Thursday 10 February 2011

John Hirst Torn To Shreds By Brillo On The Daily Politics

I do love to watch Brillo demolishing this cunt! So that's.......
Brillo 2 - Jailhouse Wanker 0
Axe-Murdering Piece Of Shit, John Hirst


Sheriff said...

P.S.  I don't like him! :-D

Sheriff said...

The issue is vital because it is our first opportunity for a strike fro sovereignty.  I can see us getting out of the effing EU over this one.  Very interesting stuff at the moment.  My eyes are on the parliament, not on J Hirst.

Sheriff said...

The whingeing, whining, cowardly  little shit needs demolishing .. with a length of 4x2, wrapped in barbed wire ..

Hardly surprising  that he's drawing support from Prescott .. they're the same scum from the same shithole that is Hull ..

I used to work there & believe me ..  the population was a totally convincing & compelling argument for either mass sterilisation .. or "ethnic" type cleansing ..

They're not known as "Hully Gully's" for nothing ... They give the rest of Yorkshire a bad name ..

Sheriff said...

I hope you're proved right on this, James, but I don't trust Cameron to do it - not without some forceful "persuasion"! *DONT_KNOW*

This is the best chance to get out of the EU that we've had since 1975. I'm watching the parliament, too, it's just that I can't stand the sight of Hirst although, having said that, he may have done us a huge, unintended favour - now that would be ironic! :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

I wish he'd had a fatal accident whenever he dropped the soap, Bunni, but....... he is now out of prison and stirring shit...... which may yet backfire on him, if you'll pardon the pun! ;) :-D :-P

Sheriff said...

This 'fight' is a set up by the EU, it is something that cameron can afford to lose but use it to show him being "tough" over europe. they are doing the same thing in lithuania over compulsory promotion of gayness to infants.