Saturday 10 October 2009


Gigits tells me that I gave him the idea for this naughty little number, so you can blame me!




Barking Spider said...

That was funny, great drawing as usual.  I didn't think it was that that awful....not as naughty as some of them...or maybe I'm just getting jaded..hee hee.

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Bunni, and I can think of at least one that was......

Barking Spider said...

I laughed my arse  off.  I'm now a fan of Gigit's. 

Barking Spider said...

Glad you liked it, Guest, I love Gigits' sense of humour.

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

BS you and Gigits are a fine filth team. Top banana.

Barking Spider said...

This was really funny.

Barking Spider said...

Dear God!


Barking Spider said...

Thanks for the post, Spidey. You are the fertilizer that encourages the propagation of my sick ideas for Pillow Talk  ;)

Amusing Bunni, I'll try to make the next one a bit more "near the knuckle" for you :-[ . PS: It's not really drawing, as such, some is, but most of it is just converted photos - as you can probably tell.

Barking Spider said...

Very good!

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, Opie. :-D

Barking Spider said...

I know you really love this stuff, D. ;)

Barking Spider said...

Thanks Gigits - I think?! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Daniel. :-D

Barking Spider said...

How very dare you!

Oh, OK. I own up: these toons are pretty brilliant. I still think Gigits is a nutter, though :-P (And one hell of an artist).

I'd love to see him/her do one on the Draper/McBride/Brown axis of evil. Yeah, old news - but rich pickings there, shurely.

Barking Spider said...

I knew it, D, and, let's face it , Gigits is our kind of nutter :-D
I think there might be something very funny coming soon, not the scenario you mentioned - but I'm not going to say any more than that.

Anonymous said...

Ace! It's what we've probably all imagined (in our nightmares!).

Barking Spider said...

Ace, Spidie (and Gigits)!

Nightmares are made of this!

Barking Spider said...

Technicolor nightmares, Fausty! =-O

Barking Spider said...

Excellent stuff.

Barking Spider said...

Glad you made it before I moved on from this one, Dr. Dave - aay cheeky leetle nohmber, don't you theenk, ne ce pas? ;)

Thanks for that picture, mate, it's a real goodie - saved for future use! :-D