Friday 23 October 2009



Here we fucking go - what did I tell you?!


Barking Spider said...

And now this: a former govt adviser has admitted Labour used immigration for social engineering  purposes.  Big-time trouble is coming our way.

Barking Spider said...

Now, that is a great blowing of the old whistle, GV, it confirms what we all knew for a long time.

Barking Spider said...

<span>Very true, Teresa, but at least you guys have Fox News. We get Fox News here, too, but we won't our own British version until at least sometime next year, and then the lefty MSM can fuck off and die!</span>

Barking Spider said...

Spidey 2010 rigourous voting method all 646 out. By 2015 we'll be too late.

Barking Spider said...

2011 will already be a hopeless fucking nightmare if we don't do something decisive next year, INCOMING!!!!!!! >:o

Barking Spider said...

Fuck me, even the Telegraph are lying. They quote Griffin as saying " KKK are non-violent "; no, what he said was that the individual they mentioned was 'non-violent' ( daft as that may be, black gloves and wotnot ).
Beeb gave Griffin  coming over " poor little me, all hard done by " this afternoon, not a good idea for Griffin  to do this but from your Sky vid BS not his actual stance at all.

Barking Spider said...

The Beeb and the lefty MSM are lying through their lefty teeth, Banned - nothing new there, then, especially with fucking Labour still in power! (for now!!!) >:o

Barking Spider said...

The thing is, 8 million people watched it and quite a few have probably downloaded the program before it disappears off the BBC's site.

I had a mixed feeling about that video (in this posting). Although I don't support the BNP I couldn't fault him.

The political classes and the media caused this BNP problem via immigration, lack of sufficient opposition to it and lack of professional journalism.

Then they were stupid enough to try to stitch him up on QT without tackling the very thing BNP supporters are upset about.

This is a volcano that's about to blow!

Barking Spider said...

What can I say, Fausty, you are right again on every count to my way of thinking.

This stupid attempted stitch-up is going to win over even more undecided voters than if the BBC had played it the mature and sensible way - straight and unbiased. (that would never happen, I know)

Barking Spider said...

By the way, Banned, they also misquoted Griffin as saying to Straw that his father had been "arrested".

I corrected that in the newspaper extract, (previous post), to what he actually said, which was:

"My father was in the RAF while yours was in prison for refusing to fight"!

A bit different, eh? Not "arrested", but "in prison"!! :-D

Barking Spider said...

I noticed that too BS but thought just the one example of their mendacity sufficient :-D .

Barking Spider said...

The BBC are really getting their arses kicked in the papers today, heh, heh! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Do you remember after 9/11, when the BBC packed the Question Time audience with radical Islamist's, who proceeded to attack with no little menace, the shell shocked American ambassador to London?

The BNP fiasco was yet another wake up call to the people of this Country, that BBCNew Labour IS the far left.

Barking Spider said...

<span>Yes, mate, I do remember! What really continues to piss me off is the ongoing myth that the BNP, like the Nazis under Hitler are the far right!! 
D&C, I realise that you know yourself that the BNP is further LEFT than the current shower of shit that's in power, just as Hitler was, but there are a lot of innocent, unworldly people out there who completely swallow the propaganda/gospel according to Labour although the reverse is the truth - socialists always say the reverse of what they actually do! 
Listen carefully, people - Nazi is a German abbreviation for National Socialists, "National Sozialisten" - FAR LEFT, not far right!! >:o </span>