Sunday 15 August 2010

Obama Attempts To Backtrack Over Ground Zero Mosque Statement

So now Obamalamadingdong, the illegitimate, MooseLimb President has dug himself into a deep hole with his comments on the Ground Zero Mosque during a cringe-making, puke-inducing Ramadanadingdong address, here he is, the very next day trying to dig himself back out again - he should just put the shovel down before he buries himself completely...... besides, the American people will bury him on 2nd November and he's just supplied them with a lot more dirt to pile on top of him, the slimy, commie cunt!
"I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there, I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding."

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Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey!  Isn't this lying muslim just the worse.  He clairified it again today.
He just doesn't know when to STUF!.
Thanks for the H/T.  I hope your Sunday was nice and relaxing.

seanrobsville said...


Sheriff said...

Just found this on my Blogger comments...

<img></img> <span>seanrobsville</span>  said... 


Sheriff said...

Just found this on my Blogger comments.....

seanrobsville said...


Sheriff said...

I'm glad I followed the link before I let rip, Sean, the message was a bit ambiguous in that respect.  :-E ;)

Sheriff said...

The more he talks the more he condemns himself, Bunni, and the further down the pan he goes as his approval rating tanks  :-P - he's an evil bastard! >:o

Very relaxing Sunday, thanks, warm and sunny, too, although nothing like the heat and humidity you're having to endure at the moment - I hope you're getting some sleep. :)

Sheriff said...

<span>I'm glad I followed the link before I let rip, Sean, the message was a bit ambiguous in that respect.  :-E ;) </span>

Sheriff said...

<span>The more he talks the more he condemns himself, Bunni, and the further down the pan he goes as his approval rating tanks  :-P - he's an evil bastard! >:o  
Very relaxing Sunday, thanks, warm and sunny, too, although nothing like the heat and humidity you're having to endure at the moment - I hope you're getting some sleep. :) </span>

Sheriff said...

<span>Just found this on my Blogger comments..... 
seanrobsville said...  
Islam WILL DOMINATE!!!</span>

Sheriff said...

<span>I'm glad I followed the link before I let rip, Sean, the message was a bit ambiguous in that respect.  :-E ;) </span>

Sheriff said...

"English Defence League  has formed a gay division". :)   :-P  LOL.

Richard <span><span>Dawkins</span></span>, author of The God Delusion, said: “There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings.... I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse.” Nothing about that in the MSM!

Sheriff said...

Time for America to start celebrating WASP stuff again aince they are now just another minority.

Sheriff said...

Happy ramadong Spidey ... :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

That mosque will be a "victory mosque" for the radical Islamists.  The PC idiots in NYC and Obama have no respect for the victims of 9/11, for their families or for the millions of Americans who are against it...meanwhile, they just give these monsters more encouragement .  

Anonymous said...

Spidey, your choice of words always cracks me up!

Obama was chosen, IMHO, to push Islam. He's a willing, cnuting puppet.

The NWO want us to hate Muslims, to give their war on Iran a little more credibility.

We can fight that by joining hands with rational Muslims and throwing light on government policies.

Sheriff said...

Absolutely right, TCL, and Obama can try to backpedal as much as he wants but he has once again shown his true colours for all to see and has driven another nail into his political coffin. Roll on 2nd November! ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

Thanks Odie, you, too. As you know, I'm always at my happiest when I'm ranting at politicians. :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Good rant, INCOMING!!!!!!!, I love a good rant! :-P :-P :-P :-D :-D :-D

I had a great weekend, thanks, mate, how was yours? ;)

Sheriff said...

Now you're talking, Banned, there's a lot more chance of that happening in America than over here! ;)