Saturday 6 March 2010



Well it looks like he did pretty much as we expected - except for losing his temper, which would have made watching this drivel all worthwhile!

He had a rehearsed list of answers and avoidances which he repeated ad nauseam, regardless of the questions asked - it was exactly like watching PMQ's without the taunts and jokes and, of course, we had to listen to his bilge for fucking hours. 

No matter what the panel said, he did what he wanted and when they asked him to stick to a "yes or no" answer, he carried on saying what he had been saying anyway! CUNT!

This comment over at Nick Robinson's blog says everything about the whole fiasco that I would say myself if I could be fucking bothered talking about the lying, blustering pig any more.

"It was like watching a skilful chess player" (says old Toenails - no it fucking wasn't!, fuck off, you sycophantic, lying, baldy twat!)
"Eh?! You must have been watching something different to what I was watching, then.

What I saw was a man who basically just continually ignores what he's asked and says:

"I wasn't there at the time. I had no idea what was going on. Nobody ever told me what Bush said/wanted. I wasn't there, Guv, honest. It wasn't me. I was bankrolling it all but I had absolutely no interest whatsoever in any of it. Nope, it was none of my business, I wasn't there. I just told the military to do whatever they wanted and that I'd pay for whatever they asked for."

It's blatant lies, he's not acting like a skilful chess player, Nick, he's acting like a two year-old who's got chocolate spread all round his mouth who tells his mum "Chocolate? What chocolate? 
I never done it."

I switched off in the end, it was just too frustrating watching him behave in such an odious and childish and selfish way telling lies and obfuscating with every breath."

Yep - that's it in a nutshell.........


Barking Spider said...

This piece of mad, stagnant lard is our Prime Minister and polls and the saintly dickhead Robinson expect him to be returned!

Barking Spider said...

I love your rants, Spidey! This one's a classic!

I couldn't face watching the entire thing - as you say, it was all so predictable. These inquiries should have teeth. Brown should have been forced to answer the bloody questions!

Barking Spider said...

PS: Why don't you set up a radio/podcast rant? Hell, I'd be a regular and would love to post it on my blog!

Barking Spider said...

It's all very consistent, Spidey .... It's Bush's fault.

Barking Spider said...

God help us all if that happens, OR - but he will hopefully shoot himself in both feet during the televised debates. ;)

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Fausty, I needed that one, >:o , as Chilcot has now proved beyond doubt that he is under Labour control and that this inquiry is by no means "independent"!

Those members of the panel who did try to corner the big Brown thing into "yes or no" answers had absolutely no support from Chilcot - this inquiry stinks! >:o

Barking Spider said...

That's something I had never even considered........hmmm? *DONT_KNOW* ..... ;) :-D

Barking Spider said...

That's it, Odie.....he decides on a story and keeps repeating it until everyone is sick! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Eagerly awaiting ... :D

Barking Spider said...

He looks like a lying, golden CUNT.  Maybe we could put a spell on him and turn Brown into stone? Then we could turn that into rubble.

Barking Spider said...

"LIAR" must be a job prerequisite for politicians...we have a BIG one living in the White House here in the USA >:o .