Friday 9 October 2009


I'm going to be really lazy tonight as I've been over at Biased BBC enjoying myself on the Question Time/This Week live blog. So here, for fun, is the BBC approved list of swearwords, courtesy of Richard Littlejohn.

A is for Ashcroft, B is for Bullingdon... the A-Z of approved BBC swearwords

Following the inquest into the Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand bullying scandal, BBC entertainment chiefs have issued new taste and decency guidelines, including a ban on swearing before 10pm.
It comes after a week in which Labour minister Ben Bradshaw, himself a former BBC correspondent, accused the corporation of being biased in favour of the Tories.
He said that an interview which the Today Programme's Evan Davis conducted with George Osborne was 'fawning and feeble'.

This would be the same Evan Davis who, in the course of a single interview, asked David Cameron four questions about foxhunting in an attempt to portray him as a 'Tory Toff'.
Earlier Andrew Marr had quizzed Cameron about his personal wealth and Jeremy Paxman sneered at Boris Johnson's Eton and Oxford background.
I don't remember any BBC reporter asking Tony Blair about his privileged upbringing or questioning Peter Mandelson on where he got the money to buy a £2.4 million home, let alone a £24,000 Patek Philippe wristwatch.
The idea that the BBC is biased in favour of the Tories is risible.
What has not been publicised, until now, is that the corporation's news and current affairs department has also issued a directive to editors, producers and presenters.
It contains a lexicon of approved swearwords which must be used in all BBC news bulletins and interviews, at every possible opportunity, and delivered with a curled lip.
This column has obtained a copy.


TO: All producers, editors and presenters
FROM: Controller, Editorial Standards Board
RE: Swearwords

A American, aggressor (see Israel, below), anti-Islamic, Ashcroft (Lord).
B Banker, Bullingdon, baronet, bonuses, BNP.
C Capitalist, Conservative, Christian, chinless, chumps ('bunch of'), Chelsea tractor.
D Denier (as in 'climate change'), duck house, defeat (in Afghanistan), Daily Mail.
E Etonian, ex-public schoolboy, europhobe, extremist (see also sceptic, euro).
F Foxhunting, financier, fascist, free market, fee-paying, Far Right. G Globalisation, genocide (against   Palestine, see Israel), greed, gasguzzler.
H Homophobe, homophobia, homophobic, hedge fund manager, hater, hate crime, heartless (see Tory Cuts).
I Islamophobe, Islamophobia, Islamophobic, Israel, Izza-ra-aylee, investment banker (but not Labour 'investment'), inheritance tax cut.
J Jewish State (see aggression, etc), judgemental.
K Knights of the shires (see duck house, moat dredging).
L Little Englander (as in anyone who wants a referendum on Europe), Loyalist.
M Merchant banker, multinational, motorist, moat dredging, mansion, Murdoch.
N Nazi (see also Tory and Israel), neo-Nazi, neo-Con, Nasty Party.  
O Oil companies, Old Etonian, Oxford, occupation (see Israel).  
P Profit, privilege, privately educated, private medicine, polluter, populist, Palin (Sarah, not Michael).
Q Queue-jumping (see Tory health policy), Queer-basher (see Christian).
R Racist, racism, rich (anyone earning more than £50,000 a year), Right-wing, reactionary, rapists (all men are), roadblock to peace (see Israel and Loyalist).
S Savage (see also Tory Cuts), silver spoon, sceptic (as in euro), selfish, swivel-eyed.
T Tory, Tory Toffs, Tory Cuts, Tory Split, Thatcher, Thatcherite, torture (as in British troops, CIA), tax cuts for the wealthy, two-tier (see Tory health/education policies).
V Victorian (as in 'values'), Vietnam (see Afghanistan).
W Wealthy (see 'rich' above), Waffen SS (see also Tory, UKIP), war crimes (as in American and Israeli).
X Xenophobe (see Tory, UKIP, Little Englander, etc).
Y Young Conservative.  
Z Zionist.

You can find more from Richard Littlejohn at THE DAILY MAIL.

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Barking Spider said...

Cool List Spidey:  I say BHO is a MF-ING ASS TWAT!
ah, I feel better now...did you see my tweet w/ the vid of the swearing parrot?  on my youtube channel too.  I think the guy who taught him was a Brit.  You guys are the best swearers...heehee   Happy weekend.

Barking Spider said...

Did my avatar experiment work!  I like your new comment thingy, btw

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Bunni, I like it a lot, too, and yes, your avatar experiment has worked. What did you do? Maybe I can pass on the info. :-D

Barking Spider said...

That's it, Bunni, get it out of your system! I haven't seen the parrot yet but I will go and have a look in a minute, now that you've mentioned it - I'll be able to spot his accent, too! ;)

Barking Spider said...

W waster of NHS Resources, see Smoker, Drinker

Barking Spider said...

tried the avatar thingey

Barking Spider said...

How did you sort out your avatar, Banned?

Barking Spider said...

Yep, that's me!

Barking Spider said...

Littlejohn in one of his many inspired moments. I'd love to see him interviewing Fondlebum.

Barking Spider said...

Glad you liked the parrot!  All I did was click the "add images" I think, or maybe my name, and just uploaded the avatar.  It was last night, I forgot now that my mind is scrambled w/ the HORRID news of bho winning Nobel Piece of Shit Prize!  Worse every my official motto!
PS:  do you know that on your blog, on some posts, it shows up 0 comments, but when you click on the thing to comment, everyones' show up.

Barking Spider said...

That would be good for a laugh, Fausty, he wouldn't let Mandychumps get away with any of his usual bollocks and bullshit!

Barking Spider said...

Oh, yeah, the parrot was great fun!

This Nobel Prize is a complete farce, Obama hasn't fucking done anything - nothing decent anyway!!! This is part of the great global socialist conspiracy - it has to be!

You must have clicked on your name, Bunni, because I see now that it gives you the option to visit your own profile on JS-Kit which would then allow you to upload your avatar.

I know that this comments system takes a bit longer to load than Blogger and is one of the last things to show up on the page and until then, it does look like there are no comments at all.

Barking Spider said...

I see you've managed to sort out the avatar thingy as well, Fausty.

Barking Spider said...

<span>It took me a few tries! Ironically, I have 3 computers and they all took ill at the same time! (Wasnae me, gov). :) </span>

Barking Spider said...

(Dr. Dave here again)....

Oh, fer fuck's sake, still cant figure out this new cunting comments thingey. Oh. It's 8:41 p.m. my time. I guess the BBC won't approve of those words.

Barking Spider said...

BTW, just click on the JS- Kit logo and you'll be able to set up a log-in profile and upload your avatar.

Barking Spider said...

Barking asked how to do avatar.
In the new message box, hover over the silouette ( sp ? ) in avatar space. a pencil icon appears , clickonit, browse & upload. simples but sadly it does not remember between browser sessions.

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Banned, that's a good start, but as far as I remember, it was a while ago now, I had to create a proper profile at JS-Kit and then it automatically remembered me. I didn't even have it on my own blog at the time, it was only because other people were using it on their blogs. It's only a log-in profile so it recognises you, nothing more.

Barking Spider said...

Or click on this link, JS-Kit, Gr. Dave.

Barking Spider said...

Here's quite a comment thread from GOT's place, in the last few hours,
Teresa - I think you might enjoy it - pass it around if you like it - the
subject began as Islamophobia and morphed a little during the process!
Have fun at