Saturday 31 July 2010

Lawsuit To Show "Barry Soetoro" is Obama's Legal Name

Alex Jones talks with Phil Berg, an activist attorney who brought a RICO lawsuit charging president George W. Bush and 154 others with complicity in the 9/11 attacks and filed a complaint in federal district court in 2008 alleging that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and thus not legally qualified to serve as president.

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Sheriff said...

Absolutely, Teresa, and then try him for treason, just like Blair, Brown and some other Labour twats like Alistair Campbell should be tried for treason over here! ;)

Blair repealed the death penalty for treason back in 2004. Well aware that the whole Iraq debacle could still come back to bite him on the arse, he made sure that it couldn't also break his scrawny neck! >:o

Sheriff said...

Absolutely, Teresa, and then try him for treason, just like Blair, Brown and some other Labour twats like Alistair Campbell should be tried for treason over here! ;)

Blair repealed the death penalty for treason back in 2004. Well aware that the whole Iraq debacle could still come back to bite him on the arse, he made sure that it couldn't also break his scrawny neck! >:o

Sheriff said...

But can we still 'fit Blair up' 8-) for High Treason; " high treason is the crime of disloyalty to the Svereign amounting to an intention to undermine their authority, or the attempt to do so. Offences constituting high treason include plotting the murder of the sovereign; having sexual intercourse with the sovereign's <span>consort</span>, with his eldest unmarried daughter, or with the wife of the heir to the throne; levying war against the sovereign and adhering to the sovereign's enemies, giving them aid or comfort; and attempting to undermine the lawfully established <span>line of succession</span>." (Wiki)

Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey!  I'm glad people are still suing to show that obummer is an illegal alien, and not fit for dogcatcher, let alone pResident.  I'm with Teresa too!
Have a nice weekend.

Sheriff said...

"H<span>igh treason is the crime of disloyalty to the Sovereign amounting to an intention to undermine their authority, or the attempt to do so".</span>

Got the fucker, mate, Labour been dicking with our Constitution and undermining the Queen's authority since 1997! ;)

Ooh!...... and "<span>adhering to the sovereign's enemies, giving them aid or comfort" - </span><span>I</span><span> do </span><span>believe</span><span></span> they've also been doing just that with their mass importation of our enemies in the name of granting them asylum...... cunts! :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Hi, Bunnikins!

I'd love to personally line all these traitors up against a wall and machine-gun the whole fucking lot of them! :-P :-P

I take it that you're still sweltering over there in the Shitcago heat?!! :(

Hope you have a nice weekend, too. ;)

Sheriff said...

Hey Barking,

I was waiting to hear AG Eric Holders name in this and that is where it will stop. Berg and others have no choice but to have a hearing in the SCOTUS.

The longer Husseins BS continues the larger the crisis becomes. I would love nothing more than to see Marines drag Hussein and family out of the White House in restraints, put on a plane and flown to Kenya.

Sheriff said...

He and I had a brief correspondence and though I wish him well, it's too rigged to get anywhere.

Sheriff said...

Indeed, it will eventually go the way of the Michael Mann "investigation", James. :(

Sheriff said...

That would be a sight to behold, Christopher, although I'd rather the marines just put them up against the wall! ;)

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