Thursday 25 March 2010



Gordon Brown has been ordered to release information before the general election about his controversial decision to sell Britain's gold reserves. The decision to sell the gold taken by Mr Brown when he was Chancellor is regarded as one of the Treasury's worst financial mistakes and has cost taxpayers almost £7 billion. Mr Brown and the Treasury have repeatedly refused to disclose information about the gold sale amid allegations that warnings were ignored.

Following a series of freedom of information requests from The Daily Telegraph over the past four years, the Information Commissioner has ordered the Treasury to release some details. The Treasury must publish the information demanded within 35 calendar days by the end of April. The sale is expected to be become a major election issue, casting light on Mr Brown's decisions while at the Treasury.

Last night, George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, demanded that the information was published immediately. " Gordon Brown 's decision to sell off our gold reserves at the bottom of the market cost the British taxpayer billions of pounds," he said. "It was one of the worst economic judgements ever made by a chancellor."

"The British public have a right to know what happened and why so much of their money was lost. The documents should be published immediately."

Between 1999 and 2002, Mr Brown ordered the sale of almost 400 tons of the gold reserves when the price was at a 20-year low. Since then, the price has more than quadrupled, meaning the decision cost taxpayers an estimated £7 billion, according to Mike Warburton of the accountants Grant Thornton. It is understood that Mr Brown pushed ahead with the sale despite serious misgivings at the Bank of England. It is not thought that senior Bank experts were even consulted about the decision, which was driven through by a small group of senior Treasury aides close to Mr Brown. The Treasury has been officially censured by the Information Commissioner over its attempts to block the release of information about the gold sales.

The Information Commissioner's decision itself is set to become the subject of criticism. The commissioner has taken four years to rule on the release of the documents, despite intense political and public interest in the sales. Officials have missed a series of their own deadlines to order the information's release, which will now prevent a proper parliamentary analysis of the disclosures. It can also be disclosed that the commissioner has held a series of private meetings with the Treasury and has agreed for much of the paperwork to remain hidden from the public. The Treasury was allowed to review the decision notice when it was in draft form and may have been permitted to make numerous changes. In the official notice, the Information Commissioner makes it clear that only a "limited" release of information has been ordered. 

Ed Balls, who is now the Schools Secretary, Ed Miliband, now the Climate Change Secretary, and Baroness Vadera, another former minister, were all close aides to the chancellor during the relevant period. If the information is not released by the end of April, the Treasury will be in "contempt of court" and will face legal action. A spokesman said last night that the Treasury was not preparing to appeal against the ruling.

How Auctions Cost Taxpayers £7bn

*The price of gold has quadrupled since Gordon Brown sold more than half of Britains reserves. 

*The Treasury pre-announced its plans to sell 395 tons of the 715 tons held by the Bank of England, which caused prices to fall. 

*The bullion was sold in 17 auctions between 1999 and 2002, with dealers paying between $256 and $296 an ounce. Since then, the price has increased rapidly. Yesterday, it stood at $1,100 an ounce. 

*The taxpayer lost an estimated £7 billion, twice the amount lost when Britain left the Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992. 

*The proceeds from the sales were invested in dollars, euros and yen. In recent years, most other countries have begun buying gold again in large quantities.


 I see a dark cloud emanating from Downing Street.... a possible volcanic eruption, methinks!

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Barking Spider said...

Spidey this is sssoooooo sweet. someone has decided to take a sledge hammer to one of the big unexploded bombs strewn around the waistland that is UKplc. Duck, there's an almighty explosion coming!!! Heheheheheheeeee

Barking Spider said...

This is just the height of incompetence.  For this alone gordoom should be hung for theft and treason.

Barking Spider said...

And isn't the timing absolutely perfect, INCOMING!!!!!!! :-P

Barking Spider said...

Ooh, Bunni, can I pull the lever, can I, can I, oh, pleeeease? :-P :-D

Barking Spider said...

You bunch of handle pullers you ... Sometimes it's hard to know which one is worse, Obummer or Brownturd. :-P

Barking Spider said...

BS,, something tells me this 'report' will be mislaid until after 6 May.

Barking Spider said...

You're every bit as suspicious of them as I am, SR, and with very good reason - my only hope is that the Tories won't let them away with that particular ploy. ;)

Barking Spider said...

He is indeed, Teresa...... all sizzled up and crispy, he would probably go nicely with french fries and, as you said before, we could feed him to the poor! (I still want to painfully insert a spit up his arsehole) :-P

Barking Spider said...

He surely won't be able to get away with this one, Fausty, not if Cameron gets off his arse and does his job properly. *DONT_KNOW*

Barking Spider said...

That's like the comparison between Brown and Blair, Odie, in that Obastard and B.Liar are evil, narcissistic  twins, both overflowing with hubris.....  but Brownturd is an out-and-out commie minger.... much worse than either of the other two, (and that's saying something)! >:o

Barking Spider said...

It certainly did, Gotty...... I wonder what the going rate is for a 24 carat cunt these days...... we could sell him into slavery for a fair price...... I mean, whoever takes us up on the offer wouldn't charge us too much to take him off our hands...... would they? :-P *DONT_KNOW*

Barking Spider said...

I cannot put into words the magnitutde of my utter disgust at this hideous creature.  I really can't.

Barking Spider said...

Having just re-read this, I recall reading that Gordoom sold our gold to the EU. Can anyone confirm?

Barking Spider said...

Good point, Fausty, I seem to remember that as well...... it would figure...... Gordoom's been selling us out to the EU for years! >:o

Barking Spider said...

That goes for me, too, TT, my hatred of him defies description! >:o

Barking Spider said...

The Florin People has a hand on your gold toooo!
They TOOK ours with the help of Bubba (Clinton), a fella Fabianist.
And last fall they took a whole bunch of cash- can We All Say TARP (T'is Another Rape by Pirates)?

Barking Spider said...

That's bloody Lefties for you, TS/WS. >:o

Barking Spider said...

Could be that Darling is behind the move to get this information out in the open. He doesn't like Brown or Balls an awful lot. Hell, even Cooper might be implicated, in which case, it could be curtains for their careers!

Barking Spider said...

Let's put it this way, Fausty, it's more likely to be Darling than any of the current crop of Blue Labour "Tories"!  ;)

Barking Spider said...

Names in the frame for this are Brown, Balls and Milliband. Don't forget that at the same time Brown and Balls were setting up the Carbon Disclosure Project fake charity with 55trillions currently under managment!!

Barking Spider said...

The usual suspects, mate! ;)