (Kelly) and politicians (Robin Cook) who go against the grain. It could be the case that techniques are deliberately employed to arrive at a suicidal result. Also, Hungerford and Dunblane resulted in the unlawful confiscation of firearms from law-abiding citizens. Handy, if you are in charge and want to implement undemocratic practices. As far as deaths in custody go,

Sheriff said...

Who gives a stuff ?

There's no appeal against sentence or conviction at Coroner's Court ....   ;)

Sheriff said...

Been offline for a week so have had to depend on the boring old press for this story. Indeed a good result that the fucker shot himself thus saving us millions in court costs and keeping him locked up. Hopefully the Criminal Injuries Compo people will sort their arses out and come up with cash for the victims pronto.

Am I thre only one who thought that the later Police announcement that he had issued threats to "the wider public" was bollox? Given out because they were worried that the general publioc couldn't really give a fuck while the threat was only to the Police  themselves. Sad times we live in.

Sheriff said...

The threats were made on a dictaphone type thingy that Moat had.

Sheriff said...

Now some bunch of mongs have set up a "Facebook" page, calling this waste of DNA a "Hero" ... and making threats against anyone who dares say otherwise ...

Sheriff said...

I wish all the criminals would just shoot themselves and save taxpayers some money.
I'm not fully up to speed on what this deranged guy did, but he looks crazy!  Good riddance.

Sheriff said...

Just found another Chinese proverb on my Blogger comments...

<span>玉苓玉苓</span> said...
rain before seven; fine before eleven..........................................

Sheriff said...

Oh, I get it..... every dot at the end is a link to a different Chinese porn/chat site. :-P

Sheriff said...

<span>Moat’s Facebook ‘tribute’</span>

<span>Friends of Raoul Moat set up a Facebook page in his memory yesterday, apparently lauding him as a modern-day hero.</span>

<span>On it, they posted tributes to the killer. One read: ‘RIP Raoul ur a legend! never be forgotten. Wot a waste of life RIPXXX.’ </span>

<span>Another added: ‘A man that lost everything. Just feel so sorry for him in the end.’</span>
<span>One post on the site asking ‘If he’s such a good person as you all have said, why would he shoot people? Why would he threaten the public and the police?’ prompted the threat: ‘You wana watch your mouth ya little maggot this page is for condolences.’</span>

Fucking typical, CH, they did the same thing with another cunt a while back who was injured while a group of the thugs were terrorising a man in his own home - his "friends" left him lying on the ground while they continued their attack on the man. The responses to anyone disagreeing with their Facebook page were predictably similar... and just as inarticulate. >:o

Sheriff said...

I actually wouldn't be at all surprised if a jolt from a taser caused him to pull the trigger, mate. As Cato says, he recorded the message threatening the general public but, as yet, I certainly haven't heard it. Whatever did happen, though, the outcome was the right one - a life for a life! ;)

That cop on the left with the tazer looks well dodgy, though - he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a weapon. =-O

Sheriff said...

Exactly, CH, those are just the same old tired Left-wing arguments - and we already know all too well that the Lefty approach to "law and order" doesn't work. >:o

Sheriff said...

It certainly is, Cato. ;)

Sheriff said...

Cheers, Indy, right on, mate. :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

He did say that he couldn't and wouldn't go back to prison but I have absolutely no doubt that this will be used as an excuse to confiscate weapons. Whether they actually get away with that excuse may be a bit more doubtful now that Labour have been ousted at last - we'll soon see. *DONT_KNOW*

Sheriff said...

I keep getting those too. I just deleted them, not realising the link, Bugger!

Sheriff said...

A rather pompous & long winded way of pointing out that a dead chav is being idolised by living chavs ..

About as surprising as a footballer being lionised by supporters ..

As for the parallels being drawn in this article comparing Moat with Robin Hood or King Arthur .. I don't recall ever having read anywhere that either of these fictional characters had an addiction to Steroids, or that either had a history of assaulting women ..

The only possible connection that I can see between them is the fact that Robin Hood is alleged to have got into & out of Nottingham Castle .. King Arthur is supposed to have lived in a castle .. and medieval castles were often surrounded by Moats ..

The overwhelming majority of people with whom I've discussed Moat agree that the world is a better place without him in it ..

