‘Recent evidence by the first police officer on the scene, together with new statements by doctors, raise serious questions which should be considered. This has been on my mind for quite a while and recent events have crystallised my view.’
Mr Howard, now a leading Tory peer, was backed by Labour leadership challenger Diane Abbott, two former Labour Defence Ministers who served in Tony Blair’s Government and a number of senior Tory, Lib Dem and Labour MPs. They spoke out amid signs that the Government is prepared to act in response to the growing demands to resolve questions over the circumstances of Dr Kelly’s death.
It emerged yesterday that Attorney General Dominic Grieve is ready to meet the group of senior doctors who last week claimed Dr Kelly could not have committed suicide in the way described in Lord Hutton’s report. Mr Grieve has already indicated he is ready to ask the High Court to order a full inquest if he believes there is sufficient evidence to cast doubt on Lord Hutton’s verdict and Justice Minister Ken Clarke was yesterday urged by a Cabinet colleague to scrap Labour’s unprecedented 70-year embargo on releasing Dr Kelly’s medical records, including the results of the post-mortem examination. ‘If we are going to find out how Kelly died, the first requirement is to allow his medical details to be scrutinised,’ said the Cabinet Minister, who asked not to be named.
Oh, hark!....... is that the high-pitched squeaking of Blair's sphincter I can hear?
It's been 7 years and I had to refresh my memory on this one. I pray they find who and what is responsible, I guess the question of what is already answered though.
As I type it reminds me of a 'Clinton era' death here in the U.S. that has yet to be truly resloved involving Hillary Clinton (FLOTHUS at the time) and the bizzare death explanation of Vince Foster.
I have always thought that as soon as Dr. Kelly told Andrew Gilligan, (the ex-BBC reporter who broke the news), that the Iraq dossier had been "sexed up", he had signed his own death warrant. :(
Blair had to get rid of him before he derailed the Iraq invasion, so Blair gave Alistair Campbell his orders, (Campbell virtually ran the whole operation as Blair's "spin doctor"/bully boy, etc.), Campbell passed those orders on to the spooks and, hey presto, David Kelly was bumped off by MI6 and, in fact, the cover-up was so amateurish a child could see through it! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Different "topic" but the same in Vince Foster. There is no possible way that he could have shot himself, it simply defies logic, physics and let alone gravity.
There are forces large and older than either of our respective governments, people may well call me a conspirisist but there can be no other explanation. As Hillary Clinton is quite often quoted as saying "It would take the total suspension of disbelief", and that is exactly what people all the world around are being conditioned to "suspension of disbelief".
A bit like "the magic bullet" that was able to turn sharp corners when Kennedy was assassinated. David Kelly said there were "dark forces at work" just a few days before his "suicide". ;)
Yea another farce, Kennedy was obviously not deemed a suicide, but to even a child there was more than one shooter implicating a larger and calculated hit other than a disgruntled lone shooter. Dark forces indeed
In common with anyone capable of thinking for themselves, this stinking cover-up has been recognised for what it is .. an arse-covering exercise & I would fully support a full Coroners Inquest, with the findings being made public ..
However, I'm somewhat puzzled by the stance taken by the (as yet) unnamed Cabinet Minister ..
If he (or she) is simply seeking the truth of this matter .. why the need for or insistence on anonimity ?
As for the utterings of the oleaginous Mr Hecht .. I'd place no more belief on anything he says than I do on the belief that I can piss through brick walls ..
Spidey I commented on this earlier over at Kev Boyle's shop and I have to say that alarm bells are ringing for me. Why do this lot want an inquest NOW?
There is no point in getting right into the detail because that feeds the ritual and ceremony, they need us to worship something. If going to Tesco or ASDA every week won't do it they feed us a ritualised event to keep us occupied.
Just like 9/11 everyone arguing about the modus of collapse. No one saying OK a massive crime scene here who is fucking behind it all and why? Who gives a fuck about the planes, bombs, pyrotencics, ballotechnics, thermite ets etc etc.?
Step back and look.
So with Kelly, he was ritually slaughtered and had gone religiously AWOL, why? Who? It is a theatrical sleight of hand to keep us worshipping at a fixed spot. Under supervision.
Just look at the crime scene it is now the entire globe. As I remarked at one of my shops recently the lethality space now encompasses all battle space and collateral space. That includes the trip to Morrisons or WalMart. We are at war and do not realise it. The travel restriction will turn up soon enough under some commercial pretext or guise.
I do not care if there really was a wet team from the DSG subcontracted to Mid Eastern hit men, Kelly was offed in a symbolic and ritualistic manner to keep our eyes of the ball. Everything around his death smells of high ceremony, and it is rolled out to keep us worshipping when the time suites the suits.
So what are they keeping our eye from now?
Heads up.
Yes Christopher, Hillary gutted his office before the Feds got a look in. I believe that is called fucking over a crime scene, just like 9/11.
Maybe that anonymous Cabinet Minister is worried he might end up go the same way as David Kelly, CH. =-O ;)
Sounds right to me, INCOMING!!!!!!! 8-)
The trajectory of that "magic bullet" when traced back in a straight line leads right back to a storm drain vent at the side of the road, mate - the hitman was then able to just walk away unseen while all hell was breaking loose at ground level. ;)
Inquests are required by law I believe, and the mere fact one was not held merely says "FOUL PLAY" by government and forces unknown!!!
Good point, mate - I never believed his death had anything to do with the Iraqis or that he was on any hit list of Saddam's that could ever have produced such fortuitous timing for Blair's future ability to trough cash. ;)
The way the original inquest was stopped stank from day one, Indy, the Coroner in question was no fan of Blair or the Labour government and would have come up with the truth about Dr. Kelly's death had the inquest run its course. No way Blair and the rest of his bunch of inner-circle, sofa-government hoons were going to allow that to happen! ;)
This was the subject of a phone in on Radio 2 last Friday. The overwhelming public response was that Dr Kelly had indeed been murdered at the behest of the Blair regime. No doubt the callers will have been identified for future elimination.
Inquests are required by law after any death that is other than 'natural causes' and that includes 'suicide'.
A caller to Fridays Radio 2 phone in on the subject claimed that the BBC were reporting Dr Kellys 'suicide' before the police had even announced that they had found his body. The presenter said that he would check that out.
In the case of a Cabinet Minister (any Cabinet Minister) there would be no loss to the Nation ..
In fact, I daresay no-one would even notice ...
No walks in the woods for them, then, if they know what's good for them! ;)
The presenter may, or more likely will not, try to find out, mate, either way, should he even get a straight answer from the Lefty cunts, it'll be buried! >:o
You're not wrong, CH. :-D
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