Wednesday 15 December 2010

James Delingpole On COP16 & Agenda 21 - 10/12/2010

James Delingpole talks about COP16, aka "The Cancún Car Crash" and how our governments will still spin it as a success as they push ever further ahead with implementing Agenda 21.


 PART 2 


Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey.  Alex always has the smartest guests who tell the real deal of what is going on.
I'm glad James is exposing the climate hoaxes.  And if Agenda 21 gets further implemented, we all are in big trouble.
Thanks for posting these interesting video's.   Ewwww, more snowstorms predicted here for later tonight & tomorrow, so much for global warming.  >:o

Sheriff said...

Global government by stealth indeed and with the EU as the blueprint for how to set up a beurocratic facist state without reference to the elecorate.
Delingpole brilliant as always, 'it's cold because it's warming'
And the marxists, having lost the cold war lie and lie again.

Sheriff said...

We wouldn't know the half of it, Bunni, (well, not the truth, anyway!), if it wasn't for the internet and people like Alex Jones giving people like James and Lord Monckton the platform to tell us what's really happening. =-O

Sheriff said...

As for localism I see no sign of Dave using the opportunity provided by cutbacks to root out the Common Purpose marxist cunts who occupy positions of power throughout the public sector from local councils to fake charities and BBC.,

Sheriff said...

365 ways to annoy sa liberal sounds like fun

Sheriff said...

Oooh, yes - one for every day of the year! :-P :-P :-P

Sheriff said...

We must keep our elect<span><span>ed officai's feet to the fire. Your government is way ahead of us in giving their sovereignty away ... Example: the EU. The United Nations needs to be put out of it's misery too. It's all about the will of the people, and that is being ignored.</span></span>

Sheriff said...

Absolutely, Odie - the EU is the Agenda 21 experiment that the rest of the NWO is watching closely and in that respect, our current government is equally as complicit as the last one - if they get away with it, we're all stuffed! >:o