Saturday 7 November 2009



Barking Spider said...

This was a very interesting video, Spidey!  Thanks for posting.
Was there anyone we know uinder those masks?   ;)

Barking Spider said...

It's Old Holborn and other Libertarians doing their traditional Guy Fawkes walk, (via the pub(s)), to Westminster on the 5th November and that's all I know. With all that is going on here now I wish the real Guy Fawkes had managed to blow the fuckers up in 1605!
Ha!! :-D

Thanks for your e-mail, Bunni - I'll have a good read at that and get back to you when I've had a chance to digest it all.

Barking Spider said...

I figured that was our pal Old Holborn!  Hurray for him.  I am impressed.  I wish it was 1605 again myself!  I know my note is a bit much to digest, but it is very interesting, and you haven't even got half of the pic.....I feel like a secret ninja squirrel spy, who will let loose the dogs of war today...hee hee.  Thanks for your support!  This WILL make a great book, and who knows what else  :-P

Barking Spider said...

I'll look forward to part 2 when I've got this bit all sorted out, Bunni - meanwhile you're stuck in the Devil's Arsehole for another week! =-X