Thursday 3 September 2009


DAVID Cameron is on course to win a sensational landslide general election victory next May, an exclusive Sun poll reveals tonight.

The Tory leader has notched up a 14 percent lead over Labour in the most crucial opinion poll for five years as voters' fury over the PM's handling of Afghanistan grows.
Our YouGov survey shows Mr Cameron is heading for a 96 seat Commons majority at the next election with a 42 percent share of the vote.
Labour don't appear to have a prayer as they trail on 28 percent with the LibDems on 17 percent.
The Sun's study was carried out as PM Gordon Brown faces a hammering over the Afghanistan war. And it comes as he struggles to keep the lid on a growing crisis over the release of the Lockerbie bomber.
Every August poll in the summer before a spring general election has predicted the real result accurately to within one percent since 1996.
This means, if history repeats itself, Mr Cameron will sweep into power in 2010 after 13 years of New Labour.
Voters also say Mr Cameron would make a better Prime Minister than Gordon Brown by a factor of two to one. Our survey shows 38 percent of voters believe Mr Cameron would make the best PM - to just 19 percent for Mr Brown.
Six out of ten voters say Mr Brown is doing "fairly" or "very" badly in Number 10 Downing Street.
Only 16 percent are prepared to say he is doing a good job.
The results of the YouGov survey are a huge bonus to Mr Cameron as the  political parties prepare for their annual rallies in three weeks time.
I just wanted to share this little bit of grief for Gordon to cheer you all up! These YouGov polls are usually fairly accurate so I don't think Cyclops will be able to take much comfort from reading it. And, with the added pressure from Sky News and Adam Boulton the whole scenario is shaping up for a marvellous drubbing in both the Sky News debate and the upcoming election. The Megrahi affair can only make things worse for him too as it is bound to come up in the debate. The British public deserve to know the facts and it is high time Brown was brought to account for his actions - the real truth this time! McSnot already comes across badly with a well-rehearsed script and we can only imagine what he'll be like without that option in a live debate....oh, joy.

By the way, just a reminder that if you would like to sign the Sky News petition for the debate you can find it HERE.


Anonymous said...

28% of the population would still vote Labour at a general election? More than one in four?
If true, then I really do find that a frightening statistic. What the fuck do these bastards have to do to turn over a quarter of the voting population against them?

Bad mouth Islam perhaps? That would be a million plus votes down the Swanee, and don't New Labour just know it.
How many Tom Millers are there out there, who would still blindly adhere to Socialist rhetoric?

Opus #6 said...

There will always be a small group of people who stick with a party no matter what. Congrats on the great polling. That bodes well.

Barking Spider said...

@ D&C:
They always, no matter what, seem to hold onto about this stubborn quarter of the voters - complete madness - they really should be down to single figures by now! That's a lot of single parents and whole families on the dole!!

Barking Spider said...

Looks very much now that we're finally going to get rid of them, Opie. Thank, God!

Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Spidey! I'm glad things are looking up on your end of the pond! I sure hope you get rid of that horrid brown. If we could only be so lucky out here. I don't think I can stomach another almost 4 years of obummer, I think I'm getting an ulcer already, and I usually GIVE them. ha ha.

God Bless England and the USA.

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni:
I reckon all you guys on the blogs are not doing Obarmy's ulcers much good either! Everything he tries to tamper with seems to be falling around his ears - great!

The Conservative Lady said...

You mean his "great" ears.

Glad this are looking good for you guys. That Megrahi affair is very troubling and if it sticks to him, that will surely help in Brown's defeat.

Auld Baw Face said...

It’s good to see Jimmy Cyclops taking a hammering in the polls.
I just that Cameron lives up to expectations.

Auld Baw Face said...

oops, forgot to put the hope in

Tarquin said...

*sniff*...I helped make that yougov survey

good to know i get through to gordon in some way

Anonymous said...

The Tory's are as good or as bad as any political party, but they are mainstream and have more support than the Lib Dems. Which makes them a weapon, regardless of policy.

If or once they are in power, they can always be voted out as easy as they can be voted in. I hope they do not upset too many people with what they would do with that responsibility. But at least it will not be our marxist / socialist / communistic anti-equality dictatorship of a Labour government with an unelected cabinet in power.

An opportunity for the smaller, indie parties to flourish exists as well, and I hope they also gain a reasonable share of the vote.

GoodnightVienna said...

The poll does make good reading this morning. I'm with Angry Old Man re Cameron - there's an enormous weight of expectation on Cameron's shoulders already, and he isn't even PM. I hope he's up to it but I'm worried he's just more of the same with a different packaging.

Snarky Basterd said...

And I guess he'll remain unelected. Good...

Barking Spider said...

Hi, TCL, I think this one IS going to stick to him, (whether officially or not), the British public won't forget this double-dealing!

Barking Spider said...

I'm with you, AOM, Brown's been forgetting to put the hope in for a long time.

Barking Spider said...

Good on you, Tarqin, I'm VERY glad you're getting through to the bastard, indeed!

Teresa said...

Prospects look very hopeful for the numnut Gordon Brown to get a pair of boots kicking his ass across the green pebbly streets in Britain come next election day.

Barking Spider said...

I agree, VotR, the Tories are the best weapon we have to get rid of our socialist dictatorship. Labour need to be kept out of power for a very long time or they will just start over again from where they left off.

I see that Nigel Farage is going to stand against John Bercow in the GE - that should put the cat among the pigeons - Bercow isn't even a real Tory, he should be in the Labour Party - let's face it, he only got the job because of another Labour stitch-up! We badly need a great Speaker to clean up the HOC and that is NOT Bercow - I believe Nigel Farage has a good chance of unseating the self-serving little shit!

Barking Spider said...

I sincerely hope he's just keeping a low profile until he gets the job, GV, but even if that isn't the case, I'd still prefer the blue packaging to the ever-so-red packaging we've had to endure.

Barking Spider said...

Never elected and never will be, Dr. Dave, and I guarantee he won't have the guts to stick around for a good election pasting - we'll barely see him leave for the dust he kicks up sprinting out the back door!

Barking Spider said...

Big-ass boots they will be, too, Teresa - all the better to kick him with!
Personally, I'd like to see him fitted with a pair of concrete boots and then introduced to a deep body of water!