Tuesday 6 July 2010



OUTLAWING the burkha in public will move a step closer in France today when MPs begin debating a ban. 

Women face a £140 fine while husbands who force their wives to wear the garment could have to pay £28,000 and spend up to a year in jail. The majority of French people believe the burkha is an affront to the country’s values of “liberte, egalite, fraternite” 
– freedom, equality, brotherhood.  

MPs will vote on July 13 and the bill could be ratified in September.   

I sincerely hope that this ban is implemented in France - then perhaps our own mealy-mouthed appeasement monkeys in Westminster will find the courage to ignore the fucking commie EU and follow suit - as should the Belgians and the Dutch.

We have already witnessed wanted terrorists evading British airport security and escape by wearing these things - that escape would not have been possible if burkhas had been banned and Muslims were made to integrate with the rest of British society - or get the fuck out of Britain. 

Labour were never bothered about discrimination against the indigenous Christian population but they have always been shit scared of offending Muslims - it's about time that Labour's appeasement policies were overturned to redress the balance - they always talked about creating a fairer society but, as is the usual form with Lefty doublespeak, they did the exact opposite. Communist Labour's agenda obviously went a lot deeper than this..... but that's another story.

How long before terrorists start carrying out robberies wearing burkhas as a disguise? It's only a matter of time.

I am not generally in favour of banning anything - for example, the smoking ban has been a disaster for our traditional pubs and is nothing short of pure, "righteous", Lefty spite coming from people who wouldn't know an original thought if it jumped up and bit them on the arse, but the burkha is a symbol of Muslim mens' oppression of their women, a symbol that they consider themselves different, separate and above the British people and it's about time our government found the strength to use some common sense. For fuck's sake grow a pair, fuck what the lily-livered Limp Dumbs say and ban the obnoxious, cunting thing.

There is absolutely nothing in the Koran that requires Muslim women to wear it - so...... learn to be real British citizens or fuck off!

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Sheriff said...

Spidey< I wouldn't disagree with any of those sentiments.  It's time we stood up to Muslims.  We've got a Surgeon at our local hospital who doesn't want to operate in August because its Ramadan and he might be hungry and couldn't concentrate properly.  It hasn't stopped him picking up his pay cheque of course!

Sheriff said...

By some estimates, Islam has already reached 10% of the population in France because of their former Islamic colonies, and now those immigrants have now settled there in massive numbers. They've got a far larger problem than here in the U.K. at the present time, (possibly short term only) and so need to act now, perhaps just as some sort of week willed gesture, before ceding to Islam in perhaps sixty Years time.

Some prominent French figures have already "Reverted", a occurrence in Britain that just doesn't happen.....YET. And some experts forewarn that the tipping point of an Islamic State in Holland could be reached in as little as twenty Years time.

We shall see that for ourselves if it is right.

France as with the Netherlands, has realised that it's in crisis, and so is implementing certain measures in a last ditch attempt to halt Islamification. Wilder's and Le Penn respectively, are telling figures of this urgent problem concerning two once great Nations, but we're never gonna hear that point via the Communist run BBC, as to them, "Islam is peace".

Sheriff said...

That's exactly what they are doing here too, Teresa, and our previous Labour government were complicit in allowing and encouraging it - we can only hope that the new government has the will to do something about it. *DONT_KNOW*

You guys have got it just as bad, if not worse, over there with that twat, Hussein Soetoro, in the White House. >:o

Sheriff said...

OK ... I'm going to lob a "social" hand grenade into this one ...

I've never bought into the idea that the Burkha, Hijab or any other form of Islamic female attire "oppresses" or "degrades" women ..  In the same way that I've never been able to fathom the logic of women who remain in violent or abusive relationships ..

There are plenty of organisations which both types of "victims" can approach for help, if they so choose ..

I would however, totally agree that the wearing of these items is a clear demonstration that Muslims perceive themselves as being "different, separate & above the British people" .. might I also add that they somehow consider themselves to be above British law too ?

The British are, by nature, a tolerant people .. over the centuries we have absorbed Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Orthodox Russians & Greeks, Wiccans, Pagans etc etc .. All of whom seem to manage to get on with their lives & cause no problems ..

Britain is a secular society & all are free and welcome to follow their particular faith (or indeed, no faith at all) pretty much as they see fit .. But when a faith starts calling for the beheading of "non-believers" and when that faith is based on the tenet of not resting until it becomes the only faith left standing ..

I believe the time has come for someone to have the courage to say .. "Enough is enough" ... If people of that particular faith can't live within the tolerant society which already exists,  then may I suggest that they go and live somewhere more accommodating to their tastes ?

