Monday 2 November 2009


I really hope that this doesn't mean what I think it does!

Don't give up on blogging, Grumpy, you have a loud voice in the blogosphere, every voice is badly needed in this rotten Country that used to be Britain and I know for certain that I'm not alone in wanting you to carry on standing up for the constitutional rights that Labour ride roughshod over every day.

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Barking Spider said...

Fuckeries :( !  Wot's up with G.O.T. then =-O  ?

Barking Spider said...

Wish I knew, mate, but there didnt seem to be much doubt about this post which is titled as "That is all" over at his place. I hope we can all talk him out of it! :(

Barking Spider said...

I hope it is not a farewell post, he is too good and too funny.

Barking Spider said...

I completely agree, Daniel, he was even assigned his own red troll so he was definitely worrying the Establishment. I hope he will change his mind when he's had a little time to think about it. *DONT_KNOW*

Barking Spider said...

I've never visited Grumpy's blog before, but now I will check it out.  I hope it's not too late.

Here is a link to a post I did on the guy who asked Al Gore a question.  There is a video:

Barking Spider said...

I hope he isn't packing it in.

Watching that video makes you realise how bloody good he is.

Barking Spider said...

Me, too, Rab, and you are absolutely right about how good he is!

Barking Spider said...

Thanks for the link, TCL, I've copied the embed code and will watch at leisure - I feel an anti-climate-nazis post coming on! ;)

Barking Spider said...

Grumpy needs Labour to create a scheme to keep him going.

Barking Spider said...

I think you're right, Nickie.

Vaclav Klaus has now signed and ratified the EU Constitution/"Lisbon Treaty" which will show David Cameron in his true colours and lose him a lot of votes, mine included.
This may spur Grumpy into action or it may be the reason he's given it up.