Wednesday 11 November 2009


The birth of the Albion Alliance

This post is timed for 11:03 a.m. on November 11th, 2009.

The Albion Alliance is a non aligned pressure group of like minded patriots, coordinating with all other likeminded groups in the UK, thoroughly sick to death of what’s happened to our nation in the past decade and tired of having no voice to effect change or to affect the policies being pursued at Westminster.
We are a cross-party, grassroots movement wishing to rebuild a solid foundation for the future of our country – a foundation built on freedom, self determination and sheer common sense, with loyalty to this country and its people being above party politics.
This is not a political party, so no one needs to leave any party – providing they are in alignment with the stated policy – that our primary purpose is to remove Labour from office, closely followed by a referendum on our membership of the European Union as it is currently constituted. From those two policies, all others will later flow.
To achieve this we need:
1. Many signatories to Albion Alliance and the simplest way to do this is to subscribe to the mailing list yourself and then to contact as many people as possible whom you feel are likeminded or who could help with this process;
2. Write to your local MP or candidate from your party, asking if they agree with this policy or not and if not, why not, also suggesting they carry our logo on their campaign literature;
3. Get in behind us by using the forum, offering suggestions, offering time and even contributing financially [we will have a link up in the sidebar in the next two days].
This differs from other internet groups in that it is specifically designed to expand its base into a large pressure group and to push MPs by means of many activities which will appear in the News Section of the site – we are quite proactive in this and will support all other groups which are also trying to achieve this – we are not competing but linking to all such groups and individuals and hoping they will do the same.
But first things first:
1. Please read Ian Parker-Joseph’s explanation of Albion Alliance in Why we need this alliance;
2. Subscribe to the mailing list;
3. Spread the word because only in numbers can we achieve what we need to for the future of this land.
The text of Ian’s letter:
Numerous opinion polls tell us that 70% of the voting public want a referendum on the EU.
Over the past 40 years Britain has been led, against the wishes of its people, into a political union by a discredited political elite without so much as a single vote on the issue from the public. The last time the public were consulted, in 1975, it was for a simple trading partnership called the EEC. No-one has agreed to a political union where the law of this land will be made by unelected officials in a far off land.
We believe that the forthcoming General Election should be the catalyst that forces that referendum. A referendum that simply asks the public:
“Should the United Kingdom remain in a political union with the other member states of the EU. Yes or No?”
In order to force this issue to the top of the agenda, not in another 5 years, but as a priority for any incoming government, we will be asking every PPC to unreservedly commit to putting the country before party by signing up to the principles laid out in this Albion Alliance.
We are not asking any PPC to abandon his or her own party, nor to set up a party in opposition, but to simply put the people whose votes they are asking for, and their country, before all else, irrespective of the Party Whip.
When they become a signatory to the Albion Alliance, they are pledging to force this referendum, they will be asked to carry the Albion Alliance logo on their campaign website and literature, so that you the voter will know that if you vote for this candidate, they have pledged to granting the public that all important voice on the future of these Islands, a United Kingdom, a land once known as Albion.
The public will then know when they are making that all important decision on who to vote for, a vote for a PPC who is pledged to the Albion Alliance means a candidate who is committed to a referendum, where we hope to find a majority of A.A. MP’s across all political parties once the election is over. Such an alliance would also consider policies that are likewise mutually compatable and can be agreed with the members.
I have already made that pledge, and I urge you to write to your current MP, and then to all the PPC’s intending to stand for election in your constituency urging them to make the pledge to the A.A., The Albion Alliance.
Thank you.
Ian Parker-Joseph
Leader, Libertarian Party UK & PPC Torfaen
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Barking Spider said...

Sounds promising. I'm knackered but will attend tomorrow.

Barking Spider said...

Good man, OR, it sounds extremely promising. ;)

Barking Spider said...

I certainly like the sound of this.

Barking Spider said...

Me, too, Nickie, and it is really vital now as it's crystal clear that Cameron has no real desire to rock the EU boat on our behalf.

Opus #6 said...

It is sad that our countries have gotten so far off track.

Barking Spider said...

Joined, but I prefer the term europhiliacs for the enemy.

Barking Spider said...

The Spectator carries an interesting piece today on the Eurosceptic wing of the Tory Party - they want power before they push their agenda.

It'll be interesting to see whether the new candidates lean toward the philes or the sceptics. If the former, then we must suspect that CCHQ is 'managing' in favour of the EU, against the wishes of the vast majority of the people.

Barking Spider said...

This is great!! This movement sounds similar to America's Tea Party movement. I hope that you can push for a referendum on whether the U.K. should belong to the EU, or not? Keeping the pressure on!! This seems like it could have a real chance of working. The EU needs to be crumpled up in a ball and thrown in the garbage.

Barking Spider said...

That's pretty much what the article in the Independent said as well, Fausty, probably not a bad idea, and I'm also pretty sure that CCHQ is managing in favour of the EU! Why else I wonder, would Cameron be "threatening" us all with bringing back those old Europhile dinosaurs we can't stand the sight of - Ken Clarke is already more than enough!

Barking Spider said...

No worries, Big Yin, and good man for signing up! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Great stuff, Banned! :-D

<span>Europhiliacs - not bad - now if only they would bleed to death when you stick a pin in them! O:-) </span>

Barking Spider said...

Thanks, Teresa, I am very hopeful.
Our Country desperately needs a uniting force to bring about the kind of change that the vast majority of the population want but that none of the main parties currently address. The EU does need to be rolled up in a ball and thrown out with the garbage - sealed in a lead container and dropped somewhere in the deepest trench/abyss on the ocean floor, or, better still, launched straight towards the sun! ;)

Barking Spider said...

<span>Signed up </span><span>- TheBigYin.</span>

Barking Spider said...

<span>Fixed up your comment for you, Big Yin, good man for signing up! :-D </span>

Barking Spider said...

BS - you might like to change the logo to Sue's style, now running at our site - it's better than my original.

Barking Spider said...

I'll sort that out shortly, Guest. (James?)