Monday 29 November 2010

Nigel Farage: "Britain Out Now" - A Quick Update

Click this link to sign the petition online.
Click this link to print off petition forms.
Out of Europe



Sheriff said...

Signed up on day one and am now seriously thinking of paying subs to UKIP.

Sheriff said...

Same here, OR - it will be an extremely cold day in Hell before Cameron gets another vote out of me! ;)

Sheriff said...

No-one detests the EUSSR and all its corrupt workings more than me Spidey, but... d'you know something? I've got this awful feeling that it's going to carry on and on gradually growing, extending its tentacles into the lifeblood of the member nations until they cease to struggle. I wonder if everything is going nicely to some sick fucker's plan and that we're all being played for the suckers they think we are?

The one consolation is that the unexpected may still rear up and cut the fuckers off at the knees, but if we're still waiting for the demise of the euro and/or the EUSSR by next Spring I will be convinced that the EU is here to stay ........... until the revolution!

Sheriff said...

I don't claim to fully understand the way that 'the markets' work but don't you just love it when Nigl, frequently, points out that neither do our lords and masters in the  Gauleiter Government* of traitors and quislings at Brussels.
Farage will be seriously pissing them off and I do hope thast he is ensuring his personal security, these Europeans have form when it comes to bumping off or 'disappearing' their foes.

Let's though emphasise once again, I at leat, am not Anti Europe, I am pro-Europe, I love it. what I am is anti-EU, festering pile of feather bedded Euro  bureaucrats abusing me through their misuse of power. As for the money I'm all in favour of helping our continental friends out in their hour of need  be that volcano or Russian invasion but not just so that their civil servants can continue to recieve 14 monthly pay cheques pa, retire at 45 and have 8 weeks fucking holiday (paid for by me).
Since they won't sort themselves out from within, time to go a.s.a.p., lead on Nigel.

*Gauleiter; term used to refer to any overbearing local official, especially one prone to the dictatorial use of political or bureaucratic power. Wiki.

Sheriff said...

The fact is simple we want out. Shame these politicians don't listen

Sheriff said...

Yep, went there - hope it's not just preaching to the converted.

Sheriff said...

As a true-born Englishman .. I fully support what the Shepherd said to his dog ... "Let's get the flock out of here" ... 

Sheriff said...

Agreed the EU is a nightmare on so many levels.  Just be glad you never gave up your currency.

Sheriff said...

Hi Spidey!  Did Teresa tell you on FB that My computer died and is in the shop, I took it Monday morning, so that's why I'm not around to continue our convo's about the laptops and stuff!
Please tell our good blogging friends that's why I haven't gotten back to any of them.
I don't want to sign on to ANY of my accounts at this public Library terminal, so I'll be in touch in hopefully a week or so, when it's supposed to be fixed.

I hope all is well with you, and you aren't getting a big snowstorm.  It's Freezing here, and I walked to the Library and then to Aldi and home, so I'll probably be a big frozen bunni!  Ta Ta, Your Pal,
Amusing Bunni ;)

Sheriff said...

It is a cold day in hell ( well here in Chi town) and he'd never get one out of me...hee hee.
Luv, Bunni :-P

Sheriff said...

Hi bunni, was wondering where you were, come back Soooon!

Sheriff said...

Hi, Bunni,

Yes, Teresa sent me an FB message to let me know what had happened - what a bummer - more bloody expense! :(  

Are you going to be able to save all the files from your old hard drive or do you have them all backed up? Grrrr....... I hate it when that happens!  >:o   

It's snowing like crazy over here - that will be global warming - no wonder the fuckers went to Cancun!  >:o  
I'll talk to you when you get back online. ;)

Sheriff said...

That was more good luck than good guidance, Trestin, plus, knowing Brown, he was probably only being awkward to piss off Blair, who was desperate to get us into the single currency!  *DONT_KNOW*

Sheriff said...

Good man, James, I sign every single one of these petitions that appears - but this one feels like it might have a bit more clout! :-P

Sheriff said...

They're too busy looking after themselves to be bothered about the people they're supposed to serve, MM.  >:o

Sheriff said...

Too bloody right, CH, and the sooner the better mate! :-P

Sheriff said...

I'm sure you're absolutely right about our rotten politicians and the EUSSR, Caractacus, and I'm certain it will all have to kick off bigtime in the streets of Britain before we get what we want - I'm just hoping that, at the very least, this Express campaign delivers a whole shitload of signatures to Downing Street and that the sheeple wake the fuck up to what's being done to them before it's too late! :(