Friday 16 October 2009


A Taliban commander and two senior Afghan officials confirmed yesterday that Italian forces paid protection money to prevent attacks on their troops.

Sounds about right!


Barking Spider said...

So what ir wrong with paying your enemies to leave you alone ? works with the cosa nostra

Barking Spider said...

<span>Then there isn't much point of them being there, Banned - much like the rest of the EU's contribution to life in Britain.</span>
<span style=""></span>

Barking Spider said...

How very pathetic, yet how very Italian.

There was a time (ancient Rome) when the Italians were great warriors. Today, they make a decent pizza, their cars are very cool, same with fashion - and the women are hot. But as fighters -- they leave a lot to be desired.

So why not pay off the enemy to end the war before it begins, and then hang around for the photo op of you "fighting the war" for the folks back home. Maybe smear tomato sauce (with garlic spice) on some Taliban to make them look dead so you can stand with your foot on their chest, rifle raised in triumph.

What a world.

Barking Spider said...

Bribery and payoff''s the Chicago Way too!
Happy Weekend, Spidey!  I have something to make you
laugh this fine day!  Hope you don't celebrate as much as the guy on my latest vid...hee hee.

Barking Spider said...

It's just business.

Barking Spider said...

Ah, yes, D, that immortal line from the Godfather!​ ;)
Banned even left the horse's head further down the page.

Barking Spider said...

Ain't that the truth, the Romans would be ashamed, LL.
I suppose we should at least be glad that this time they used bribery instead of changing sides!                                                                                         *DONT_KNOW*

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni, Chicago learned it from the Italian mob.

Your vid sounds like I'm going to enjoy it. I take it he's a little bit tipsy?!
I'm off to see the vid, have a fun weekend. :-D

Barking Spider said...

North Africa, 1941, we defeated 30 Divisions of Italian troops with 27 blokes from the Army Catering Corp.

Obviously, the Italian military prowess remains the same.

Barking Spider said...

Ah, yes, Gigits, but you have to be tough in the Catering Corps to withstand all the abuse you get for the rotten food!

The Italians, on the other hand, must receive extra special training in <span style="text-decoration: underline;">corruption</span> and are are prone to changing sides when you're not looking!

What the fuck are they doing there, what, exactly are they for, show? Whatever it is, mate, it's certainly not soldiering!! :-$

Barking Spider said...

What are NATO troops doing there?

If our supposed allies are paying off the fucking scum, so they attack further down the line, what chance do we have?

It may be Italy (and I made a very obvious joke about their fighting skills), but really it is cowardice of treasonable proportions if it is found to be true.

Italy should be kicked out of NATO.

To be honest, I think NATO is an anachronism and we should leave it ourselves (especially since we always seem to get 'point').

Barking Spider said...

That's the serious point of this story, and that's really what's so disturbing and although we've been joking about it, there needs to be a full investigation. I would, however, expect just another whitewash at the end of it all.

Barking Spider said...

Indeed, how very Italian.

How very EU. What proportion of troops/dosh do the rest of the EU contribute to this never-ending war, compared to the UK and the US?

Barking Spider said...


Barking Spider said...

While Lbour is in power. - and I suspect th Tories will offer efficiency but not deliver on the issues which concern us most. Freedom.

Damnit, I shall probably vote UKIP should the Tory victory seem to be uncemocratically large.

We've all witnessed the damage that an overly large majority can do to democracy. Labour has pushed through legislation which most of us abhor.

Increasingly, I'm becoming republican, in the American constitutional sense, in that the majority cannot vote to remove the rights of the rest of socity.

And let's face it, is a 25% vote for a party truly a democractic mandate for the 'winning' party?

Barking Spider said...

Pardon the typos!

Barking Spider said...

Saw a documentary a while back, about the different groups of private security/mercenary groups out there. The Americans were typified as trying to look tough and not get shot, the Brits as scruffy but getting the job done while the Italians were shown as preening themselves silly trying to look like the bad guys in Mad Max.

Barking Spider said...

The system has been sickeningly skewed in Labour's favour for years and they were quite happy with the first-past-the-post system when it suited their purpose. Now that it looks like they are going to be massacred because of their own incompetence, deviousness and bullying us on a daily basis, and, indeed new, fairer boundary changes, Gordon Brown wants to shift the goalposts and move to a system of Proportional Representation. How typical to try and skew things back in his favour, and, of course the Lib Dems are all for it as well because it would mean they probably win more seats! We would never be rid of them with PR and they know it and want it implemented desperately!

I'm now of a mind that perhaps a landslide victory is necessary for one term to get much of Labour's barmiest and freedom-destroying laws repealed by the Conservatives so that we can restore some sense of normality to the traditional British way of life. Having said that, I find myself in complete agreement with everything Nigel Farage says, (Dan Hannan on the Tory side, too, btw), so in the event that, Cameron doesn't deliver the goods, then hopefully UKIP will have gained in strength and stature by the time of the next election - then I would definitely vote for them.

In the meantime, we have the chance to bury Labour next year and I think, for now, that's best served by voting Conservative. Better out than in, as Les Dawson used to say!

Barking Spider said...

No worries. :-D

Barking Spider said...

"<span> preening themselves silly"</span>

Were they ever any different, LOL!! :-D

As LL says further down the page - not since the days of the Romans! What would they think of the current lot?!!

Barking Spider said...

<span>I understand where you're coming from Spidie, but believe that we need UKIP representation in parliament to bolster the eurosceptic/realist elements of the Conservative Party. 
Should this not happen, I believe we will be drawn into "ever closer union", to our detriment. Fascism.</span>

Barking Spider said...

Don't get me wrong, Fausty, I agree with you totally in principle and I'm pretty damned sure that Nigel Farage is going to trounce Bercow, the little runt! I just wish there were more UKIP dead certs to win seats - that's the main thing that gives me concern - splitting the vote and letting Labour back in, or at least enough of them to form a coalition with the Lib Dems - not a pleasant thought. The last Lib/Lab pact was a complete disaster.

Barking Spider said...

Lol. Didn't spot that. Keyoool 8-)