Thursday 8 July 2010


Coming to a town near you......

And on the subject of those "naked" airport scanners...... this is what they've told you and shown you......

And this is what they don't want you to know......

The scans contain all the necessary data to produce these detailed colour photographs.



Sheriff said...

Just re-blogged the Alex Jones piece Spidey thanks for that !

We are watching the end of days my friend, and it is not going to be a  pretty sight!

Sheriff said...

That's it!  I'm never flying again. I'm not prepared for anyone and everyone to see my well-toned body!

Sheriff said...

Same here, Guest, I'm just wondering how long before "celebrity" pics like this start turning up for sale to the highest bidder?!!! ;) >:o

Sheriff said...

No problem, Indy, the more the better, mate, and that's exactly what we are watching - probably culminating sometime in 2012 before Obamalamadingdong and his commie minions are kicked out of office and the Democrats never be trusted again - just like fuckwit, commie Labour over here. ;)

Sheriff said...

No problem, Indy, the more the better, mate, and that's exactly what we are watching - probably culminating sometime in 2012 before Obamalamadingdong and his commie minions are kicked out of office and the Democrats are trusted with power again - just like fuckwit, commie Labour over here. ;)

Sheriff said...

No problem, Indy, the more the better, mate, and that's exactly what we are watching - probably culminating sometime in 2012 before Obamalamadingdong and his commie minions are kicked out of office and the Democrats are never trusted with power again - just like fuckwit, commie Labour over here. ;)

Sheriff said...

Anyone who photographs my naked body gets what they deserve.

Sheriff said...

Good one, Nickie, let 'em have it, mate! :-D :-D :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Spidey they take the arms from the responsible owners, note that word owners, and then let waves of fuckwitz in through the border with Hapsburg Mexico in the southern states with machine pistols. >:o >:o >:o

This has the smell of 1930s Soviet fuckwitz. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o  where they took the land from the guys that pruduced food, Kulaks, and let eveyone starve by removing the remaining food off to the cities where the guys making the rules didn't suffer >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o .

Commie bastards everywhere. Disguised as academics. :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-P :-P :-P

I dropped by Willy Loman' place. This kind of sums it up.’t-be-all-on-the-military/

What is going on with you USofA corp?

UKplc is ready to go ballistic. The fuckers in charge know it. How else do you get a bitchboy coalition bukkake party? >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o =-O

Sheriff said...

It also appears that all the necessary personnel are already in place for a military takeover in the Gulf of Mexico region...... Obama's NWO plan marches on apace. Bush was taken in by and seduced by the whole NWO bollocks as well..... and Bush Senior is still running things, too...... he has information/evidence on Obama and is currently blackmailing him. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

That's very interesting, Spidey, what info does he have, and what's he blackmailing him about, do tell, email me! :-D

Sheriff said...

This is scary stuff Spider.  I'm glad I don't have plans for flying any time soon.
I'm sick of these commie, fascists.  all this NWO stuff is making me sick.
End times are coming soon.

Sheriff said...

Me too, Bunni, it's so obvious what these bastards are doing now but there are still so many sheeple out there who are blissfully unaware of what's happening to them right under their noses - sometimes I really despair! >:o

Sheriff said...

I'll get back to you on this when I've tracked the information down again, Bunni, and I'll also post a link to it here. ;)

Sheriff said...

Here you go.... it's a long read but it's very enlightening ;) and you can find it all here. :-P

Sheriff said...

Spidey have a look at this.’s-oil-refining-capacity/ The commie fucktard is determined to kill USofA corp!! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

You guys out there in USofA corp can't you boot the fucker into touch? Preferably a one way ticket out a B1's bomb bay back to his bitchboy hangout near Palam Bang!!!! :* =-O :* =-O :* =-O ;)

Sheriff said...

They are going to steal photographs of all of the women in the country and sell them to perverted millionaires all across the world. Billionaires and politicians alike will enjoy the delights of seeing any woman they want in the nude! Also, this is totally possible, actually.

Sheriff said...

surely the cheap thrill of a (a)scantily clad female gets offset by examining the crusty cleavage on a (b) 200lbs scouser?
3 (a) a day. 4800 (b) a day

Sheriff said...

surely the cheap thrill of a (a)scantily clad female gets offset by examining the crusty cleavage on a (b) 200lbs scouser?
3 (a) a day. 4800 (b) a day

Sheriff said...

I'm just waiting to see what happens when they start circulating their stored pics of celebrities....... for a reasonable price, of course....... unless the celebs can pull these morons' strings and get fast-tracked through the security checks, it will happen....... sooner or later! =-O