Friday 27 August 2010

EU SUPPORT AT A NINE-YEAR LOW......... No Shit Sherlock!

Public support for the European Union has collapsed to a nine-year low in all of its 27 countries, a poll has revealed. The European Commission says fewer than half of voters across Europe are in favour of the union. The “Eurobarometer” survey – conducted in May – found only 49 per cent of voters backed the EU, four per cent fewer than last year.
Trust was lowest in Britain where only 20 per cent of voters have faith in EU institutions. 
Following the debt crisis, the survey found widespread fears that EU economies will worsen. Pollster TNS asked 1,000 adults in each EU country and found support near that of 2001 when the internet bubble burst. 
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Sheriff said...

Is support 'still' a term that can be used? NSS is entirely right !

Sheriff said...

That 20% support will be the self-interested lot in the Civil Non-Service and The Met Office global warming shite.

Sheriff said...

The so-called Socialists can no longer claim that they are representing the 'working class' of the UK.

They've seen the mass movement of migrant workers and immigrants and started to wonder who most gains from this.

The corporatist/fascist EU is losing its fluffy, hands-across-the-water facade.

I hope the 20% drown when the damn bursts. 

Sheriff said...

Thanks, mate. ;)

Sheriff said...

I'm not convinced we ever supported it, Indy, that little, on-the-KGB-payroll, commie cunt, Wilson, was PM the last time there was an EU referendum....... I'm sure the result wasn't at all rigged! >:o

Sheriff said...

You've hit the nail bang on the head, OR, bloated-public-sector, commie twats! ;) >:o

Sheriff said...

That would suit me just fine, TSTB, that 20% are the same ones who brushed real concerns aside, (remember how Slough first felt the effects of mass immigration as they all flocked and gravitated there years ago?), and they deserve every negative reaction they get! >:o

Sheriff said...

<span>I'm not convinced we ever supported it, Indy, that little, commie cunt </span><span>, </span><span> Harold Wilson,</span><span> who was on the KGB payroll</span><span>, was PM the last time we had an EU referendum....... I'm sure the result wasn't at all rigged! >:o </span>

Sheriff said...

Fuck the EU mong-fest but since our Governments have ceded soveriegnty to it, without permission; to whom do I owe loyalty?

Sheriff said...

Certainly not our Lefty politicians, mate, and definitely not the fucking EU! >:o

Bring on the revolution!!!!!!  :-P :-P :-P