Friday 25 June 2010



States Need To Launch Criminal Investigation Into BP, Federal Government's Role In Oil Spill 

Following the rise of sufficient indicators that BP knew about the conditions of its Gulf oil assets prior to the April 20 leak & explosion 62 long days ago and counting, Alex Jones has called for criminal investigations of key figures at BP, inside the White House administration and elsewhere. Further, Alex has urged activists and concerned citizens everywhere to take a proactive approach to dealing with the looming consequences of the massive oil leak. 

He suggests calling on Governors and State Legislators in the Gulf Region to assert 10th Amendment rights-- refute the Federal Government's inaction, and institute measures to resolve the situation as best as can be.

In addition, Alex alerts awakened people everywhere to the renewed efforts by President Obama and certain allies, to ram through Carbon Taxes and other Climate Change measures via stealth, and using the crisis of the BP Oil Spill to justify such fascist policies-- when the Obama Administration's bewildered response, (much like the Bush Administration's delayed response at Katrina), exacerbated the scale and depth of the crisis BP may have let happen.

And regarding the president of the University Of St. Thomas,  Dennis J. Dease, as mentioned many times by Lord Monckton in the video, (that's him to the left), should you wish to email him and tell him what you think, here is his email address.......

And here is Senator George LeMieux confirming what Lord Monckton said......

Enhanced by Zemanta


Sheriff said...

Great set of vids by the fantastic Lord Monckton, well worth watching in full.
Too many points to deal with at one time but somewhere on my bloglist is a video describing how the USA have a total of 2,000 vessels with oil scooping capabilities yet only 20 are deployed in the Gulf. The only reason given for not using them is "in case their home ports suffer a similar oil sspill disaster!"  What tosh.
I'll have to go back to vid #4 to get the e-mail addy and help Lord M. stick the boot into that preacher man (or perhaps someone could post it here?).

Being a gentleman Lord M. holds back from sharing my view, of some weeks standing, that Obama has used the BP spill as a gift to present it as his Economic 9/11 in the wake of his failure to pass cap&trade.

I covered the "sun going mental" scare thing on a recent post.

Sheriff said...

You all should see my last few post, some how things are all interwoven. We are under attack from inside and from outside! And yes I know this is nothing new-just ramped up a notch or two-or three.

Sheriff said...

Spidey  much though I loath the honorific I do have time for the chap, no matter what game he's playing. However he, and similar, will never ever let it slip that The New Pearl Harbour has yet to arrive. TNPH is a litmus test. No one mentions the possibilty and therefor will always remain suspect to my mind. Just to really fuck things up TNPH may not be ours. We could be the enemy.

If you thought the mindrift I just barphed was weird. Let me remind you all that an Alien is in the Whitehouse!!! FFS WTF!!! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

Their "plan" becomes ever-clearer, TS/WS - this "oil spill" is obviously Plan B as the climate change scam has been so comprehensively exposed and ridiculed for what it is! I've been thinking about this for several weeks and I came to the same conclusions - not only are there American ships capable of cleaning up a huge amount of the spill, there are many other ships based in other countries capable of doing the same - the offers of outside help have all been refused! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

I was just talking about that in the above comment, Banned, but I didn't realise they had as many as 2000 ships! This fucker needs shooting - I know I said that he should not be turned into any sort of "martyr" but this is now getting really seriously out of hand! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

I'm not sure which email address you meant, mate, was it these guys by any chance?.... 

Sheriff said...

This is all an evil plot by obummer & his BFF BP.
He should be thrown in prison for life!
Grrrrrrrr, I get very mad at all this.
Thank Goodness for Lord Monckton telling everyone about this.

Sheriff said...

Hi, Bunni, thank goodness indeed - and he's been very restrained considering the attempted smearing, (typical Lefty MO), of his character and integrity - I hope he sues the arse off them! ;)

Sheriff said...

As well as being a Corrupt,  Moose-limb loving, Commie twat .. is he also completely thick ?

If you're gonna tell stories, at least get your facts & dates right first ..

He obviously graduated from the "Hollywood" College of History ..

What a total "Walt"  ...

Sheriff said...

I wouldn't mind betting that to further advance the reasoning behind his  hatred for all things British ..

That next week, he suddenly reveals a long-lost Zulu ancestor .. who was "ragged, bagged, shagged and sent on his way rejoicing" by three British squaddies (and their Regimental Goat) at Rorke's Drift ..

He's so pathetic as to be laughable ...

Sheriff said...

The e-mail is that of the president of the university of that cunt  who slagged off Lord Monckton with his slide show, vids 4-5.

Sheriff said...

Here we go

Obumma rejecting deployment of 2,000 USA skimmer boats and offers of assistance by 17 friendly nations including UK and Holland.

Sheriff said...

Thanks, mate, I might just insert that as an update. :-P ;)

Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey:
Senator LeMieux is my Senator in Florida.  He's right.  If Obama had been proactive and had accepted offers of help from wherever he could have gotten it, they would have been one step ahead of the clean up.  Now the oil is reaching the beaches and the states are still being stopped from doing the job.  It a disgrace.
Obama is using this "crisis" as an excuse to push his Cap & Trade agenda.  Very frustrating and disgusting. >:o

Sheriff said...

Marvellous effort on Al Gore's website on Thursday...he says that although ocean temperature in May 2010 was cooler than in May 1998, "the planet continues to warm" and we're all still going to FUCKING DIE HORRIBLY.

Before you take the piss, I don't read his site, got it from TheHill which is a bit lefty, so I was pleased to see 99% of comments calling Gore a dick.

Sheriff said...

Absolutely, TCL - this is all part of his NWO agenda - the climate change scam isn't working any more so we are now witnessing Plan B. Obama should be taken outside and shot - or fried/hanged/gassed/injected! I think Old Sparky works best for me! ;) :-P :-D O:-)

Sheriff said...

Thanks for those links, Eye, I had a good read at several pages of those comments and was delighted to see how many people have woken up to the scam. It beggars belief that Gore is still flogging this dead horse - until you think about all the money he stands to lose from his "green" investments! Shame, really - couldn't happen to a nicer chap!! :-P :-P :-D :-D

Sheriff said...

You're welcome ;)