Saturday 26 September 2009


There is something very wrong with this picture! 
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Teresa said...

I really hate his smile or smug grin. Not sure but, It looks like someone pasted that grin on Barack. It looks like he's trying too hard, likes he's totally faking it. It just irks me.

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Teresa, he's about as genuine as Tony Blair - it's all fake, hiding a dark-hearted agenda.

Henry North London 2.0 said...

Its exactly the same it means it cant be genuine

LL said...

I think that is precisely why you see the photos of Obama, looking like "THE JOKER" in "Batman" -- and the caption, "Why so Socialist"?

It has to do with the painted-on-smile. Tony Blair has the same goofy, studied smile.... he'd look good as THE JOKER too.

Barking Spider said...

Absolutely, Henry, it is a very plastic, practised pose - what a faker!

Barking Spider said...

Spot on, LL, it took time in the UK for everyone to see Bliar for exactly what he is - you guys have got a real good head start on Obama. Keep making his manipulative life a misery!!

The End (Bye Bye!) said...

Incredible stuff. My first thought was that the vid was a fake, but looking through images of him on Google, you can see that it is not.

What he is wearing here is his fixed "PR" smile. No doubt practiced in front of the mirror for many, many years.

I don't trust him at all.

Barking Spider said...

He looks like a waxwork being slightly shuffled around for the shots, Gigits - what a Bliaresque fraud!

Barking Spider said...

Personally, I am comforted by his sincere and winning smile. I feel all tingly down my leg.

Barking Spider said...

That's sciatica or something, Nickie!

Barking Spider said...

Sorry, Nickie, I see Blogger's also decided to call you Barking Spider for the one comment you left while JS-Kit was briefly installed.

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni:
That's about as fake as it gets. I don't think you're alone in wanting to smack the grin off his face and the list gets longer every day, the IOC wiped a huge chunk of grin off the other day.....hahahahahaha!
The 1st Wookie says he has really bad breath - maybe he's been eating shit to tone down his halitosis!! LMAO!!!

Hope you, the squirrels and Walter enjoyed the music fest and beer this weekend.

BTW, next time you log in, try using your Blogger/blogspot URL - it should recognise you now. For some reason the Blogger box wasn't checked on my JS-Kit dashboard but it is now.
                      Spidey ;)