Monday 30 November 2009



Barking Spider said...

won't load :'(

Barking Spider said...

It does now ! This great vid comes no.1 when 'climategate' is searched at youtube :-D

Barking Spider said...

Oh, good, for one moment, there, I thought the bastards might have taken it down! =-O

Barking Spider said...

Excellent.  They'll try to purge this video soon.

Barking Spider said...

I would not be at all surprised by anything they do anymore, Nickie, that's why I usually download the video files while they are still available. ;)

Barking Spider said...

ALex Jones is part of the Tin-foil hat crowd. There are saner voices who can say the same.
BTW, Tony Abbot won in Aussie Land. Hopefullt that means no ETS right before Copenhagen.
No Pooftas!!!!

Barking Spider said...

Very true, CB, Lord Monckton, for example, does it so much better and has all the inside knowledge. ;)

Tony Abbot should now be able to put a large spanner in the works and scupper Rudd's plans, bwahahaha! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Alex Jones is a bit "out there" but he makes alot of sense on this one.  He has his own youtube channel, and I subscribe.

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni, he is out there but recently he's been getting a lot of his information from Lord Monckton and he is bang on with this one! ;)

I get the feeling things are fine with you - give me a shout by e-mail. :-D

Barking Spider said...

Spidey, I'm hanging in there, off for more torture in a bit.  Had to tell you I just posted two video's from We are Change Chicago.  They Chased down al whore in a bookstore!  Also have the New Alex Jones video commenting on the whole thing.  You will enjoy them alot.
Thanks for asking how I'm's awful to have to go there everyday, but until I win the lotto or find somethin else, what can I do?
(Write and read cool blogs....hee hee)

Anonymous said...

Senator James Inhofe is pushing hard for an investigation in the US. Monckton's pushing for one here and so is Lawson.

Dec 15th is looking promising!

Barking Spider said...

Hi, Bunni, I'm glad to hear that you are at least able to cope with the situation.

I've been over to your place already and seen the Al Whore video, but it takes a while for the video to download at that time of day, so I'll be back later to watch the other one later when the traffic isn't so heavy. ;)

Barking Spider said...

The squirming with the AGW freaks is the best part. More fun to come from this for weeks.

Barking Spider said...

Oh, joy, our fun is their pain - what a shame, SB, bwahahaha! :-D

Barking Spider said...

Senator James Inhofe is pushing hard for an investigation in the US. Monckton's pushing for one here and so is Lawson.

Dec 15th is looking promising!

Barking Spider said...

<span>Nice one, Fausty, I'm just going to check out that link! ;) </span>