Thursday 18 March 2010


The blogosphere and meeting places have been alight with anger, outrage, frustration. And questions about how to defeat our tyrannical 'masters' that make our lives a living hell.
Gandhi found non-compliance to be an effective tool to defeat his masters. And he was just one man.
Imagine what we could achieve, if we made a concerted effort, for a given number of days.
The fact is, the corporations want our money. The government needs our money. The 'mainstream' media are the mouthpieces of these monsters. And all of them are the cause of our misery.
If we starve them of it for a spell, how would that affect them?
We've lost the ability to think for ourselves because we've been programmed not to. If we cease to tune into their propaganda and instead, explore the alternative media, we see a different picture from the one they want us to see. We think for ourselves and join up the dots.
We have been little short of terrorised by their scare stories, their unwarranted use of and threat of force, their fines, their toxic products, their lies - to do their dirty bidding. They enrich themselves at our expense. Every time.
The Greeks and the Icelanders have woken up and taken action. The tyranny we face is on a par with theirs, if not greater, and yet we do bugger all about it. Our MPs don't give a jot - they're not listening to us. They're listening to their party whips, as they eye that juicy job within their grasp if they ignore us. So they do.
So let's learn from the Greeks, the Icelanders, Gandhi - and make our 'strike' international. After all, the entire civilised world is facing tyranny simultaneously.
And as Old Holborn says, we outnumber them. They cannot afford non-compliance on such a massive scale. Success frequently starts from small beginnings, as American patriots will tell you. As Gandhi demonstrated.
There comes a time when we have to say ENOUGH! NO MORE! Just like that lonesome chap did in Tiananmen Square (around 3:45 minutes into this video):
You have to wonder why our police are becoming militarised - all over the world - why the UN frequently deploys its 'peace-keeping' troops. Yes, troops - against civilians. Foreign troops who care nothing for those civilians - they're "just following orders". A government should never do that to its people. That is tyranny, as the Chinese knew only too well. They were expendable. Mere ants to be crushed underfoot. 
Gandhi didn't set out to be a leader; he set out to make a point. He was earnest and determined and he got attention. People chose to follow his lead because he led from the front.
That is what our 'masters' fear. That is why they discourage us from congregating. That is why they attempt to set us against each other.
So we must do the opposite of what they want. Civilly. Lawfully. United.
What am I suggesting, then?
Karen Quinn-Tostado has a plan - and I hope we can gather enough support around the world to follow her lead and act simultaneously. She has the answer. We send them all her aptly put message (somewhat Anglicised and embellished, here):
We show them that they can't control us for four days. We're going to do what we want, we're going to think what we want and we're going to think about what's really important.
We've forgotten that all we need is clean air, clean water, healthy food, self-sufficient communities - and integrity. We don't need the government for those things. 
"We the people", are not responsible for repayment of speculative banking scams. We will not allow our children to be used as collateral for foreign debt.
Our constitution is ignored, our rights are violated, we are taxed without representation. As long as we go about our lives as usual, they win and we pay.
We the people say NO MORE!
Here's what we do from 15th to 18th April
1) No work, no school. Our future depends on restoring our rights. Plan ahead, ask for time off, use holiday days or whatever it takes. Get school assignments for your children, who will then be able to learn about our rights [Ed: with the help of You've been Cromwelled, Old Holborn, Captain Ranty, Lawful Rebellion, and many others (let's have your suggestions)]. If you feel you must go to work, then go! Participate in the other steps. Do what you can! Learn about our true rights.
It's a money game - they want ours. 
Time to change the rules.
2) No shopping - don't buy. Buy nothing from large corporations, fast food places, online stores, etc. Again, plan ahead for medications, petrol/diesel and food. If you have to shop, then go to local grocers and small family shops! If everyone keeps his money for 4 consecutive days, global bankers will notice.
3) Don't comply, take your £££s and savings out of large, corporate banks, leaving only what you need to cover monthly bills. Work at getting off the grid and forming co-ops within communities. We need each other and it will be our networking energy, as one, which will ensure success.

4) Ask Why. This is essential. Why are we allowing our constitution to be ignored? Why do our children have to sacrifice for banking scams? Why are we supporting policies that don't support us?
Then call your MPs and let them know you're participating in this strike and ask questions you feel are important. Then they will notice. 
I  magine if citizens around the world joined Karen Quinn-Tostado's strike. Every one of us can dream that big when we remember that we've all been scammed and lied to by a criminal, dominant minority, who set us against each other, in war, in setting communities, races and sexes against each other, in neighbourhood spying, in so many ways.  
We citizens should not be at war with each other. We should be at war with the corporate plunderers, the despots who believe they lead us, and the craven media who hide the truth from us and brainwash us with their lies. They are the enemy of the people.
We must empower ourselves, not ask for someone to save us! 
"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. 
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. 
The part which is wrong will be discontented, 
in proportion to the importance of the facts 
they misconceive. If they remain quiet
under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the 
forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what 
country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from 
time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? 
Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right 
as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. 
What signify a few lives lost in a century 
or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed 
from time to time, with the blood of patriots and 
tyrants. It is its natural manure." -- Thomas Jefferson
Our masters want a one world government. Let's give them a one world - but of citizens, united, proud, with a shared vision of liberty.  
When I despair, I remember that all through history
the ways of truth and love have always won. There have 
been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem 
invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it -always.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Barking Spider said...

