Friday 2 October 2009


I was just having my usual read of the papers and blogs this afternoon when I came across this little gem over at Politics Home.

It looks very much like Miliband may yet live to regret his rashly spoken and badly chosen words at the Labour conference this week and, as anyone in their right mind with a clue about anything at all in politics knows, you'd have to be a complete political moron to tangle with William Hague because he'll have you for fucking breakfast if you try it on!!  

Oh dear, what have you let yourself in for, Minibrain, you TWAT!!!

This could turn out to be fun.........

Who's the schoolboy now, Millipede?                                                                                                              


Quiet_Man said...

You have to wonder whether Milliband wrote his speech off his own bat or whether or not he employed some staffer to check out the accuracy of his little diatribe.
I suspect he just "knew" what he said to be the truth and that it would stand up to scrutiny.
Still only another 6 months left for banana boy... or was that the other idiot Milliband.

Barking Spider said...

How embarrassing, give Milipede a banana!

Barking Spider said...

Any particular preference as to which orifice I should insert it, OR?

Barking Spider said...

He really tore into Miliband didn't he?  Brilliant Hague.

Barking Spider said...

Oratory skills, par excellance! Still, I'm unhappy with his Lisbon referendum fence-sitting.

Barking Spider said...

He didn't hold anything back at all, GV, it's a real shame that his leadership ability was completely wasted immediately after Major's shambles!

Barking Spider said...

Whatever happens in Ireland tomorrow, Fausty, they are surely going to have to clarify their position to some extent next week at the conference?!

Barking Spider said...

Spider, I would be a lot happier if William Hague was leading the Conservatives today. He has always come across as a decent bloke  who really knows what he is talking about.
Maybe his day will come again

Barking Spider said...

Hague's problem was peaking too early. He shouldn't have took over the leadership of the Conservative party at such a young age.

When I see him interviewed on TV, he always impresses me with the breadth of his knowledge and I usually agree with everything he says.

I think he'll make a fine Foreign Sec and, maybe, a future leader of the party again.

As for Millipede. He can fuck off, the little tosser.

Barking Spider said...

I certainly hope so, AOM, he's a much better man for the job than Cameron is but in the media circus that is politics today, Cameron is doing the same thing for the Tories as Bliar did for Labour,(spit)! He's still got a big task ahead of him, although Brown, Blair, Mandy and Sarkozy may succeed in making his job obsolete!

Barking Spider said...

He's the real deal, Gigits, and the best PM we could yet elect at some stage. As you say, he just peaked too early, especially after Major's blundering head first into the ERM and the ensuing disaster.
He'll make a great FS but Mandy and Blair et al are conspiring to swipe that job off to Brussels - we'll know a bit more about that tomorrow.......
Still, on a better note, I don't think he's finished with minitwat, either!

Barking Spider said...

Hague is showing some energy I didn't think he had.  Is there a power vacuum in Toryland?

Barking Spider said...

He's not someone to tangle with unless you've got your wits about you, Nickie, unlike Minibrain who never had any in the first place!
He used to tie Blair up in knots at PM's Questions every week, so much so that Blair changed it from twice a week, (Tuesdays & Thursdays), to once a week, (Wednesdays) because he couldn't take it and chickened out! He also has an acid wit in the extreme when he wants to use it.

Barking Spider said...

BTW, Nickie, there's no power vacuum that I know of, Hague was once the leader and he's now deputy leader - I don't honestly think he wants any more than that for the time being at least.
I do know that he wants to retire from politics and concentrate on his writing before he gets too old to enjoy it.

Barking Spider said...

Wonderful use of " you must know..." to mean " you clearly have no clue..." :-E
Boy Wonder becomes Superman and about time too.

Barking Spider said...

BS just a thought but could there be a tinge of can one put it delicately.....since we are talking about the Big One.....very old scores being settled between West European Commies and East European Commies here?

Well done Hague, but does he get it?

Barking Spider said...

That is a very good point indeed, Guest, and it may be well founded but there is no way that they will ever catch Hague on the hop, he is an incredibly astute man. He really does, probably much to Brown's annoyance, possess a "massive intellect" and nothing much gets past him, unlike Brown. So to answer your question if I can, I firmly believe he gets it - all of it.

Opus #6 said...

Excellent letter. Recycled Soviet Propaganda. Doncha know there was no such thing as communism. Nope. Nobody will admit to being communist. They want the same goals, just call it something different.

Barking Spider said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the fisking he gave to the Miliband boy. It is rare in politics to see someone ripped apart so elegantly and completely. If Miliband has any shred of decency at all he must be mortified at the exposure of his complete ignorance - and ignorance I'm sure it is, rather than political posturing.

If Hague would only come out completely anti-EU ...

Barking Spider said...

Hague's trouble is that he doesn't look like a Leader, but then again neither does Milliband!  If ever a man was promoted above his capabilities it is him.  I agree Hague would make a better leader than Cameron as he is more down to earth and doesn't come from The "Old Etonian" side of the Party.  I was reading somewhere that they reckon Cameron is worth £30m, incredible!

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

Spidey what was up with your comments last night they went barking mad, I ended up Guesting when rambling on about Commies?

I reckon he gets it too, I always liked the lad even when he looked like a muppet at the Tory conference aged all of 16, and he's best out of it writing books and blasting the so called political land scape with heavy shellfire.

I see him as the ultimate counter counter battery. Long barrelled 203mm taking the slobs out with impunity.

Barking Spider said...

Hi Spidey!  I love it when nit wits get in over their heads!  The hits just keep coming.  I hope you have a super weekend.  I'm still on cloud nine over the epic fail of Chicago Olympics.  I'm off to Grant Park country music fest, a great time without the usual scummy chicago gang bangers....seems they don't like Country Music, imagine that!
Squirrels and Walter says hello!  He'll have a cold one for you.

Barking Spider said...

It really was beautifully done, Edgar, and I also think that Miliband is far too ignorant to realise how stylishly and comprehensively he's just been thrashed by the headmaster!

I suppose, too, that Hague is not coming right out with his real thoughts on the EU mainly because he wants to show party unity, especially at conference time. No point in creating a Labour-style utter shambles of disunity and venomous attacks!

Barking Spider said...

<span><span>Hi, Bunni: That was fantastic news which helps to prove to the world that he is not actually the Messiah and he can not walk on water! </span> 
<span>I loved Dr. Dave's headline, "Dont let the door hit you on the ass on your way out"! Fucking great!! </span></span>

<span><span>Have a great weekend at the music fest, say hello to the squirrels and make sure Walter keeps an eye on your beer for you!
<span style=""></span>

Barking Spider said...

<span>You're right, DL, he doesn't look anywhere near sleekit enough for the job even though he would be very good at it. 
Banaman looks like a dildo that's taken a wrong turn and lost it's way!</span>
<span>                   </span> =-O
I knew Cameron was worth a few quid but I had no idea he was worth that much! Nice work if you can get it and daddy probably helped a lot, too.</span>