Sheriff said...

I'm torn on this one.  While I am strongly apposed to the Islamization of Europe, I also fear that the Marxist left could use such precident to attack other public expressions of religion.

Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the UK permit the Muslims to have their own Sharia court system?  That alone is a big deal in giving Islam a foothold in the country.

As for the burkha business...if a country is going to allow Islamists to have their own court system, how will it enforce a rule telling people they can't wear a burkha?  Don't get me wrong, I agree that the burkha and other clothing that covers the identity of a person can be used to facilitate terrorism.  My only question is, how does a country control that when they've given Islam so much say already?

I hope France passes the ban.  It will be interesting to see how that works out.  If it's successful, then other countries may take the intiative and do the same.

Political correctness is going to be the end of all of us (including my country).  We know what radical Islam plans for the world, yet we've closed our eyes and allowed it to get to a point where turning it around is becoming a serious problem.  We must stop letting this group intimidate us into submission.

Sheriff said...

Even though they claim to be staunchly atheist, the Marxist/Trotsky left  (Socialist Workers Party)  have taken Islam under their wing, in an attempt to destroy their greatest mortal enemies, Capitalism, Freedom of speech, and the West in general, because democracy always has been their most detested anathema.

Why would Trots and Islamists unite and march around the streets of Britain under some fake "Anti Fascist" banner, (U.A.F.), when they have absolutely nothing in common, other than the destruction of the State of which we live?

These two groupings united together once before, in pre revolutionary Iran, where-by, when the Islamic victory was achieved, the Trots were dealt with violently, and soon disappeared.

Will they ever learn?

Sheriff said...

<span><span>I am not generally in favour of banning anything - </span></span><span><span>for example, </span></span><span><span>the smoking ban has been a disaster for our traditional pubs and is nothing short of pure, "righteous", Lefty spite coming from people who wouldn't know an original thought if it jumped up and bit them on the arse, but the burkha is a symbol of Muslim mens' oppression of their women ...</span></span>

I agree and it shows that we can't have total libertarianism but libertarianism lite.

Sheriff said...

Exactly, James, tolerance is a two-way street - but not for Muslims! >:o It's time the government showed an authoritarian attitude towards them for the benefit of the indigenous population and all the other immigrants who have already fully integrated into British society. :-P

Sheriff said...

Hi, TCL, you are absolutely right about the situation - Labour allowed functioning Sharia courts in Muslim ghettos while trying to keep quiet about it. They bent over backwards to accommodate Muslims while shafting the indigenous population - they were too cowardly to stop it and it has also stoked dissent which was always part of Labour's plan to break down social cohesion and national identity. One day the simmering anger they have created will spill out onto the streets and then it will be the Lefty UAF and Muslim rabble on the run and not the decent British people. >:o

I hope the French MPs pass this bill into law and then, perhaps, Cameron might actually be goaded into action to do the same here before it all goes pear-shaped. It's reached the point where we need a military coup to clear out all the bullshit NWO politicians in westminster and start again but, of course, Blair and Brown kept the forces well out of the way in Iraq and Afghanistan...... hmmm! *DONT_KNOW*

Sheriff said...

<span>Hi, TCL, you are absolutely right about the situation - Labour allowed functioning Sharia courts in Muslim ghettos while trying to keep quiet about it. They bent over backwards to accommodate Muslims while shafting the indigenous population - they were too cowardly to stop it and it has also stoked dissent which was always part of Labour's plan to break down social cohesion and national identity. One day the simmering anger they have created will spill out onto the streets and then it will be the Lefty UAF and Muslim rabble on the run and not the decent British people. >:o I do hope that French MPs pass this bill into law and then, just perhaps, Cameron might actually be goaded into doing the same here before it all goes pear-shaped. </span> =-O

<span>We've actu</span><span>ally reached the point where we desperately need a military coup to clear out all the bullshit NWO politicians in Westminster and start all over again by restoring the British constitution and repealing the EU meddling since 1972 but, of course, Blair and Brown have kept our armed forces well out of the way in Iraq and Afghanistan and now Cameron is doing exactly the same...... hmmm! *DONT_KNOW* </span>

Sheriff said...

The previous Labour government did everything they could to marginalise Christians in Britain, Trestin, and at the same time they were forcing every other religion under the sun on us and rubbing our noses in it - their immigration policy was a prime example of this and their accommodation of all things Muslim while trampling all over Christians, flying in the face of Christian values was truly sickening. Dazed & Confused has really summed up the eventual outcome of their Marxist stupidity. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

I can't really add anything to that, CH, and yes, they do consider themselves above the law - our law - British law! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

I'd like to see the French make a stand on this issue ..

