Tuesday 15 February 2011

British Muslim Faith Schools: Lessons In Hate And Violence

This Channel 4 Dispatches documentary was aired earlier tonight and showed footage of a preacher making offensive remarks about Hindus and ranting: 'Disbelievers are the worst creatures'...... and that's just for starters.......


And....... of course....... the video has now been pulled from You Tube....... and it's still not available at 4oD/Dispatches either....... hmmm!
Here's what Channel 4 are saying about it.......
Dispatches: Lessons in Hate and Violence will not be available on 4oD at this time, due to an ongoing police investigation concerning subjects featured in the programme. 
But this programme has already been transmitted on national television so surely the police, if they were carrying out any investigations, would have stopped the programme from being transmitted until those investigations were concluded. Unless the police only realised that they wanted to investigate having seen the programme either on television or, more likely when it started receiving a lot of attention online! 
Ah, right....... I see....... this is going to be one of those investigations that never ends, methinks - can't have us showing any MooseLimb fanatics in a bad light, no siree, no way, no how! To paraphrase Fawlty Towers,they showed it once but they think they got away with it!
Well, I still have the programme on hard disc so I'll be doing a spot of transferring, editing and uploading to Eye Tube and then I'll be re-posting the video(s) here again, and they can stick their censorship where the sun don't shine!




Sheriff said...

Am I supposed to be surprised about any of this?

Sheriff said...

"regular violence "and then he kicks a boy" Twaddle, light toeing to keep the rowdy in line.

Sheriff said...

To be fair, some good "restorative justice" at the begining of part three.

Sheriff said...

Now come on Spidey.... It's pretty obvious that this is pretty much a one-off and not in any way typical of what goes on in the great majority of respectable Muslim faith schools. Pluralism, diversity, a willingness to live and let live and honest acceptance of different faiths is what Islam is all about. By far the huge majority of muslims are peaceable members of British society, anxious to integrate with British values and contribute towards the needs of the society in which they live....

It's no good, I can't keep this up! :)  but you can see what the MSM - partic the BBC - will be spouting as ever. The great British Gennal Pubic will snort and huff for a couple of days, say, "Fucking Muslims" once or twice, then go back to sleep.

Islam mission statement, "If we can't fight them out, we'll breed them out". If the majority of Brits don't wake up properly, and pdq, then the bastards will fucking do it too.

Sheriff said...

Ohh, and you were doing SO well.... :'(

Sheriff said...

Thanks, Sue, ;)

Sheriff said...

These vile horrible scumbags should be deported or sent to a desert island and nuked.
They are ruining the whole world, and Esp. England and America.  I loathe them more
each day!

I'm happy this was exposed on chnl 4, and I hope people start waking up to what's going on, Spidey!
Thanks for posting.  I think I'll go read the shit head comments now.  They are such liars.  >:o

Sheriff said...


Sheriff said...

The Far Left have also raised a smokescreen to cover their less-than-fragrant arses since WW2....... by peddling the myth that Nazis were "Far Right" whereas, in fact, Hitler had a well-known hatred of bankers and, as National Socialists he and his party were actually Extreme Left - even further Left than the stinking Communists, (International Socialists). >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

Sheriff said...

Or death! >:o

Sheriff said...

You might have thought that using the word "Socialist" would have given the Nazi game away, how come no-one noticed as the Queen might have said?
The BNP follow the same route as their second plank is the re-nationalisation of the means of production.

Sheriff said...

Exactly! You'd think that in the normal scheme of things it would be a dead giveaway! :-D

Sheriff said...

They have already covered their backs by saying it was a ....can not remember the exact words, but "a student getting some practice in" (?).

So, opnce again, like the proverbial slippery eel in a bucket of pig shit, they have already produced their "get out clause". "It wasn't us....it was HIM!!!"