Sheriff said...

It's worked out really well, Killemall, just like the good old days before the Lefty hand-wringers got their hands on "justice" which they now mete out as limply as their insidious, indoctrinating "edyukayshun"!  :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

So many dots, Cato, so many different sites - just keep the old Google Translate on and away you go. When I hover the mouse over the dots in my email notification I'm told the name of each site, (which doesn't happen here in the comments). :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

You said it, CH, he was no Robin Hood, that's for sure - I don't recall any mention of this cunt giving to the poor - and now a previous ex-girfriend, (an earlier one than the ex-girlfriend he just shot), the mother of two of his children, has finally come forward to say that he beat her and the children all the time and that he was a violent control freak, (as is, to me at least, plain to see in this photo), and now that he is dead and can never do her or the children any harm again whatsoever, she at last feels that she can get on with rebuilding her life and getting her confidence back. In the interview she gave the news channel it was clear to be seen that, because of him, she is a nervous wreck..... still..... and the cunt's dead..... she has a really long way to go to purge this monster from her life. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

Here we go....

"Marissa Reid, who was gunman Raoul Moat's partner for nine years and the mother of two of his children, has described him as a "living monster".

The 32-year-old said Moat made her life a misery by beating and raping her, and that she had "always" expected him to kill her. She described the bodybuilder as a bully and a cheating lover, and said his steroid abuse led him to torture her physically and psychologically. His ex-partner told the Daily Mirror that during their relationship he throttled her until she fainted, hit her in the spine with a baseball bat and flogged her with a belt before raping her while she was tied to a bed, hit her and kneed her in the face.

She said: "I always thought he would kill me and just hearing his voice would make me shiver. That man was a living, breathing monster. Thank God he's dead. He made mine and my children's lives a misery, I can never forgive him for that.

"I met Raoul when I was just 19 and was impressed with his physique, all those muscles. It was a blind date arranged through my sister and he was a true gent at first and kissed me on the cheek when we said goodbye.
"He was very charming, a gentle giant, or so I thought. Then one night he told me, 'You're mine now, I own you.'" She added that Moat repeatedly accused her of cheating on him, despite the fact he had a string of affairs and eventually left her for a 15-year-old while she was pregnant with his second child. She said: "One time he told me to stop seeing a certain man or he would put a gun to my head. I thought I would never ever escape him."

So as far as I'm concerned, CH, they can take all their wishy-washy, Left-wing, sympathetic bollocks and shove it right up their socialist arseholes! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

The funeral should be an absolute hoot ..

A total "Mong-fest" of track-suited, baseball cap-wearing, bling be-decked knobbers & knoberettes ..

I might just put the telly on specially to watch it ..

No .. better yet, I might even record it for future laughs .. :-D :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

What else can one expect Spidey ... from a bunch of retards with a collective IQ the same as their trainer size ? ..

After all, it doesn't require the brains of Einstein to sign-on at the "Dole Hole" ..

Sheriff said...

Record it and stick it on You tube, CH! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

Now, "richard", I've tried to be tolerant with you, I've tried to be non-confrontational while I've also been giving you enough rope to hang yourself, but no more, not after this comment at Terry Kelly's shithole, communist blog...... =-O

<span>richard</span> said...
Well done terry for exposing these cretins to the outside world. i've been following them myself with interest for some tome now and what I can reveal is that G.O.T. is a fifth rate graphic designer who's photo shopped pictures are banal and tiresome. barking spider and amusing bunni are the village idiots one for britain one for the U.S. respectively. and both corrugated soundbite and dazed and confused are rebels with either a brain or a clue posting regular insults at genuine people such as yourself. i reported them all to the hopenothate orginisation some time back so they could take a look at these obnoxious people.

keep up the good work.
Monday, July 12, 2010 3:02:00 PM

You really should learn when to use lower and upper case letters, "richard" - it's such a giveaway - no matter how much you try to change your approach, you keep giving yourself away. No matter how many ISPs you have, you still give yourself away.

Anyway, the gloves are off again, Andrew Gatward, so now fuck off and play with your communist  friends, you duplicitous cunt! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)


Sheriff said...

Exactly, mate, I do think you're perhaps being just a tad generous with the collective IQ, though. =-X :-P :-P :-P :-D :-D