Friday 21 August 2009


Once again the excellent Dan Hannan tells it how it is. No wonder Labour MP's don't like him and try to smear him whenever possible. He is a rare breed - an honest politician.


Opus #6 said...

Ahhhh. You KNOW I love this man. Hmmm. Thanks for posting this.

Barking Spider said...

My pleasure, Opie, I think he's the best Prime Minister we're not going to get anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

As Ron Paul says, "liberty is popular", so I doubt Dan's detractors will be able to smear him sufficiently to dull his star.

Barking Spider said...

I sincerely hope that is the case, Fausty.

The End (Bye Bye!) said...

Dan's the man!

The fact that he annoys both New Labour and Dave Cameron, is enough for me!

Barking Spider said...

Spot on, Gigits, it just goes to show he's doing something right! Long may he keep doing it!

Snarky Basterd said...

I'm having a lot of trouble with my cable connection not letting me see vids straight up tonight (storms, I expect), but I will be back to view these later. Hannan's a particular favorite of mine; I hope he makes PM.

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Dr. Dave - it's a bloody good speech too. I would so prefer to see him taking over rather than what's on offer but I reckon he's too damned honest for the other crooks in the party!

Teresa said...

I absolutely love Hannan!! He's got a lot of guts, taking on the labour Party. He is a true Patriot willing to fight against the socialist pigs. He really tells it like it is. He's awesome in warning America about how horrible socialized medicine is.

Snarky Basterd said...

The quote from Churchill about hiding his johnson from being nationalized is priceless.

Barking Spider said...

He should be leading the Conservative Party, Teresa, then we might have some hope of getting Labour's catastrophic mess sorted out.

Barking Spider said...

What a put-down for Atlee, Dr. Dave - like, "You are nothing but a nationalising socialist and, btw, mine's bigger than yours!

Jon Lishman said...

Great stuff - as usual. As I said on the Speccy some time ago, you know how accurate Hannan is in his assessments by the volume of the squealing and the depravity of the smearing of the Left (and I include the BBC in that bracket). It's inversely proportional.

Clearly, he's been very accurate lately! Instead of silly boy Cameron - who has been somewhat underwhelming recently - branding him 'eccentric', I suspect he should be paying attention.

The Tories are more trusted on the NHS, for instance, probably thanks to Hannan, not Cameron. Now there's some food for thought.

Barking Spider said...

I'm with you completely, D, this man should be running the party and then there really would be the kind of landslide victory that could finish Labour for good!

The Conservative Lady said...

Thank you for posting these videos. We Americans take our wonderful country for granted. I think DH is great and thank him for warning us. Now the question is...will we heed his message. You are lucky to have him and maybe someday he will be your PM.

Barking Spider said...

That day would be a good day, TCL, because I and everyone else have heard SO many lies over the last twelve tears, Labour have turned us into a bunch of cynics. Now I'm not saying that being cynical is a bad thing where politicians are concerned, but it would be nice to have someone a lot more trustworthy at the helm, such as DH.