Friday 11 February 2011

Pat Condell On Multiculturalism

Yet another great video from Pat - he's definitely doing something right as the trolls are now lying in wait, ready to pounce as soon as he posts a new video on You Tube - what a shame no-one believes the Lefty twats any more! Bwahahahahaha!


Sheriff said...

Nobody ever asked me if I wanted diversity so no, I don't celebrate it. Neither do I feel enriched by being invaded by Somali pirates and Albanian gangsters.

Pat is spot on as usual especially about Jihad by stealth ans Camerons allowing it to carry on business as usual whatever he says.

Meanwhile Nocolas Sarkozy jumps aboard the 'multi-culturalism has failed' bandwaggon in an attempt to avoid the Tahir Square treatment from the locals who are realing what a fucking mess their country is in, just like ours
""We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him,"

Sheriff said...

Go Pat! Spot on everytime, what a star. Oh, and yes Spidey, the lefty trolls can have a taste of some 'multiculti-cut-out-yer-toungee' treatment for telling so many pork pies!

Sheriff said...

Once again Pat is spot-on! I wish this guy would speak at both the EU and the UN with universal news coverage being mandatory viewing in all schools around the globe and after he leaves the premises we blow-up both buildings.

Afterwards, any jackass that even mentions the word "multi,,,,,,ism" will have to attend a re-education program on world history (the real history) called; "Wake-up you Moron, This is Reality"

Sheriff said...

Why, oh why is Pat Condell not our Prime Minister ?

Instead of the slimy, treacherous, spineless cretin currently holding the position ..

Sheriff said...

Like you, I don't "celebrate" any of that diversity shit,banned, I fucking detest it! >:o

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people who want to settle here and integrate fully but I have absolutely no truck with the lying Labour agenda of multiculturalism and diversity which is nothing short of a hostile takeover and destruction of our heritage from within! There's that "Fall of Rome" analogy again! >:o >:o >:o

You might enjoy this comment over at the Daily Express which is mostly an extremely succinct open letter to Cameron from a Dr Frank Ellis. ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

Pat's the man who tells it so right that the trolls both hate him and are scared shitless of him, Max - they really should try not to lose their heads but that would involve waking up and growing up....... so I suppose that's them fucked, then! ;) :-D :-P

Sheriff said...

Sounds good to me, Christopher, especially the "blowing up" bit!

Sheriff said...

Diversity & " a pile of crap and has been from day one.
It is an excuse for jerks and freeloaders to hijack our countries and coast along, depriving
natural born citizens who have been here for generations.

I wish Pat was our Prez, or Your PM!

Sheriff said...

Yes please, CH - Pat, Nigel Farage and Lord Monckton could eradicate the three biggest areas of contention....... multi-culti-cuntitude for Pat, the EUSSR for Nigel and the New World Order climate religion twats for Lord Monckton - job done! :-P :-P :-P

Anyone who doesn't like it, (that'll be all the stupid Lefties, then), will be taken out and....... :-D

Sheriff said...

I completely agree, Teresa, it's the classic commie method of destroying a country's national identity and culture - the Lefty politicians responsible should all be hanged for treason! Quite revealing that Tony B.Liar abolished the death penalty for treason in 1994 - making sure he covered his own arse! >:o

Sheriff said...

Yes, this and Nigel and so on are so vital right now.  We have to pile on the pressure.

Sheriff said...

That's the only way to do it, James, they won't do what's necessary of their own free will! >:o