Sunday 6 June 2010


Time to get angry, America - and protest like hell!

Don't let them get away with this outrage!


Sheriff said...

Spidey, the word is just getting out about this. I think this might be nipped in the bud. I am afraid, though, we are talking about the second most liberal city ( where PC is great ) in the US after San Francisco. I think this country is going to give New York a nudge to at least call it The Barack Hussien Obama Masque .

Spidey, Would please shorten that Paul McCartney's leash ? :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey:
I posted this video a day or so ago.  Now get a load of this...the Founder of the Ground Zero Mosque is part of the group that funded the Gaza Flotilla.

Something new every day.
I cannot believe that anyone in NYC would be happy about this mosque.

Sheriff said...

<span>I certainly hope so, Odie, that Mosque goes way beyond an insult, mate! >:o  
As for McCarthorse, he never knew when to keep his fucking stupid Lefty mouth shut - ffs, the guy's pushing 70 years old, you'd think he might have learned something by now! </span> >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

If anyone cares to open their eyes in this part of the world, and I do believe that's happening, TCL, it's not hard to tell that you guys have been saddled with a radical Lefty Muslim President! >:o I honestly hope that Odie is right and this thing gets canned - it should never have got this far!! :-$ :-$ :-$ >:o >:o >:o

Thanks for that link too. ;)

Sheriff said...

One of the fundamental tenets of Islam is to convert the entire world to that faith & its medieval ways .. But this lot have more "front" than fucking Blackpool ..

I have to disagree about McCartney .. he has actually learned a great deal .. for instance not to marry one-legged women ..   :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

Hey Spider, Great vid, I posted it myself the other day. Pat sure has a way with words to be sure and is dead-on target as is usual when it comes to the scum known as molems.

Keep up the good fight along with Pat on your side of the pond as we will on this side so one day our respective countries will retake the West and fight off the East.

Sheriff said...

Condell mentions plans for the to building of a Mosque "overshadowing" the Olympics .. which has been cancelled due to adverse public opinion ..

He fails to mention the other proposed outrage .. the building of a Sniper position (cunningly disguised as a Mosque) in Camberley, Surrey .. which was to have overlooked the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst ...  Plans which, incidentally  had already been given the "go-ahead" by the local authority ..

Again, thanks to public pressure those plans have been shelved & building permission cancelled  ..

They can & should be taken on and beaten at their own game at every possible opportunity ..

Sheriff said...

This is the first time in days I've been able to post a comment here, Spidey! Might have to reinstall my browsers, or Java!

What's the bet Obama OKs the project?

I posted this video on my blog just a few minutes before coming here. ;)  

Sheriff said...

Cheers, Christopher, Pat always cuts right vthrough the crap and gets straight to the important points - they must hate him! :-D

The one thing that Western governments have managed to demonstrate beyond doubt in the last nine or ten years is that we are all, regardless of which side of the pond we happen to live on, in this together, mate - against them! ;)

And don't worry, we'll be fighting just as hard over here as you guys are over there - thank God for an uncensored, (so far), internet to get the word out! :-P

Sheriff said...

Absolutely, CH, their sites are chosen with the utmost care and definitely on purpose? >:o

Were Labour really that thick and incompetent or did it just fit in with their plans to undermine us even more? =-O >:o

Sheriff said...

I'm thinking the same thing, Fausty..... followed by an embarrassing climbdown which will only make him look even weaker in his quest for mid-term votes. ;)

Sheriff said...

Americans are too busy getting angry at BO for being unable to plug my damn hole to worry about that terrible moose-limb mosque. If they do build, however, at least Americans will know where to find the next group of crazies who try to kill them.

Please excuse me. I must be leaving. I have a presidency to ruin.

Sheriff said...

Thanks for dropping by, BO's OilSpill, I know you're very busy at the moment and good luck with the ruination of that presidency! :-P

Sheriff said...

I'm not by nature a subscriber to conspiracy theories Spidey ..

I've been around too long & seen enough of the world not to need "conspiracies" ..

Though I do firmly believe that the building of these Mosques and the snapping up of disused village schools & halls as "Islamic Centres" was all part of the grand Labour "master-plan" ..

Has anyone else noticed that there never appeared to be any rush to construct "Islamic" buildings in either Scotland or Wales ? ... Only ever in England, which ties in very neatly with the well established hatred of the English, our history, culture & values so often demonstrated by them over the past 13 years ..

Enoch Powell was absolutely right .. except I rather suspect it will be the Aire, Calder or Trent which will foam with blood .. rather than the Tiber ..

Incidentally, in my last post I mentioned the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst .. perhaps, for the benefit of your American subscribers, I should have pointed out that West Point is the US answer to RMA Sandhurst .. which puts its significance into perspective ..

Sheriff said...

Insult indeed.

Sheriff said...

McCartney is a nasty old jowly botox of leftist and the G0 Mosque's an outrage - which has to be stopped.

So now you know what I really think...


Sheriff said...

Exactly, CH, there is scarcely any conspiracy theory that anyone can come up with that gets right at the whole truth of how rotten the bastards actually are. Enoch Powell was so right that he had to be sidelined/vilified/ridiculed, otherwise the Left's plans might have been scuppered way back in the 60s. ;)

Sheriff said...

To put it politely, James. >:o

Sheriff said...

Spot on, LSP, right there, you've almost got a complete description of him for another website I can think of that we both frequent and I feel quite strongly that you should get yourself over there and nominate him for the accolade, mate! ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

They don't always win. Our local mosque used to be in  a three story Victorian town house; somehow they got permission to demolish that building and replace it with a brand new one recognizable as a mosque but  Planning Control trumped the diversity crowd since the height could not exceed that of the houses either side, tall minaret, small mosque!

Sheriff said...

I've been having problems here too Fausty and at Bunnis place which uses a similar template.

Sheriff said...

"Somehow" they got permission..... that would be a Labour "somehow", then. ;)

Brilliant that Planning Control pissed on their chips, though, bwahahaha! :-P

Sheriff said...

Hi Spider!  They did get REAL angry in New York.  There were big protests.
I wish Pat had been invited.  He's the best at telling it like it is,
(besides you of course).  PS:  cute kitteh's on my new post.

Sheriff said...

It's going swimmingly, Spidey - thanks to the oil spill! ;)

Sheriff said...

Maybe it's something on your end, guys, the comment thingy was the only thing working yesterday.
Thanks for letting us know.

Sheriff said...

Good stuff, Bunni, I hope it had some effect but Lefties always suffer from selective deafness and do whatever the fuck they want anyway - we'll see. I did see some photographs of the protest and I hope it's put the fear of God, (not Allah), into them! :-P

Sheriff said...


Sheriff said...

Good man, John, I understand there are moves afoot, ;) (seriously), so that if the mosque actually does go ahead...... there will be a new gay bar/club opening up right next door to it....... sheer brilliance...... if that doesn't stop it, nothing will! :-D :-D :-D