Sunday 25 October 2009



Barking Spider said...

Hi Spidey!  THis was brilliant.  I loved Sir Knight!  He spoke so eloquently for all of you, and all of America coming soon too, I'm afraid.  It did give me a laugh...but it also is very sad, because this is what you have to live with.  "What a miserable shit hole this Country is".  Amen to that!  Hope your weekend was great and you didn't get too wankered...hee hee.  Having to drink ourselves silly to forget what horrid lives we're forced to live seems to be a worldwide epidemic...he hee.

Barking Spider said...

That sword-brandishing at the end was threatening behaviour, the police are already on their way to remove the offending weapon and fine you

Barking Spider said...

At the very least, Tarquin, imagine what would happen when the sword in question is earmarked for shoving right up the Dear Leader's arsehole!! I could easily foresee a longer prison term than murderers and rapists currently receive under our glorious Labour government!!!

Barking Spider said...

I'd say a bigger on-the-spot fine, I would say prison costs too much - but labour do seem able to spend it even quicker than they get it

Barking Spider said...

Exactly, Dr. Dave, that's why you have to keep getting through to the ones who are feeling that they voted for the wrong guy - just keep posting on your blog, mate and encourage everyone else to do the same.

Barking Spider said...

They also seem able to find prison places for law-abiding members of the public, (while the hardened criminals get off Scot free), plus, of course, a very large fine!! :-$

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni: I thought you would like this one, funny, but with a real sting in the tail, especially for Brown!! =-O

Labour have turned this place into the biggest shithole in Europe - so I did get a little bit wankered last night with a nice bottle of red wine along with Sunday dinner, hic! Hope you had a good weekend, too. :-D

Barking Spider said...

Right on, Edgar, at least, so far, we still have freedom of speech on our blogs, mate and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to be proud of our Country again in the not-too-distant future instead of being Labour's "world class" laughing stock!                                                                                   >:o

Barking Spider said...

I was sorry to hear such a terrible description of your country.  I think Dr. Dave is's what we in Obamaland have to look forward to. :'(

Barking Spider said...

This is brilliant.  I'm stealing it for my site (with proper credit to you, of course).

Barking Spider said...

How right you and Dr. Dave are, TCL, if Obama succeeds, this is exactly how America will be in a few years - hardly a bright future. :(

Barking Spider said...

No problem, Nickie, the more people who see this, the better. This is not only the state of affairs in Labour's Britain, but a timely warning to Americans as it reveals Obama's plans for your near future. :'(

Barking Spider said...

Perhaps they had been hoping to con us into believing that things are so bad the EU couldn't do a worse job of governing. That's how they'd hoped to get us into the Euro when Blair was PM.

Since then, we've discovered that the EU is the cause of the problem and that they've corrupted our MPs, so that's not going to work.

Great video, Spidie!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Fausty, it does rather hit the nail squarely on the head!

The Pound is now so close to parity with the Euro, (and it's going to get worse), I sincerely hope that Brown isn't going to use that as his excuse to steamroller us into the Euro as his last act of betrayal before he fucks off and hopefully dies next year!! >:o