Friday 16 April 2010


There have been photographs in the newspapers over the last few days of Sarah Brown's bare feet from when she visited a temple. The picture in the paper showed her little toe as misshapen and deformed. 

Closer inspection shows that she actually has an incredibly ugly growth on the little toe of her left foot.......



Barking Spider said...


Barking Spider said...

She has a fungal infection on her toenails as well.  Poor woman probably got it from her manky husband sucking and drooling on her toes.

Barking Spider said...

Oh my God, I hadn't thought of that, Scunnert..... that's just too awful to contemplate..... oops, hurl!.... =-O

Barking Spider said...

Not a pretty sight, Odie, she really should have that surgically removed! :-P

Barking Spider said...

Revolting and just before breakfast too!

Barking Spider said...

Spidey, that's an acid bath job that one!!! Did you catch the pre-programming coming from that stinking dump in Shepherd's Bush getting us ready for the hung parliament. They are going to do everything to make sure parliament is neutered and we are disenfranchised effectively. Scumsuckingloons, they are totally cuntset.

Barking Spider said...

I hope to fuck that she doesn't bite her toenails .. cos then she'd risk getting both Foot & Mouth disease ..

Ohh .. on second thoughts ... :-D

Barking Spider said...

I hope that's yellow nail varnish!

Barking Spider said...

Defintetly Teh Funneh, Spidey.

Barking Spider said...

Looks as if she's just given Manglebum a good "footing" .... :-$

Barking Spider said...

Oops, sorry about that, James, I hope you weren't eating any cheese at the time! :-P

Barking Spider said...

Yes I did, INCOMING!!!!!!!, and the sheeple will fall for it! Sky News and ITN have been just as bad..... I don't tend to watch Channel 4 or Channel 5 news as they are too Lefty-biased for words, but I would imagine they're both pumping out exactly the same pre-programming message as BBC Pravda. >:o

However, three weeks is a long time for Clegg to avoid falling foul of some media-inspired, political animal trap. ;) :-P

Barking Spider said...

I like it, CH, seems like she's passed it on to Gordoom - sometime just before the start of his "campaign", I'd say. ;)

Barking Spider said...

If only that were so, Fausty, but I'm afraid your first impression was the right one! =-O

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, SB, I couldn't resist it, mate. :-D

Barking Spider said...

Ick, her feet look like she has the plague.  For Fuck's sake, why doesn't she fix her nails?
I can imagine what gordooms look like, probably satan's hoofs. =-O
I hope your weekend is fun so far, Spidey.  8-)

Barking Spider said...

"Satan's hoofs", lol, Bunni, :-D that yellow fungus is lovely! =-O

Great weekend, thanks, hope you're enjoying your time off. ;)