Sunday 27 June 2010


Just in case you would also like to get in touch with this fucker, Professor John P. Abraham, (pictured below), and tell him what you think of him for his unfounded and indefensible attacks on Lord Monckton, I have great pleasure in providing the twat's contact details.....

Associate Professor


Phone: 651-962-5766

Toll Free: (800) 328-6819 
                 Ext. 651-962-5766

Mail: OSS101  
         2115 Summit Ave.
         St. Paul, MN 55105  

Office Location: OSS 107

John P. Abraham - a smug, Lefty shit if ever I saw one!

Enhanced by Zemanta


Sheriff said...

Cheers Barking, I have been rather busy as of late and remiss in visiting so doing some catching up here.

Just who are these fucks to challenge a man of such stature and knowledge and that being Lord Monckton?

What I have seen in what you have presented is a liberal fruitcake who is a member of a man-made organised religion which is not based on faith but rather money and then what would seem to be a 'Metro male' type at half Moncktons age with even less in expierence and that being true dictates that he not posess even an ounce of knowledge that Monckton commands.

Sheriff said...

Is the "OSS101" part of this bloke's e mail address of any significance ?

The OSS (Office of Strategic Services) being the WWII forerunner of "Christians In Action" ..

Sheriff said...

That's part of his snail mail address, CH - his email address is the green one......, (pun intended!) ;)  

Sheriff said...

Spot on, Christopher, just like Pachauri, he's yet another one who isn't even a climate scientist - they say a picture paints a thousand words - it certainly does - this twat has no credibility at all in my eyes. His boss, Dennis J. Dease, president of the university will not like it one little bit when his funding starts to disappear - a very nice move on Lord Monckton's part! ;) :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Where are Martin and John?

Sheriff said...

God willing , one of these days I will visit Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland  and when I do reach Englands shores I so wish to sit down with you Barking over a pint or two (maybe more?) and have one helluva a discussion!

Any and all who visit here are more than welcome to join so long as you do not mind a 'colonist',,lol,,amongst you.

Sheriff said...

Barking my old m8
As old tommy Trinder said "PUT IT ON ICE FOR ME"!
cunts the lot of em they will get thier cummupence !

Sheriff said...

That's info i'm gonna use!!  Thanks.

Sheriff said...

Thanks Spidey .. I just wondered .. because, as you know .. I'm a cynical, suspicious old sod at the best of times ...    :-D

Sheriff said...

Deserves a massive cunting on grumpies my old china?

Sheriff said...

You and me both, mate! ;)

Sheriff said...

It will definitely be the "more" option, mate! :-P :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

Keeping a low profile methinks, James - this guy is just another patsy with nothing to back up his outrageous claims and he will take the fall for it. 8-)

Sheriff said...

You're very welcome, Nickie, thanks for your help in getting the word out, mate. ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

Ooooh...... he's a pretty boy, mate! =-O

Sheriff said...

<span>Professor John P. Abraham ? </span>Clearly a graduate from the University of Nonce; was chatting to a Greenie Management type bint the other day, mentioned that Al Gore no longer seemed flavour of the day even amongst his ersthwhile supporters. She agreed, citing his obvious commercial interests.

Sheriff said...

He looks very arrogant, and also like a poofter!
I hope he gets fired, after everyone writes about him.

Sheriff said...

He sure does, Bunni -  and as Banned said below.... "<span>a graduate from the University of Nonce"...... nonce being the the slang word for a paedophile! </span> =-X

I don't think he can win this one as Lord Monckton is already kicking the university president where it hurts most...... in the wallet! :-P :-D

Sheriff said...

I forgot ... he gets off giving Al Whore massages to a happy ending. :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

Or perhaps more of a limp-wristed bum boy, Odie! =-O :-D :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

Ewww...... that mental picture has left me needing the old brain bleach, mate! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

Ewww...... that mental picture has left me needing the old brain bleach, mate! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

Or perhaps more of a limp-wristed bum boy, Odie! =-O :-D :-D :-D :-D :-P :-P :-P :-P 8-) O:-)

Sheriff said...

Should we write to him?

Sheriff said...

It might even be rather churlish not to, James, :-P :-D a nice little email should do the trick - just to let him know how much we love him! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-D :-D :-D :-D