Saturday 26 September 2009



Anonymous said...

That's not fair. He's giving Obama a referendum!!

Barking Spider said...

It's not, is it, Nickie, more than he's ever given us!

Auld Baw Face said...

Obama should just knee him in the balls and tell him to shut up.

Unknown said...

According to Nick Robinson's blog, last week went swimmingly for Brown.

However, Nick Robinson is talking shit.

Anonymous said...

Brown says the economy will boom next year. That doesn't sound quite as good as he intended.

Anonymous said...

Brown is an embarassment to the humankind.

Barking Spider said...

And then, as he doubles up, whack him on the back of the head with something big and heavy, AOM!

Barking Spider said...

I take it that's Snotty's codeword for "implode", VotR.

Barking Spider said...

In that respect, Brown and Obama are a perfect match, Opie.

Amusing Bunni said...

I read about how obugger refused to meet with Brown. They both deserve eachother. obama has some nerve playing like he's too good for brown. I don't know who's worse, frankly. But, since I live in USA and have to put up w/ obummer's shredding of our constitution, I'll say he worse by a hair. They both SUCK!

I'm glad you enjoyed my cute kittens, Spider. You are such a kind hearted person to help out the animals. We need some nice diversions after all this crap we are forced to deal with all the time.

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni:

When the news broke here, it was absolutely hilarious - you'd need to have a heart of stone not to laugh. They both deserve each other as you say - Brown and Blair between them have been shredding our constitution for over twelve years but Obama is certainly trying to make up for lost time - don't let him win!

BTW, those two little pals of mine were just the best.

Anonymous said...

Love "obugger", Bunni!

Barking Spider said...

I couldn't agree more, D, I'm really looking forward to the next two conferences. I can picture it now - Brown will think he's done really well, even if the rest of the party don't, and then Cameron will come along the following week and blast him out of the water! AGAIN!!