I am all in favour of smashing the compliance state run by fear and fines but buying stuff in advance of a buying strike will achieve little.
In UK there is one thing that almost every household can do to bring the sordid edifice down that is lawful, easy, free and culturally enriching. Ditch your TV thus avoiding the telly tax and bring the vile BBC crashing to its knees.
Thus will the control freaks and lunatics running our asylum be denied their mouthpiece and notice board.

Barking Spider said...

The call is laudable, alas I fear that the UK sheeple are now so self-engrossed and brainless that the effort involve would be all too much.

Now if you could get the campaign featured on Eastenders or Corrie or SuperPopStarSingingonIce then you would have a fighting chance

Barking Spider said...

Everyone seems to be stuck on the same point, banned. ;)  Karen's point is that we buy too much. Do we need the latest mobile phone and all the cr*p we by at Tesco's? And also, if you have to buy, support your local grocers, and other small shops. They're struggling to survive because they can't get credit - unlike the corporations.

If it costs you more to buy at these small shops, buy less. At least then, they get the custom, you get your goods, and the corporations don't.

BTW, thanks for re-posting, Spidey!

Barking Spider said...

True. Any ideas about how we can get more exposure, quickly?

Barking Spider said...

Hi Spider!  This is a great idea and post from Fausty's.  I will certainly be doing the "no work" part! ;)   I also don't shop as much as I used to.  Most of the people are too brain dead to go along with this, though, unfortunately.
Happy Day before Spring, Spidey  8-)

Barking Spider said...

Woohoo! This has made David Icke's headlines page! That must account for all the traffic I've had today.

His was one of the sites I emailed asking for coverage. Shows how powerful it can be to contact the top alternative media sites.

If we all post such blogs on our sites and email the top bloggers, we can make this viral!

Spidey, would you be interested in making a sidebar button for people to put on their blogs? I'm hopeless at it! If not, who might be willing to do so?

Barking Spider said...

I stuck a video of Peter Watt up on YT a while back when his book was just about to come out - no-one else had posted anything at all so Iain Dale used it and I got a lot of hits out of that in just a few days! ;)

I now have better technology than I did then and can make the videos look much better. ;) :-P :-D

I can probably manage a button for you, too......any preferences? :)

Barking Spider said...

You too Bunni, spring is definitely in the air........ I don't know what it is exactly, but................or then, maybe it's the wine!

(Damn!) =-O :-P :-D O:-)

Barking Spider said...

Odie, you have, as someone who lives on the other side of the pond, got it absolutely right.......even down to the bloody TV programmes......very astute and informed, mate. ;)

Barking Spider said...

Unfortunately. that is the one thing they will never do, mate.....they're addicted to this poxy, rotten government well knows...............CUNTS! >:o

Barking Spider said...

We The People need to be reminded who is really in charge ! :-P

Barking Spider said...

Correct, Odie - the powers that be have been working tirelessly to make us forget! >:o

Barking Spider said...

Must've missed your Peter Watt vid - will go and peek at that and your other vids. Well done Spidey!

Every time I think about what a button should look like, my mind goes blank. I'm hopeless at advertising. Art, OK. Not advertising!

Barking Spider said...

Re shopping/Tesco. Most local independent shops have aleady gone to the wall but funnily enough I was in one of the few remaining large grocer/general stores the other day to buy some of their very good pens.
I was surprised to see that they were again stocking my somewhat obscure brand of cigarettes.

I know the owner by name and mentioned that their disappearance was the reason I had largely stopped visiting his shop. So Fausty, this is the deal. I'll carry on patronising his shop, buying most of my food stuff, despite it being somewhat more expensive, so long as he keeps stocking my cigs. How's that?

Barking Spider said...

But the BBC is so shit. How can anyone be addicted to it?

Barking Spider said...

  O:-)  My mobile phone is five years old ;)

Barking Spider said...

Good man! ;)

Barking Spider said...

I agree, mate, it is complete, utter, absolute, total shit, but people are addicted to the other available channels, of which there are now shitloads - the BBC just capitalises out of that fact - a ploy worthy of their Labour masters! >:o