Saturday 1 August 2009

SILLY WEEK - More Non-PC Fun




Jon Lishman said...

Great stuff, Spidey. Classic!

Teresa said...

I loved it!!

Oldrightie said...

My God but she's lovely. It's either Mrs OR or Subrosa. I should cocoa!
Mrs OR pranged my motor last month. Well worth it to be with her but cost thousands.

Anonymous said...


Barking Spider said...

Thank you everybody, I'm really pleased you're all enjoying these bits of silliness but now I have to rack my brain for the week's finale - I'll try to make it a good one.

Anonymous said...

Enfield's a class act, eh? Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

It's weird, but whenever I think of Harry Enfield now, I associate him with the Channel 4 programme Skins which to me is somewhat of a rarity, as it's possibly the only British series, that Iv genuinely enjoyed watching in donkeys years.

Barking Spider said...

I've never checked that one out, DAC, but I'll give it a go on your recommendation. I didn't bother for exactly the same reason you've given for not watching the other shows. I'll try the link now.

Opus #6 said...

Ooo, bad bad, BAD! Good thing women are the majority or you might be accused of prejudice against a minority.

Barking Spider said...

They really play that old 1930's attitude well, Opie - tongue firmly in cheek.

Amusing Bunni said...

I love these old time public improvement video's.
And, Spidey, you'll be happy to know that I have taken this ones advice. I do not drive, I never have nor do I want to!
And I'm glad, so I wouldn't go on that evil gov't cars website, I have a video about it on my blog.
I'm sorry to see silly week end! You can keep it up for 1 day a week or something....silly saturday's, there's an idea.

Barking Spider said...

They really did manage to get the look just right, Bunni, I love this stuff too.

BTW I left a comment over at your place about You Tube which you should let your friend who originally posted that video know about. They capitulate too easily to government censorship but there are more ways than You Tube to do it.

I'll see if I can do a Silly Saturday post for you.

Goodnight Vienna said...

Thanks Spider - that's one of my all-time favourites.

Barking Spider said...

My pleasure, GV.