Friday 30 October 2009


This is a real corker from Ollie Cromwell.


Barking Spider said...

'Tis rather excellent, that. :)

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, DP, he's done a great job!! :-D

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

Too right Spidey eradicate every last one of the fuckers. All they ever did was squeel for their buttwelding controllers.

The 20% that want to return any of these hoons don't realise they will construct a gonadless lump that will take time removing whilst the main play gets rolled out.

We have no time.

Carpet bomb them at every opportunity, they REALLY deserve it.

The multi front war approaching needs this bunch reduced to rubble.

One front down so many to go.

Heads up.

Barking Spider said...

Bloody magic that, how did Youtube figure out to thumbnail the best still ? Yeah, Piss off Gordon.

Barking Spider said...

Ollie could do the same vid about us stateside. Just recast a few characters from the last administration and this one, and it's the same fucking story.

Barking Spider said...

Pure good luck, I think, Banned! On Daily Motion you can edit the thumbnail but on You Tube.........

Barking Spider said...

Every time I read your blog, Dr. Dave, and Opus#6, Nickie Goomba, Teresa, Bunni, The Conservative Lady, Track-A-Crat, and more....I am immediately struck by the similarity of what you are all going through to what we have had to endure over here! Left-wing politics and methods are the exact same the whole world over! They set about creating a totally miserable dystopian society and the population are gradually cowed into submission by their draconian laws and tactics.
You guys have a much better chance to ruin Obama's plans as looking at Britain is a window into your future, if you allow it to happen, just as for us, looking at China is a window to our future.....revolution anyone?

Barking Spider said...

Hi Spidey!  this video was super, horribly scary!  What a find, I've faved on my channel.  I sure hope America can stop our scum sucking nazi's in their tracks, or we're headed down this same bleak road even faster.  Thanks for the shout out.  These days I've been saving my "fighting" spirit for personal matters, but I still manage to visit and comment.  I'm keeping my blog "cute" lately, to cheer myself up.
Happy Halloween and get lots of treat!  viva la Revolution!

Barking Spider said...

Very well done. Labour has earned itself the visceral hatred of much of the country. The rest will realise what's happened when the government toes after them, which will be too late, of course.

Barking Spider said...

This log in business is a nightmare Spidey.  Just wondering where you are.

Barking Spider said...

I love Labour's latest proposal, of forcing private hospitals to treat those on NHS waiting lists (i.e. everyone).  So those who have private care in the UK now get the pleasure of paying for health insurance three times - once for the State-provided option they don't use, once for the private option they do use, and, perhaps soon, once again for those receiving "free" private care that the public option is too inept to provide.

Sounds fair.

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, Fausty, how right you are! That 20% - 25% hard core of Labour-voting thickos are hard to get through to!! *DONT_KNOW*

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni:

Glad you liked it and thanks for faving it. I've noticed your blog is full of cute furry things these days - are you all right there or has it got a bit heavy duty?
Hope you have a happy Halloween, too - talk soon.

Spidey :-D

Barking Spider said...

Labour have an excellent record for incompetence and taxing the shit out of us, TAC! I wonder how much more they will wreck before we get rid of them?! :(

Barking Spider said...

<span>Just been taking things a bit easier for a few days, GV. Have you been trying to get in touch?  
I see you've sorted out how to log in, but unfortunately, it won't remember you the next time you want to leave a comment unless you create a log-in profile at JS-Kit. Just click on this link and it will take you straight to where you can do that. It should also recognise your Twitter profile.  
                                                :) </span>

Barking Spider said...

NHS have been sending people private for a while now. only to stop themselves breaching the old 6 month waiting list rule, nothingto do with clinical need. NHS pay a discount rate and guess what ? It often works out cheaper than doing it themselves FFS.
Private hospital staff tell me that chav NHS patients think they are in a hotel and treat the staff like shit, unlike their paying clients.