McKinnon could be extradited to US by Christmas
Alan Johnson said he had considered demands for him to intervene in the case but had decided the extradition would not breach Mr McKinnon's human rights.
The 43-year-old, from Wood Green in north London, is accused of breaking into the Pentagon's computer system but says he was just seeking UFO evidence.
Mr McKinnon, who has Asperger's syndrome, was given hope last month when the Home Secretary agreed to study new medical evidence before deciding on his extradition to the US.
Mr Johnson's deliberations came after the High Court refused Mr McKinnon permission to appeal to the Supreme Court against his removal to America.
Mr McKinnon's family say that his health has deteriorated significantly under the pressure of the pending extradition and fears about how he will be treated by the US authorities.

Alan Johnson rejected new appeal
Now in a statement, Mr Johnson said: "I have carefully considered the representations in the case of Gary McKinnon.
"The information is not materially different from that placed before the High Court earlier this year and does not demonstrate that sending Mr McKinnon to the US would breach his human rights."
He added: "As the courts have affirmed, I have no general discretion. If Mr McKinnon's human rights would be breached, I must stop the extradition. If they would not be breached, the extradition must go ahead."
Mr McKinnon's mother, Janis Sharp, said Mr Johnson and the Government "should hang their heads in shame".
"To force a peaceful, vulnerable, misguided UFO fanatic like Gary thousands of miles away from his much-needed support network is barbaric," she said.
"This is a cruel and miserable decision. If the severity of Gary's medical condition isn't sufficient to prevent his extradition, I can't imagine what is. "God help others facing a similar fate. I'm so upset and angry."
Ms Sharp said her legal team would now apply for a judicial review, but if that was not granted then her son could be extradited before Christmas. "What a heartless and cowardly decision this is," she added. (That's a polite way of putting it!)
Every time this sneaky little shit makes a move, he proves himself to be a spineless cunt with the morals of a snake - no wonder he's been keeping such a low profile for the last few weeks! Alan "I'm just a hack politician" Johnson is even a fucking embarrassment to hack politicians everywhere - this man has no integrity whatsoever and no balls either and will do anything his master, Gordon Brown, tells him to do, and as Gordon is still busy trying to insert himself all the way into Obama's arse, this outcome was a foregone conclusion!
The sooner this pathetic, paranoid government is given the boot by the British people, the better - they have six months left, clinging onto power simply to line their pockets for as long as they possibly can and then Labour really must be consigned to the dustbin of history forever as they can never be trusted again, not least when it comes to doing the "right thing" - their favourite line of defence when they get caught out doing the wrong thing, which, as we all know, is a Labour speciality!
I honestly hope that the two-faced, lying, bad-tempered, nasty, shitty little cunt does get Brown's job as Labour leader - he's already blown his credibility with the public so he could be a huge help in the fight to keep the bastards out of power! Besides, who else have they got......David Minibrain? Ed Testicles? Batty Hattie Harpy? Ed Militwat? Bwahahahahahaha!!!
I rest my case!
The traitorous scum play both sides. Criminally selling the souls of the Lockerbie victims and a dead policewoman to Libya for the sake of an oil deal for fat twats and a country shoot or two, whilst trying to make it up to Baraq Hussein.
Bearing in mind, this muppet Johnson trudged around in the wind and rain getting his shirt tails nipped by yapping mutts for 20 years before realising he could get into an office of sorts, I sincerely hope he becomes Labour leader. He's not mad. He's just plain thick! It'd be almost funny...
Absolutely, CS, I really hope the little arsehole does get the job - he will be every bit as good for the Labour party as Brown has been - and watching Cameron eat him for breakfast at PMQs every week would be hilarious, to say the least!
There are plenty of reasons why Gary McKinnon should not be extradited to the USA but I don't include his health or 'human rights' among them. Principally, the whole treaty is so lop-sided that I am begining to question my usual pro-America come what may attitude.
Johnson is just clearing the way to a warm welcome on the US lecture trail post electoral calamity. Twat, they have never heard of him :'( because he is not Tony Blair or The Queen.
One day they'll make Labour - The Film.
X-rated or, at the very least, 18, James, and certainly not for people of a nervous disposition!
Screenwriters would have a field day as they would be spoilt for choice with the amount of Labour horror stories they'd have to draw from! 8-)
Great last para Spidey. Couldn't have summed it up better myself!
Any of those fuckers are more than capable of continuing the Labour Disaster Movie without even calling for a re-write.
Thick as shite AJ4PM? Sounds like another classic over-promotion to me, a la Body Bag Bob ;)
Spider,As you say Johnson is indeed an ideal replacement for McDoom, no spine, always doing the right thing, No credibility and not a hope in hells chance of making Labour electable.
And they think that he's their best shot at it, AOM! ;)
<span>Thanks for that, GOT - thick bastards, every one of them! </span>
<span>AJ4PM always had a hollow ring to it and sounded like hopeless desperation to me - without a doubt it's another classic case of Labour over-promotion! </span> :-D
Classic "horror", Fido! :)
During the select committee hearing, Johnson kept saying that the legal advice he obtained was the he couldn't prevent the extradition. The Tories claimed they'd received legal advice to the contrary.
Johnson's playing a double game.
It rather suits his two-faced personality, Fausty - he has been told time and time again by the best legal minds in Britain that he has the power to intervene but chooses to ignore them for political expedience and because he's a gutless wonder! >:o
Wait until he gets over here. His medical condition will be the center of a circus that will rival the KSM trial.
They are rushing this extradition through because they don't want to upset the Septics - who fear that Cameron might grow a pair and stop the handover when he gets in.
Typical - they are turning this blokes life into a large pile of steaming shit and handing it to him in a bag....all probably in exchange for just a photo-op between McDoom and One Term Barry at the Hopenhagen Conference. Fuckers.
I really hope so, CB, the poor guy has been through years of mental torture and is feeling suicidal.
I couldn't have put it more eloquently myself, Eye! :)
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