Tuesday 22 September 2009





Anonymous said...

The police have been allowed to get out of control.

Will Cameron disband ACPO, when his "elected sheriff" scheme comes into being?

ACPO seems to be at the root of all the rot in the police force.

RantinRab said...

A commenter at mines left this little gem -

Five paramedics on route to a fancy dress party, were diverted to provide emergency aid to a man found in the road with suspected cardiac arrhythmia.

The paramedics deployed a life saving defibrillator and almost immediately, the patient showed signs of resuscitation. Mr Wellington-Moresque began normal procedure for returning Mr Putchyerandsout to a state of consciousness. However the patient relapsed and the life saving defibrillator was deployed yet again. The team resumed work and Dr Merdebrains supplemented recovery with applied massage to the ventricular posterior, using the open palm technique. At this point the patient is heard to be conscious when normal heart rhythm is re-established. The team of paramedics proceed to check out reflexes and Mr Putchyerandsout is found to resist within normal parameters. At this point another paramedic can be seen checking the patient's rib cage integrity although the test is improvised with boot studs.

A crowd of grateful and amazed onlookers assemble to congratulate the team.

The Big Dollop said...


The featured video was one which I posted in my humble blog on June 16
I posted it after seeing it broadcast on the 6:30 evening news the night before - you may get an insight to the reasons for this unwarranted attack on a member of the public by the comments I posted at the time.


Doubting Richard said...

What is wrong with this? They are arresting a man who had put a policeman in hospital, and was resisting arrest. It looks like standard restraint techniques, and the man was not harmed.

Barking Spider said...

It's one of the first things he needs to do, Fausty, this is totally out of hand and it's not fucking good enough. We don't live in the new Soviet Union.....yet!
The "Sheriff of Nottingham" is going to have his hands full with this rabble!

Barking Spider said...

That's a real winner, Rab, and what an accurate description of these arseholes' actions!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks for that, TBD, I've been over to your place and had a look at your post - so he basically got tazered three times and the shit beaten and kicked out of him for being a wee bit pissed and enjoying himself?! Makes you proud to be British!

McGonagall said...

Here's a blog worth following:


Barking Spider said...

That's not how it looked to me, Richard, I refer you to The Big Dollop's post, linked in his comment above!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks for that, Scunnert, just been over there - well worth following!

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni:
Thanks for that, I've just been over to your place and seen them - I especially liked the parody of the AA meeting, LOL.

Opus #6 said...

Spidie, the police here have no sense of proportion as well. I related a personal story about how I got in a minor fender bender in my town. There was at least 7 cop cars/motorcycles that showed up. You would have thought it was a bank robbery.

Anonymous said...

Under New Labour, citizens are an inconvenience.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the police are attacking him and they are the danger. Bullies! They should be careful when crowds start to gather - when people see injustice, they dont always stand by

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Opie,
Bet they wouldn't have turned up so quickly if it had been a bank robbery!
I saw another video not so long ago where a highway patrol moron tazered a little old lady for an alleged motoring offence. She was absolutely no threat to that arsehole and he could have killed her - but he had a tazer and he wanted to use it!

Barking Spider said...

Correct, Nickie, the only thing they want from us is our money! Obama sees Americans the same way!!

Barking Spider said...

It's not like he's doing anything except lie on the ground, CB, those bastards should be locked up - I'm surprised the guy who filmed it managed to get away with his video camera!