Sunday 29 November 2009


Advert Campaign 

"Act On Co2"


You may have noticed that I haven't had much to say yet about the climate change, AGW, global warming, Act On Co2 or whatever the fucking else those money-grabbing, kiddie-hoodwinking bastards are calling it these days. It strikes me that if they don't stop using the word green six times a twatting sentence, every time they open those gobshite, lying gannet-holes of theirs, they'll wear the fucking word out.

I'm sick and fucking tired of seeing that 'Act On Co2' scaremongering shit being rammed into our childrens' innocent heads, in a blatant attempt to use our own kin as some kind of 'conscience leverage'.

OOoo drowning puppies, poor thirsty rabbits, look at those floating kittens. It's all the grown-ups fault. Turning on light bulbs. Flying in big metal birds. Watching the TV. Eating ickle lickle moo moo cows. Oh, and heaven forbid, using an evil motor car to get to work.

Fuck off!
Fuck the fucking fucketty fuck off!

I'm sick of the humongous bollocksing hypocrisy of the whole twatting lot of them. The patronising politicians, the low-life 'leaders', the holier-than-fucking-thou do-fucking-gooders. It's okay for them to swan around the fucking globe, by the hundred with their sycophantic hangers-on, burning energy like there's no cunting tomorrow and then they proceed to scare the fucking shit out of our kids about how much energy WE are wasting.

Give me fucking strength!

So here is my version of the 'Act On Co2' advertising campaign.

It's the biggest project that I've tackled so far, mainly because I'm so incandescent with rage I just wanted to find a way of fighting back against the government brainwashing.

I'm hoping that as many people as possible will run with a few of these adverts by posting them on blogs and emailing them to anyone they think will be interested, in an attempt to flood the blogosphere with this alternative message.

Far be it from me to tell you all what to do, it's not my style, we should all still have the freedom to do what we think is right for us and our families but I am deadly fucking serious about all this. I'm really trying my best to do something constructive. Something that might make just make a difference.

Thank you.

Please click on any image to enlarge and view full size
and/or download them.

If this all manages to gather a bit of momentum
I have plenty more ideas for further adverts.

So, there you have it, folks, another great post by GOT. 
Please - let's all help to make this campaign go viral, if possible! 
Together, we can be strong - together we can beat them!


Barking Spider said...

I am going to put 2 of these anti-climate change ads on my sidebar and link to this post so others can check them out and maybe do the same.  I am assuming that Grumpy OT made them???
I had to google the original video to see the "bedtime story" because they don't show it here in least not yet.  That is a disgrace and it's just what they are doing to our kids...scaring them to death.
I like the anti ads, although some of them are a little too explicit to post on a Lady's blog.  I had to look up "bollocks" and may add it to my vocabulary.  Nobody will know what I'm talking about.
You are providing me with lots of material lately...thanks.

Barking Spider said...

Hi Spider!  I'm with TCL:  I just did a new post with a cool video, and I also linked you two times!  Your ClimateGate one with all the good video's, and this one from GOT!  I hope this goes viral.  Have a great night!  Be sure to click on the "serious cat"!  He is warning the world about the Climategate scam.

Barking Spider said...

Hi, TCL,

Thanks for that, hopefully this will spread like wildfire! Yes, Grumpy did make these, his style is very much his own, you can't miss it. 
That bedtime story video has no business being on television, apart from scaring and indoctrinating the kids, it's a downright dirty lie, like all politics these days!
I do understand about the "explicit" problems, but "bollocks" is just one of those really useful words that can be used in many different contexts!
I'm happy to provide you with any material you can use, TCL - let's go get the bastards!!

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni,

Thanks for all the links - this is only the start and it looks like it's a good one! :-D

Have a good rest-of-the-weekend, and you know me - as soon as there's a cat in the video, I'm hooked! ;)

Barking Spider said...

Doing my little bit at my place too

Rebuttal for the scary bedtime story ( American )

Barking Spider said...

As a Lady  :-D  you might prefer to use the slightly less rude, almost jocular, spelling of bollox 8-)  .

Barking Spider said...

Bollocks! :-D

Barking Spider said...

A pefect one word description of the whole Climate Change Con debarcle.

I'm absolutely incensed at the way children are being used as pawns in this outrageous piece of political posturing, so thanks to all of you who are helping to spread the alternative Act On Co2 adverts.

Barking Spider said...

<span>I love the "Big green FUCK OFF"! 
Did you see Andrew Marr today? He started off asking whether climate change was a scam and to answer the question, who was his guest? 
None other than Caroline Lucas of the Green Party.  Not a bit biased, then.</span>

Barking Spider said...

I'm nicking this. Well done!  :)

Barking Spider said...

I'll grab one for the sidebar and inform my cadre of your conucopia. So many choices.

Barking Spider said...

I grabbed some of these from G.O.T. last night. Hopefully this gets some traction in the States, too.

Barking Spider said...

Any time, Fausty. :)

Barking Spider said...

Thanks very much for your help, CB, it's much appreciated - this campaign has got off to a flying start and is precisely the sort of internet co-operation our socialist overlords are shit scared of - we can beat these bastards!