But let's face it .. they haven't exactly got what one might call a glowing record when it comes to standing up against those who invade their country .. have they ?

Sheriff said...

Great. The State gets the power to tell people what to wear. Hearts and minds were well and truly captured in Scotland when the kilt was banned, and in Ireland they still sing "they're hanging men and women for the wearing of the green". Didn't work then, won't work now. But never mind. Point the gun, take the cash, who gives a fuck? They're only foreign women.
Listen, BS, that Burkha crap must be so irksome to wear that it's bound to gradually fall into disuse, but if the State tries to TAKE it, the Muslims'll see it as an insult and it'll be defended and worn in defiance. Obvious? And the result would be more tensions, and a "valid" excuse for increased State control, for our own safety of course. Why are we suddenly being told to care what other people wear? Why have the so-called "enemy", who care nothing for the British, been encouraged to settle so far from their Islamic homelands in such numbers?  Sounds like a case of "divide and rule" to me. Someone's playing a long game here, and we're losing ground. 

Sheriff said...

Again, we'll have to agree to differ, richard - the comments on this post put forward pretty much everything I could possibly want to say on the subject. It's a fairly long read which is why I didn't reproduce any of it here but it's well worth a look.

Sheriff said...

Fuckin' A Spidey finally got round to sorting out the comments problem that's been bugging me the past week or so. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

As yer man says the bitches in the camo gear are most likely paid to look cool on the photo shoot, pack pearl handled 45s and machine dildos strapped to their decolletage. =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O

However the fact that the MSM keeps shuvving these stories down our throats means we need to boot the fuck out of those MSM bitchboys first. then tackle the ladies in the formal wear. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-P :-P  These girls would like nothing more than a good Gokking :-P :-P O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-)

Although. Yes some of the tent bearers may well be infidel stealing away in the night to the bagel shop. 8-) 8-) :*  

First things first, shoot the message bearer because by now we know they are lying bastards ;) ;) .

Either way the basics are if you heave into my view whilst I'm in a clear way you better be ready to get a good kicking. Whatever flag you fly. Cunts. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

For the theists among us that means keep it to yourselves or else expect trouble. For the confused ditto. =-O
For the faux positioned go get to fuck bitchboys and boybitches. :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ =-X =-X =-X =-X *DONT_KNOW* ;) >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Anyway Spidey I hope you are well. There is a big fucking rumble coming up. ;) ;) :) :) :)

Sheriff said...

That can only be you, INCOMING!!!!!!!..... I'm fine thanks, mate, glad you're back. Everyone has been having problems with Blogger comments over the last week - it's either something to do with the new Blogger In Draft or Obama's spooks are trawling/trolling Blogger comments! =-O =-O =-O >:o >:o >:o

You are not kidding about that rumble, mate, it's simmering and seething just below the surface and one of these days it's going to explode - we could do with bringing our forces back home from that Muslim shithole to help with the job of erasing the problem! ;) :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P 8-)

Sheriff said...

DEPORT, DEPORT, DEPORT !!!! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

I for got, check this out at "The War Planner" It ties right in to what you have here. :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

It certainly does, Odie....... ;)   "Do you take this Tablecloth?" :-D :-P

It puts a whole new slant on wife-swapping...... you could end up going home with the really ugly one and not finding out until it's too late!!!  =-O =-O =-O >:o >:o >:o >:o ;) :-P :-P :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

I wish we could, mate, but they always use the fucking Human Rights Act to get around it! Still..... both they and their Human Rights lawyers, (who are all raking in shitloads of cash), may wish they had opted for deportation when we have eventually taken as much as we're going to take and the whole scenario reaches the inevitable conclusion - SHOOT, SHOOT, SHOOT!!!! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

<span>It certainly does, Odie....... ;)   "Do you take this Tablecloth?" :-D :-P  
It puts a whole new slant on wife-swapping...... you could end up going home with the really ugly one and not finding out until it's too late!!!  =-O =-O =-O >:o >:o >:o >:o ;) :-P :-P :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D </span>

Sheriff said...

I love this Crome shit. I forgot to mention Spidey that ladieeesss were most likely booked for a lingerie shot the very next hour.  :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D  Being a fundamentalist model is soooo time critical.

Have you noticed that the more fucking stupid you look in the 21st century the more likely you are to be a foundation bitchboy or boybitch? :-$ :-P ;)

Go on show me a photo of any G8 or G20 summit.  :* :-D :-D :-D