Sunday 12 December 2010

Watch Out - There's An Electronic Pickpocket About!




Sheriff said...

Cheers Barking,,,Thanks for the hat tip but really all need to see this or at least be aware and thanks for posting it here at your site.

My God, all freedom-loving folks have to watch each others backs and you are doing that right now.

Sheriff said...

In my industry we've had this tech for a good few years but that's because we get the best new toys. It's scary when they become mainstream like this and in the hands of common criminals.

Sheriff said...

Eye,,,Thats a scary combination of words,,,mainstream criminals,,,thats what my minds eye picked up.

Then again I guess all of us are used to that no matter wahat side of the pond being we elect them on a regular basis?

Sheriff said...

HI Spidey!  This is great info, thanks to you and Christopher for posting about it.  Another thing we all have to worry about.  Here is the site that sells the sleeves and stuff, in case anyone is interested!  I might order something, or at
least wrap my cards in Aluminum Foil.  Might as well put on a tin foil hat too, hee hee!  :-P

Have a great Sunday!  :)

Sheriff said...

That's crazy Spidey!! Damn!  Another freaking technological advancement for thieves to use to steal easier.  This is another instance of technology gone bad.  Ya gotta be extra specially careful nowadays.  Have a great week Spidey :)

Sheriff said...

My pleasure, mate, you're very welcome - you did all the hard work finding this! ;)

Sheriff said...

For every form of security and every new gadget, there will always be criminals to crack them and exploit them, Eye, and it's always innocent people who get fucked over in the process! >:o

At least there is a simple and relatively inexpensive way to stop this one - I clicked on the link that Bunni left above and ordered myself a shielded wallet for just under $30. ;) :-P

Sheriff said...

No problem, Bunni, and thanks for the link - I've ordered a wallet from them! ;)

At least this latest scam is simple to fix :-P unlike a lot of the other shit going on! >:o

Stay inside out of the blizzards and keep nice and warm - I can imagine what that wind coming off the lake is like! =-O

Sheriff said...

Hi, Teresa, you really can't be too careful these days - I couldn't believe this when I saw it! =-O

It was nice chatting on Saturday - hopefully I'll see you there at our next get-together. ;)

Sheriff said...

Bloody hell!  I can't think of any other reaction.  Freaky.

Sheriff said...

Whatever next?  good grief.

Sheriff said...

Scarey but inevitable, the kit in the vid looked a bit home-made but presumably Mr Eye will have the professional versions.

Sheriff said...

Banned, there a teenagers putting those home-made kits together even as we sleep.

Sheriff said...

Seems it's just as easy as the methods they employed to get into other people's mobile phone accounts with Bluetooth. =-O

Sheriff said...

I'd say you can bet on that, mate! ;)

Sheriff said...

We have a whole new class of criminal these days, Guest. >:o

Sheriff said...

I know - it's hard to keep up with them, Fuzzy. :(