Wednesday 3 March 2010




Barking Spider said...

And I would dearly love to be the one to insert the spit, Teresa! =-O :-D

Barking Spider said...

Spidey I hate to think what kind of weird high strangeness particles that will emit when it goes bang. BTW are you catching any twitchings on the molestation of miners, no not coal but coal holes are certainly mentioned, with regards to our commie chums?

Barking Spider said...

That was me Spidey, somehow I went all anomnibus!!

Barking Spider said...

WOW, you really love this guy so. Spidey, I do wish you would stop sugar coating how you really feel about Brown. :-P

Barking Spider said...

<span>Eeeww....that's a nasty mental picture, INCOMING!!!!!!! =-O  
Yes, mate, I have heard the rumblings in that department but I wouldn't jump into/onto the shaft just yet. ;) </span>

Barking Spider said...

I know, Odie, I'm always being told that I never say what I mean. ;) :-P :-D O:-)

Barking Spider said...

Surely a chance for the BBC to redeem itsrlf? How about a Reality show where contestants compete for the prize of switching off Browns life support machine?

Barking Spider said...

I like it - just imagine the fun that could be had getting him into the kind of state, over the course of several weeks, where he actually needed to be on life support! :-P :-P :-P If that didn't pull in an audience of squillions, nothing would!

Winner gets to switch off the machine, is awarded the freedom of every town and city in the land and becomes a national hero along with the all the other participants who inflicted the torture/beatings/electricity-through-the-gonads/impaling/burning, etc., throughout the series! :-P :-$ :-P

Now that's what I call a fucking game show! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Gordoom likes dogs, too, Bunni, but he couldn't eat a whole one! O:-)

Barking Spider said...

Wow, loving the concept expansion Barking, how do we claim copyright before some fucker rips us off?

Barking Spider said...

I'd say that we've already done that right here in the comments, mate, complete with time and date stamps.
                                                                                                                                                                         ;) :-P :-D

Barking Spider said...

I just ran across the story today of when he called an aide a cunt (while in his underwear). I'm amazed this loser has gained in the polls. They must be rigged.

Barking Spider said...

That can't have been a pleasant experience, SB - yuck! :(

These Lefty bastards have manipulated and rigged everything in their favour since 1997 - they changed boundaries to give them an advantage, they introduced mass postal voting and rigged that, and they've imported 3,000,000 immigrants, 80% of whom are likely to be Labour voters as they do fuck all except claim benefits and cause trouble!

CUNTS! >:o

Barking Spider said...

I thought Stalin was the Socialist monster? Or has everyone forgotten the horror of the Stalin's USSR? I suppose it wouldn't be an insult to Gorgon Broon though calling him Stalin

Barking Spider said...

Nazis are extreme Left, WI - not Far-Right as the Lefties would have you believe - that's only a myth peddled by the Far-Left since the end of WW2 to make them appear to be different and opposite to the Nazis,(Orwellian, 1984 doublespeak). Nazi is an abbreviation of<span><span> Nationalsozialisten - National Socialists - they are even further Left than the Communists, who are International Socialists.</span></span> =-O

So, whichever way you look at it......this is a real fucking insult to a real fucking cunt who deserves the accolade! ;) :-D

Anonymous said...

Gordon Brown was ,is and will forever be the biggest CUNT in the history of the Universe.