Monday 28 September 2009


If this is Labour's so-called "fightback", then it looks like the bout is going to end in the first round with a knockout win to the Conservatives. The hall really is half empty and the local Brighton people have clearly not been persuaded to take up Labour's bribe offer of free tickets. They may have tried to spread their audience around the auditorium to try and help the overall appearance but the empty seats are still glaringly obvious - there are nearly as many people on the stage as there are in the front row. You really would need to have a heart of stone not to laugh - things can only get better!

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Barking Spider said...

Spider, The Zanu Labour Stazi will no doubt be grabbing groups of unsuspecting citizens and herding them into the conference center to do their civic duty.This will allow McDoom to carry on thinking that he is still Saviour of the planet and our most loved PM.

Barking Spider said...

Anything to humour the bastard, AOM, watch out for flying Nokias!

Barking Spider said...

Sorry, AOM, I've gone back to Blogger comments, having tried out JS-Kit and not been keen, and it's decided for your comment above that your called Barking Spider! WTF!!

Anonymous said...

I can smell the decaying bodies from here!

Barking Spider said...

That gives you a good idea of just how ripe they are from here, Nickie. I said earlier today that after Mandelson had been on I felt like I needed to clean the television and have a shower!