Monday 3 August 2009

POSITIVE DAY - New World Record

A team of daring skydivers has set a world record for the biggest ever formation of people in freefall while facing headfirst towards the ground.


Well, that's me done - now it's back to the bile!!


Goodnight Vienna said...

Is that the Cabinet without parachutes?

Anonymous said...

Nice post, now go outside and play. All work and no play, etc.

Anonymous said...

loved that story, having done a tandem once myself. Well pleased I survived it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That the world is still full of people who will perform dangerous stunts for no other reason than because those people are stark, staring bonkers is definitely the most positive news I have read all day.

Anonymous said...

It's what Harriet does with the male bodies when she's finished with them.

Barking Spider said...

Oh, GV - now that really would be nice.

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Nickie, it's after midnight so I'm back to my normal grumpy self!

Barking Spider said...

Well done, CB, you wouldn't get me up in one of those.

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, DAC.

Barking Spider said...

There you go, Edgar, it IS there if you look hard enough - just lucky to live in a country where so many ARE stark staring Bonkers - bark, bark!!

Barking Spider said...

Right on, VotR, now if she were to do that - her fanny is so fucking tight that she would whistle all the way down like a WW2 bomb!

Opus #6 said...

It has been a fun week over here. Thanks.

Barking Spider said...

My pleasure, Opie.

Snarky Basterd said...

I used to work with someone who held one of these records previously (I think they're broken every 6 months or so).

He had a video of it as the formation occurred. Amazing stuff to do and watch.

Barking Spider said...

Hi there, Dr. Dave, you're absolutely right - I do remember one happening around six months ago.

Barking Spider said...

That's the way it goes, CB, when you are young and stupid, you think that you are indestructable and so you never stop to consider that something might go wrong.

The Big Dollop said...

Barking ya divy

You need to get out more Bro lol

Keep The Faith


Barking Spider said...

I'll do my best, TBD.

Doubting Richard said...

Sod the parachuting, I want to be flying one of the Twin Otters

Rob said...

Lucky for them that the British and American paratroopers in market garden exited the plane feet first.

Barking Spider said...

Indeed, Uncle Bob - welcome back.