Wednesday 7 October 2009



Barking Spider said...

This is beautiful. I'm definitely gonna have to steal this idea!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Nickie, go for it, mate.

Barking Spider said...

Hi Barking, glad you like the new site and design :) thanks for sharing the video

Barking Spider said...

this comment thing is good, how do I add my avatar ?

Barking Spider said...

Spider, Great video. A warning to us all.

Barking Spider said...

I feel the way the man chasing traffic felt in the end. Who is listening. Are we enough to stop the madness?

Barking Spider said...

Just noticed I can't spell " Angry old may"?

Barking Spider said...

Spidey like lift from MM. But I still cannot get my head round your new comment thingy.


Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Incoming!!!!!!! I asked JS-Kit about this problem and they tell me the best thing to do is log in with Google Friend Connect and that should solve it.

Barking Spider said...

My pleasure, MM.

Barking Spider said...

Try logging in with Google Friend Connect, MM and if that doesn't take care of it, just click on the JS link and create a profile for yourself there. It allows you to edit the profile/add an avatar etc..

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, AOM, I love the very last line "they're not human" - how true.

Barking Spider said...

I don't know, Opie, perhaps not - not without a real blood and guts fight!

Barking Spider said...

I was wondering who she was, AOM?!

Barking Spider said...

PS - if that doesn't solve it just click on the JS-Kit link on this comments page and you can create a full profile for yourself there - no strings attached.