Friday 9 July 2010



Multiculturalism is the most socially destabilising concept ever invented. It is a Marxist idea which is designed to dismantle a culturally homogeneous nation state and replace it with an unstable divided population so that a dictatorship can be implemented - a dictatorship controlled by a ruling elite who feign democracy

In Britain the treacherous elites of the LibLabCon alliance are busy brainwashing and indoctrinating the indigenous British people to accept the destructive ideology that is multiculturalism.
Enhanced by Zemanta


Sheriff said...

Balkanisation rules, OK!

Sheriff said...

So-called "Hate crime" only operates in one direction .. and if you're unfortunate enough to be an indigenous Briton, it ain't gonna be going your way ..

Sheriff said...

It is a horror and a crime and all those responsible for this crap should be hung for treason. :-E

Sheriff said...

As an American I was not taught about Enouch Powell growing up.  The last few months I have been studying conservative leaders from other nations, and Powell is one of my favorites.

Sheriff said...

So typical of Labour, OR, following the Marxist manual to the letter! We shouldn't be surprised, I suppose, as they are incapable of thinking for themselves and have been fully programmed by the Fabians, Common Purpose and all the other communist organisations infiltrating British society from top to bottom and far and wide! >:o

Sheriff said...

Exactly, CH, just as we realised...... right from the moment the Blairpig proudly announced it....... CUNT! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

Exactly, CH, just as we realised...... right from the moment the Blaircommiefucker proudly announced it....... CUNT! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

I suspect that there would actually be a fight to get to the front of the queue to pull the lever, Bunni, I know I'd be in there somewhere! ;) :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

He was absolutely right, Trestin, and many people knew that, including commie Labour - that's why he was so  vilified by the Marxist bastards...... to stop him from sinking their plans for the mass immigration which would create the social breakdown they needed to achieve their goal....... the multicultural hell in which we now find ourselves. >:o

Sheriff said...

Enoch Powell possessed all the qualities which are totally anathema to Socialists & Commies ..

Honour, Decency, Integrity, Pride, Courage and the ability to tell the truth ..

He was just too dangerous to their long-term plans ..

If I had to choose just one person from the 20th century whom I would have liked to have met .. It would be Enoch Powell ..

Sheriff said...

Yep, he was the only one that did tell the truth, CH, and they couldn't have that! >:o

Sheriff said...

<span>Yep, he was the only one who did tell the truth, CH, and they couldn't have that! >:o </span>

Sheriff said...

Sounds like one of my posts or are my posts like yours?

Sheriff said...

Probably a bit of both, James. ;)