Wednesday 23 June 2010



IT's maniacal smiles all around for Gorgon Brownfinger, the cunt! Time was when you couldn't keep the fucker away from Westminster, especially on the day of the Budget but yesterday, for the first time in thirteen years, he was cowering in Kirkcaldy to avoid having to defend his brazen destruction of the British economy in Parliament! 

The official cover story is that McWankstain was visiting schools in Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath where he was allegedly "focusing on his constituency". Well, I have only this to say to him.

Enhanced by Zemanta


Sheriff said...

And we all know exactly what to make of "Official" cover stories .. don't we ???

I feel sorry for those kids .. the poor little buggers had no choice but to be photographed with this slimy turd .. and knew no better than to smile when ordered to do so by their teachers ..

Those responsible for this obscenity should be hauled before the Courts for mass child abuse ...

Sheriff said...

CP grads the lot I'll wager CH.

Sheriff said...

Solder would work just fine, INCOMING!!!!!!!, ooooh, what a lovely thought! :-P :-D

I'd also be worried about him touching them up - girls and boys! =-O :(

Sheriff said...

I'd obviously heard the rumours re the botty-bashing .. but not about the other ..

In any event, if I were a parent of one of those kids, I'd be making very strongly worded complaints about my children being exploited for political purposes  .. and for being photographed without my express permission ..

Especially as parents, grandparents etc are now forbidden to photograph their own children/grandchildren in school Nativity plays etc ..

One rule for us .. a different set for "them" ..

Sheriff said...

They might even end up burning him a la Wicker Man, CS! ;)

Sheriff said...

I'd like to do a William Wallace to him, CH. =-X

Sheriff said...

I'll bet he grabbed itty bitty titty while he was there.

Sheriff said...

Not a bad idea at all Spidey ..

But off-hand, I can't think of a Town or City which I hate sufficiently enough to make its inhabitants suffer seeing his bloated, leprous & putrid body parts slowly fester on a daily basis ..

And if those body-parts were to be displayed North of the border, there's a better than evens chance they'd become some sort of "shrine" as testament to the collective fuck-wittery of the cretins who selected him as their MP in the first place ..

Sheriff said...

I'd say that pic's been photoshopped Spidey, look at the shadow on the left of his face it doesn't belong there (thats our left) and the other side looks like a very straight line down the hair, ear,hair/shadow part I may be wrong but....

Sheriff said...

My old china that jock twat is where?

Sheriff said...

He's looking more insane by the day, Spidey.
He should not be allowed within 50 ft. of ANY child.  I hope the poor kiddies aren't too traumatized.

Sheriff said...

They would have to be scattered far and wide, CH, preferably at the bottom of the various oceans around the world. ;)

Sheriff said...

Handfuls of it, BO's Oil Spill, the dirty perv! =-O

Your trashing of Obamalamadingdong's presidency is still going awfully well. :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

I think I've enlarged the photo well beyond its quality level, Indy, it all looks pretty blotchy including the kids. I've uploaded the original size pic so you can see what I mean. ;)

Sheriff said...

He looks like he's downed a whole bottle of pills in that pic, Bunni, he will end up in the funny farm when nobody buys the shite book he's writing at the taxpayers' expense while avoiding Westminster and hiding in his back garden! :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Fuck that for a game of soldiers Spidey ..

What have the poor old fish & whales done to deserve such pollution ?

Just drop the bastards parts over what's left of Chernobyl ..

Or, as he was so keen to "donate" so much of our money to Africa, perhaps they'd like their "benefactor's" remains ? ...

Either way .. job done ...   :-D :-D  

Sheriff said...

That gives me another idea, CH, just drop him out of a helicopter in among a bunch of hungry cannibals - that way we don't pollute the poor fish, the cannibals are fed, we're rid of the cunt and everybody's happy! :-P :-D

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

He looks like he's taken too great an interest in those children.

Sheriff said...

Speaking of gardens, have you visited my blog lately!
I posted several fun things.  Just now I put a video of my nutty friends. ;)

Sheriff said...

I think even hungry cannibals might be a tad reluctant to eat that toxic twat Spidey ... >:o

Sheriff said...

I haven't been round for a day or two - a few beers yesterday put paid to that - but I'll be there later. ;)