Sunday 18 April 2010



Barking Spider said...

Hi Barking, soz, not been online much recently. Great cartoon and there was a very similar one in the Telegraph yesterday which also sums up how many of us  see all of the three main party leaders. If only dippy Dave would stop trying to be so fucking nice.

Barking Spider said...

Beautiful, BS.  And yet people are being swayed by that hot air.  What does that say about the common man whom we are supposedly supporting?

Barking Spider said...

That is hysterical.

Barking Spider said...

Been busy lately but reading the line on your U.K election over here in the U.S. is mixed.

What is the feeling on the ground there look like? Do conservatives have a chance? And just who is this Kleg person? I first heard of him in the recent debate.

Barking Spider said...

Yep, sums it up. The election campaigns are a big yawn. So predictable, so empty.

Richard North at EU Referendum raises some interesting questions about the Icelandic volcano.

Barking Spider said...

This is very true, Spidey!  That's all they spew, hot air.
The one good thing about the Volcano is that Obummer couldn't 
get to Poland.  The mourners were spared having to look at the jug
eared jagoff, and the media wasn't able to fixate on him.  He won't be
able to usurp that event, like he does everything else. 

Barking Spider said...

I was wondering where you'd got to, mate, good to see you back.

This cartoon is so spot on, Brookes usually manages to get straight to the point and cut through all the crap in the process. Similar one in the Mail on Sunday, too. ;)

Barking Spider said...

Cheers, SB, I love Peter Brookes' work, the man is brilliant. :)

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Christopher,

The Lefty MSM have realised that Brown hasn't a hope in hell of winning the election, so the mere fact that Clegg didn't make a fool of himself was enough for the MSM and polling organisations to manipulate and "weight" the figures which do not reflect the YouGov poll taken immediately after the first debate - those initial figures had the percentages pretty much the same as they have been over the last few weeks. 8-)  

I still think the Tories will have a comfortable majority on election day and that the Lefty MSM are merely talking up Clegg and actively promoting a "hung parliament" where Labour would still be in control, giving us poor bastards another five years of Brown in a coalition with the Liberals, who are even further left than Labour - and it's the only way the Libs could ever get a sniff of holding any power at all. ;)

Two and a half weeks and two more debates is a long time in politics - Cameron just needs to grow a pair. :-P

Barking Spider said...

This has to be the worst one yet and I'm fed up to the back teeth with it, Fausty..... I just wish we could vote now, get it over with and get our lives and freedom back. >:o

I haven't seen the Richard North article as yet but I have a feeling I know where he'll be coming from and I have a feeling he'll be right! ;)

Barking Spider said...

Thank you Barking. I appreciate the realistic viewpoint.

Barking Spider said...

My pleasure, Christopher. :)

Barking Spider said...

Spidey I think you are about to be proved correct on the wait for Clegg to be dropped into/drop himself into something big and smelly. Hehehe!!! What we need Spidey to liven things up is some Gigits. Any idea where he's got to? I thought he was just having a siesta, but he's been gone ages.

Barking Spider said...

Clegg's tetchiness is starting to show, INCOMING!!!!!!!, Cameron needs to encourage him to let fly on Thursday and then their poll ratings will plummet to where they belong. It's going to happen, sooner or later, before the election.  :-P

I wish I knew where Gigits is, mate, we could really do with his acid wit right now and I miss visiting his blog every day, too. :(

Barking Spider said...

Usually with politicans ... doesn't it come out the other end ? :-P :-P :-P

Barking Spider said...

Yes it does, Odie, I only wish that Peter Brookes had illustrated it, (as we all know he can), in all its gory detail and in glorious Technicolor! (I wonder what colour it would have been????........ ) :-P =-O