Barking Spider said...

I really hope so, SB, obviously it would make a huge difference - already it is getting more coverage on your side of the pond than it is here. The socialist bastards that run this place are already trying to sweep it under the carpet, but they won't get away with it this time!! ;)

Barking Spider said...

Linked to your site in my sidebar!  Thanks for the artwork - keep it coming!

Barking Spider said...

Thank you, LM, for your help and thanks for the link, too.  :)

Barking Spider said...

And as for Caroline Lucas.......... >:o >:o !!!!!!

Barking Spider said...

I got CB's heads-up and I'm gonna use as many as I can!

Barking Spider said...

That's brilliant, SM, thank you very much, mate. :)

Barking Spider said...

In my sidebar.

Barking Spider said...

I assume you know about Anthony's need for ClimateGate art over at WUWT? You and your mighty art-fu could be his dream come true.

Barking Spider said...

Good man, thank you.

Barking Spider said...

<span>I didn't know that, SM, but he's welcome to use any of these he likes and I might just be able to sort out some more for him. </span> ;)

Barking Spider said...

<span>I just utterly don't get it.  Who is making all of this stuff up?  And why?  Why in the world would somebody's objective be to convince people to use less electricity and less natural resources?  Unless they truly had the environment in mind.

Barking Spider said...

<span style="">I'm afraid it's about taxation and control, (it's being used as a large stick to beat us with),a basis for World government at the UN, and, ultimately, population control - just think about those proposed "forced vaccinations" with their deadly side-effects for a large number of people.  
The last time there was an outbreak of swine flu in 1976, thousands more people died from the vaccine than from the disease, many others suffered serious side-effects. The present vaccine was even less tested than the previous and most nurses in our NHS have refused to have it.  
The amount of CO2 being created for these self-serving climate whores to whoop it up in Copenhagen would, according to their own reasoning, do  more damage to the environment than the rest of us put together - I don't see them cutting back on their junkets.  
Besides, it's not CO2 that creates a greenhouse effect, it's water vapour and the sun so unless we can change the Earth's orbit we cannot influence the climate.  
So, unfortunately, the environment is merely "A Convenient Lie" for the governing elite to control us with impunity, SG.   :( </span>

Barking Spider said...

Barking S - check out the climategate art at:

Barking Spider said...

That is exactly what they will do, TGF, it's time some of them were imprisoned or shot - then watch the rest of them go running off into hiding!!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks for the heads up, SM, I'm just going over there now for a look. :)

Barking Spider said...

Its just typical of this government to instill paranoia into the populas about global warming, yet another spin to increase a tax which is a natural phenomina.To paraphase Dick turpin (brown)those who are non believers think the earth is flat is being sanctamonious in our intelligence.This process has been happening since time and memoriem.Go back into your records (oh sorry they only go back to whats convienient for people to be turned ) and look at several hundred years or so and read accounts of weather variations .
Someone broke into the norwich computers emails and they tried to fool everyone into thinking and dismissing the public as stupid, saying the evidence is so convincing enough to believe they were telling the truth.
So now the whole world has been suckered into this c02 romance without a shred of obtainable evidence.Phil has now resigned (why)? Its total worldwide conspiracy.

Barking Spider said...

Absolutely it is a worldwide conspiracy, as demonstrated by the Copenhagen tax-us-all-to-death junket!

We also end up with a UN/IPCC inquiry investigating themselves - I can already smell the whitewash and bullshit coming our way! Even the Met Office investigation will, I'm sure, be interfered with by this poxy, totalitarian government!

I have a strong feeling that our only possibility of rescue from this false religion lies with the American inquiry. >:o

Barking Spider said...

Thankkkk god im not the only one!
Gosh, in australia im sooo fucking glad that we just barely escaped the massive ETS tax, thank you Kevin Rudd for nearly drowning us in poverty. God and that awful copenhagen garbage. My goodness, the opening video was enough to show how the governments is brainwashing us!
I just cat wait til all those left wing nuts in 50 years are proven wrong, adn im hoping im around to see it happen!

Barking Spider said...

You are most definitely not alone, Guest. ;)

30,000 scientists and the founder of the Weather Channel are going to sue Gore, and that's just for starters!

A handful, (by comparison), of UN/government-funded "scientists" have trotted out this "climate change" garbage, just as their political masters told them to do!

The recent result in your Liberal party's leadership election also shows that many people are wising up to the worldwide scam.

They will be proved wrong and I don't think we'll have to wait 50 years for that to happen - at least I hope we don't. :)

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Opiniator, good to see you here and thanks for your glowing comment.

I don't think that anyone will fall for the old over-hyped pandemic trick again - not after the recent swine flu gaffe and the talk of enforced vaccinations which accompanied it.

People are more easily controlled if they believe there is a crisis that only their "glorious" Left-Wing government can fix - everything that you mentioned falls into this category. It's a Lefty/Communitarian/Communist/UK/EU/US ploy to keep us all under the thumb.

Thank God for the internet! ;)